The list of packages of architecture "arm"
8086tiny : PC XT-compatible emulator/virtual machine. Receipt Cooker aalib : A portable ASCII art graphic library Receipt Cooker aalib-dev : devel files for aalib Receipt Cooker acl : Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists. Receipt Cooker acl-dev : Development files for acl. Receipt Cooker adie : Advanced text editor using the Fox Toolkit. Receipt Cooker alsa-lib : Alsa sound libraries. Receipt Cooker alsa-lib-dev : Alsa sound libraries - development files. Receipt Cooker alsa-utils : Alsa sound system utilities and configuration tools. Receipt Cooker alsaplayer : Alsa GTK+ PCM audio player. Receipt Cooker alsaplayer-dev : Alsa GTK+ PCM player devel files. Receipt Cooker alsaplayer-scopes : Alsa GTK+ PCM player scopes. Receipt Cooker aspell : GNU spell checker. Receipt Cooker aspell-dev : GNU spell checker - development files. Receipt Cooker aspell-en : English aspell dictionary. Receipt Cooker aspell-es : Spanish aspell dictionary. Receipt Cooker aspell-fr : French aspell dictionary. Receipt Cooker aspell-pt_BR : Brazilian aspell dictionary. Receipt Cooker aterm : terminal emulator Receipt Cooker atftp : Advanced Trivial File Transport Protocol client. Receipt Cooker atftpd : Advanced Trivial File Transport Protocol server. Receipt Cooker atk : Accessibility toolkit. Receipt Cooker atk-dev : Accessibility toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker attr : Commands for manipulating Filesystem Extended Attributes. Receipt Cooker attr-dev : Development files for attr. Receipt Cooker audiofile : Uniform and elegant API for various audio file formats Receipt Cooker audiofile-dev : provides a uniform and elegant API for accessing a variety of audio file formats, development files Receipt Cooker babl : Pixel format translation library. Receipt Cooker babl-dev : Pixel format translation library - development files. Receipt Cooker beaver : Simple and very light advanced text editor Receipt Cooker beaver-plugins : Simple and very light advanced text editor, plugins Receipt Cooker binutils : GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities. Receipt Cooker binutils223 : GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities. Receipt Cooker bison : GNU parser generator. Receipt Cooker bluez-gatttool : Bluetooth Low Energy device tool. Receipt Cooker busybox : Busybox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities. Receipt Cooker bzip2 : High-quality data compressor. Receipt Cooker bzip2-dev : High-quality data compressor - development files. Receipt Cooker bzlib : High-quality data compressor libraries. Receipt Cooker cairo : 2D graphics library Receipt Cooker cairo-dev : 2D graphics library, development files Receipt Cooker cairo-gl-tools : 2D graphics library, development tools Receipt Cooker cairo-tools : 2D graphics library, development tools Receipt Cooker calculator : Calculator using the Fox Toolkit. Receipt Cooker cellwriter : A grid-entry handwriting input panel. Receipt Cooker check : A unit testing framework for C. Receipt Cooker check-dev : Check - development files. Receipt Cooker clearlooks : Clearlooks GTK+ theme. Receipt Cooker clex : Text mode file manager. Receipt Cooker clinfo : Simple OpenCL application that enumerates all available platform Receipt Cooker compton : Light X Compositor new generation Receipt Cooker conky : Simple and very light system monitor. Receipt Cooker cookutils : SliTaz packages builder new generation. Receipt Cooker ctypes.sh : Foreign function interface for bash. Receipt Cooker curl : Tool and libraries for transfering files with URL syntax. Receipt Cooker curl-dev : Tool and libraries for transfering files with URL syntax - development files. Receipt Cooker cwallpaper-fltk : PC XT-compatible emulator/virtual machine. Receipt Cooker db : Berkeley database system. Receipt Cooker db-dev : Berkeley database development files. Receipt Cooker dbus : A message bus system. Receipt Cooker dbus-dev : A message bus system - development files. Receipt Cooker dbus-glib : D-Bus glib binding. Receipt Cooker dbus-glib-dev : D-Bus glib binding - development files. Receipt Cooker dfbterm : DirectFB Terminal emulator. Receipt Cooker dhid : Open source Dynamic IP Updater. Receipt Cooker dialog : Script-interpreter which provides a set of curses widgets. Receipt Cooker dillo : Light and fast web browser using FLTK. Receipt Cooker directfb : Thin library that provides hardware graphics acceleration. Receipt Cooker directfb-dev : DirectFB - development files. Receipt Cooker directfb-examples : DirectFB examples. Receipt Cooker discount : A C implementation of the markdown language. Receipt Cooker discount-dev : A C implementation of the markdown language - development files. Receipt Cooker dmenu : Dynamic menu launch bar. Receipt Cooker dnsmasq : Lightweight, DNS forwarder and DHCP server. Receipt Cooker dosfstools : Tools to create and check DOS filesystems. Receipt Cooker dropbear : Lightweight SSH2 server and client Receipt Cooker dwm : Very light dynamic window manager for X. Receipt Cooker e2fsprogs : Filesystem utilities for use with ext2, ext3 and ext4 (without fsck*). Receipt Cooker ecore : EFL core event and OS abstraction layer Receipt Cooker ecore-dev : EFL event and OS abstraction layer - Devel files. Receipt Cooker ed : A line-oriented text editor. Receipt Cooker edbus : EFL Dbus wrapping and glue layer library. Receipt Cooker edbus-dev : EFL Dbus wrapping and glue layer library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker edje : EFL Abstract GUI layout and animation object library. Receipt Cooker edje-dev : EFL Abstract GUI layout and animation object library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker eet : EFL Data encode/decode and storage library. Receipt Cooker eet-dev : EFL Data encode/decode and storage library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker eeze : EFL Device abstraction library. Receipt Cooker eeze-dev : EFL Device abstraction library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker efreet : EFL library for handling of freedesktop.org specs. Receipt Cooker efreet-dev : EFL library for handling of freedesktop.org specs - Devel files. Receipt Cooker eina : EFL Core data structure library. Receipt Cooker eina-dev : EFL Core data structure library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker eio : EFL Async I/O library. Receipt Cooker eio-dev : EFL Async I/O library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker elementary : EFL full regular widget set. Receipt Cooker elementary-dev : EFL full regular widget set - Devel files. Receipt Cooker elfutils : ELF object file access library. Receipt Cooker elfutils-dev : ELF object file access library, development files. Receipt Cooker embryo : EFL Small Pawn based virtual machine and compiler. Receipt Cooker embryo-dev : EFL Small Pawn based virtual machine and compiler - Devel files. Receipt Cooker emotion : EFL video and audio codec playback library. Receipt Cooker emotion-dev : EFL video and audio codec playback library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker enca : Enca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser. Receipt Cooker enchant : Enchant spell checking library. Receipt Cooker enchant-dev : Devel files for enchant. Receipt Cooker enchant2 : Enchant spell checking library. Receipt Cooker enchant2-dev : Development files for enchant. Receipt Cooker enlightenment : Enlightenment window manager (E17). Receipt Cooker enlightenment-backgrounds : Additional backgrounds for Enlightenment. Receipt Cooker enna : Enna media center. Receipt Cooker esound : Enlightened Sound Daemon Receipt Cooker esound-dev : Enlightened Sound Daemon Receipt Cooker espeak : Speech synthesizer. Receipt Cooker espeak-dev : Speech synthesizer development files. Receipt Cooker ethumb : EFL Thumbnail generation library. Receipt Cooker ethumb-dev : EFL Thumbnail generation library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker eudev-dev : Eudev development files (libudev). Receipt Cooker eudev-lib : Eudev library files (libudev). Receipt Cooker evas : EFL Canvas and scenegraph rendering library. Receipt Cooker evas-dev : EFL Canvas and scenegraph rendering library - Devel files. Receipt Cooker exiv2 : Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library and tools. Receipt Cooker exiv2-dev : Exiv2 development files. Receipt Cooker expat : XML parsing C library. Receipt Cooker expat-dev : XML parsing library development files. Receipt Cooker fbcat : Takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device. Receipt Cooker fbff : FFmpeg client in frame buffer. Receipt Cooker fbgrab : Frame buffer grabber. Receipt Cooker fbida : Image viewer for the framebuffer console Receipt Cooker fbpanel : Fbpanel is a lightweight GTK2-based panel for UNIX desktop. Receipt Cooker fbterm : A fast FrameBuffer based TERMinal emulator for linux. Receipt Cooker fbvis : A small framebuffer image viewer. Receipt Cooker fbvnc : VNC client in frame buffer. Receipt Cooker fbvnc-auth : VNC client in frame buffer with authentication. Receipt Cooker feh : Lightweight and powerful image viewer and composer. Receipt Cooker ffmpeg : Record, convert and stream audio and video. Receipt Cooker ffmpeg-compat : Record, convert and stream audio and video (compatible libs version). Receipt Cooker ffmpeg-compat-dev : Development files for ffmpeg-compat (used to build enna). Receipt Cooker ffmpeg-dev : Record, convert and stream audio and video - development files. Receipt Cooker ffplay : Very simple and portable media player using the ffmpeg and the SDL library. Receipt Cooker file : Determines file type using 'magic' numbers. Receipt Cooker flac : Free Lossless Audio Codec. Receipt Cooker flac-dev : Free Lossless Audio Codec - development files. Receipt Cooker flex : Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator. Receipt Cooker flrec : FLTK RECorder is a simple audio hard disk recorder Receipt Cooker fltk : Fast Light Tool Kit (provide fluid). Receipt Cooker fltk-blocks : FLTK Blocks game. Receipt Cooker fltk-checkers : FLTK Checkers game. Receipt Cooker fltk-colbrowser : FLT Color browser. Receipt Cooker fltk-dev : Fast Light Tool Kit development files. Receipt Cooker fltk-editor : Fast Light Tool Kit - text editor. Receipt Cooker fltk-sudoku : FLTK Sudoku game. Receipt Cooker flxine : FLTK Xine frontend Receipt Cooker fontconfig : Font configuration utilities and library Receipt Cooker fontconfig-dev : Font configuration utilities and library devel files Receipt Cooker fox : Fox toolkit. Receipt Cooker fox-dev : Fox Toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker fpc-src : Sources for the FreePascal compiler (requierd by the Lazarus IDE). Receipt Cooker freetype : A free, high-quality, and portable font engine. Receipt Cooker freetype-dev : A free, high-quality, and portable font engine, development files. Receipt Cooker fribidi : Free implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. Receipt Cooker fribidi-dev : Development files for Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. Receipt Cooker fuse : Fuse Filsystem in user space. Receipt Cooker fuse-dev : Fuse Filsystem - development files. Receipt Cooker fuse2 : Fuse Filsystem in user space. Receipt Cooker fuse2-dev : Fuse Filsystem - development files. Receipt Cooker galculator : Graphical scientific calculator. Receipt Cooker gamin : File and directory monitoring system. Receipt Cooker gawk : GNU awk to handle simple data-reformatting. Receipt Cooker gc : A garbage collector for C and C++. Receipt Cooker gc-dev : A garbage collector for C and C++ devel files (with libatomic_ops). Receipt Cooker gcc : The GNU Compiler Collection. Receipt Cooker gcc-lib-base : GCC base libraries, libgcc_s and libstdc++. Receipt Cooker gcc-lib-math : GCC math libraries, libquadmath. Receipt Cooker gdb : The GNU Project Debugger. Receipt Cooker gdb-dev : The GNU Project Debugger - development files. Receipt Cooker gdb-lang : The GNU Project Debugger - localised messages. Receipt Cooker gdbm : GNU database indexing library. Receipt Cooker gdbm-dev : GNU database indexing library - development files. Receipt Cooker gdk-pixbuf : An image loading library for gtk2. Receipt Cooker gdk-pixbuf-dev : Development files for gdk-pixbuf. Receipt Cooker gdk-pixbuf-xlib : GdkPixbuf/Xlib API. Receipt Cooker gdk-pixbuf-xlib-dev : Development files for gdk-pixbuf-xlib. Receipt Cooker geany : Small and fast IDE using GTK+ toolkit. Receipt Cooker geany-dev : Geany devel files needed to build plugins. Receipt Cooker geany-doc : Geany official documentation. Receipt Cooker gegl : Generic Graphics Library Receipt Cooker gegl-dev : Generic Graphics Library dev files Receipt Cooker gettext : Utilities for the GNU Translation Project. Receipt Cooker gettext-base : Base tools from the GNU Translation Project. Receipt Cooker giblib : Giblib graphics library. Receipt Cooker giblib-dev : Giblib graphics library development files. Receipt Cooker giflib : A library for processing GIFs. Receipt Cooker giflib-dev : giflib devel files. Receipt Cooker glib : C routines. Receipt Cooker glib-dev : C routines devel files and utilities (with Python codegen). Receipt Cooker glib-networking : TLS support for glib. Receipt Cooker glib-networking-dev : The glib-networking devel files. Receipt Cooker glibc-base : GNU libc minimal libraries and UTF-8 support for SliTaz. Receipt Cooker gmp : GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library. Receipt Cooker gmp-dev : GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic - development files. Receipt Cooker gmpc : A GTK2 client for MPD Receipt Cooker gmpc-dev : gmpc devel library. Receipt Cooker gmrun : Program launcher with autocompletion. Receipt Cooker gnutls : GNU Transport Layer Security Library. Receipt Cooker gnutls-dev : GNU Transport Layer Security Library headers Receipt Cooker gob2 : GTK Object Builder (GOB) is a simple preprocessor for easily creating GTK objects. Receipt Cooker gob2-dev : gob2 development library. Receipt Cooker gobject-introspection : Introspection system for GObject-based libraries Receipt Cooker gocr : Optical Character Recognition program. Receipt Cooker gperf : GNU gperf is a perfect hash function generator. Receipt Cooker gpicview : Lightweight image viewer. Receipt Cooker gpm : Mouse server for console. Receipt Cooker gpm-dev : Mouse server for console, development files. Receipt Cooker gpm-extra : Mouse server for console, extra files. Receipt Cooker gst-omx : GSt OpenMAX IL plugin with hw-accelerated video decoding on the R-Pi. Receipt Cooker gst-plugins-base : GStreamer Base Plugins Receipt Cooker gst-plugins-base-1.0 : GStreamer Base Plugins. Receipt Cooker gst-plugins-base-1.0-dev : gst-plugins-base development files. Receipt Cooker gstreamer : GStreamer Multimedia Framework Receipt Cooker gstreamer-1.0 : GStreamer Multimedia Framework. Receipt Cooker gstreamer-1.0-dev : The gstreamer-1.0 development files. Receipt Cooker gstreamer-dev : gstreamer devel files Receipt Cooker gtk+ : The GIMP Toolkit. Receipt Cooker gtk+-demo : The GIMP Toolkit example code and demo. Receipt Cooker gtk+-dev : The GIMP Toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker gtk+3 : The GIMP Toolkit 3.x Receipt Cooker gtkhash : GTK+ utility for computing message digests or checksums. Receipt Cooker gtkspell : provides highlighting and replacement of misspelled words Receipt Cooker gtkspell-dev : Provides highlighting and replacement of misspelled words. Receipt Cooker gtkspell3 : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets. Receipt Cooker gtkspell3-dev : On-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets, development files. Receipt Cooker harfbuzz : OpenType text shaping engine. Receipt Cooker harfbuzz-apps : OpenType text shaping engine, applications. Receipt Cooker harfbuzz-dev : Harfbuzz development files. Receipt Cooker harfbuzz-icu-dev : Harfbuzz with ICU development files. Receipt Cooker hicolor-icon-theme : Icon theme that all icon themes automatically inherit from. Receipt Cooker hostapd : Daemon for wireless software access points. Receipt Cooker hsetroot : Tool to set desktop wallpaper. Receipt Cooker htop : Interactive process viewer. Receipt Cooker hubbub : Hubbub is a flexible HTML parser. Receipt Cooker hubbub-dev : Hubbub HTML parser devel files. Receipt Cooker i2c-tools : The i2c-tools provide a heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux. Receipt Cooker i2c-tools-dev : I2C tools - development files. Receipt Cooker idesk : IDesk gives users icons on their desktop. Receipt Cooker imlib2 : Imlib graphics library. Receipt Cooker imlib2-dev : Imlib graphics library - development files. Receipt Cooker intltool : Translation tools (PO, XML). Receipt Cooker iw : Wireless configuration tool. Receipt Cooker jack-audio-connection-kit : Low-latency audio server. Receipt Cooker jack-audio-connection-kit-dev : Development files for Jack. Receipt Cooker jack1 : Low-latency audio server. Receipt Cooker jack1-dev : Development files for Jack. Receipt Cooker jansson : C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data. Receipt Cooker jansson-dev : Jansson static libraries and include headers. Receipt Cooker jasper : Implementation of JPEG-2000 codec. Receipt Cooker jasper-dev : Jasper development files. Receipt Cooker jbig2dec : Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format. Receipt Cooker jbig2dec-dev : Development files for jbig2dec. Receipt Cooker jbigkit : Highly effective data compression algorithm for bi-level high-resolution images. Receipt Cooker joe : Joe's Own Editor is an easy to use text editor, supporting syntax highlighting and UTF-8. Receipt Cooker jpeg : JPEG image programs. Receipt Cooker jpeg-dev : JPEG images libraries - development files. Receipt Cooker jsmin : JavaScript minification filter Receipt Cooker jwm : A light Window Manager for the X window system. Receipt Cooker kbd : Keyboard mapping definitions and tools. Receipt Cooker kbd-base : Keyboard mapping definitions, loadkeys and setfont utilities. Receipt Cooker kbd-vlock : Vlock - Virtual Console lock program. Receipt Cooker kexec-tools : Directly boot into a new kernel. Receipt Cooker kmod : Linux kernel modules tools. Receipt Cooker kmod-dev : Kmod devel files. Receipt Cooker lame : MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder. Receipt Cooker lame-dev : Lame (mp3 encoder) development files. Receipt Cooker lcms : A free color management engine in 100K (library). Receipt Cooker lcms-apps : Tiny appsa and tools from the LCMS project. Receipt Cooker lcms-dev : LCMS devel files. Receipt Cooker leafpad : GTK simple text editor. Receipt Cooker lesstif : An LGPL clone of Motif, which is a set of GUI widgets. Receipt Cooker libXaw3dXft : Xpaint module. Receipt Cooker libXaw3dXft-dev : Xpaint module development files. Receipt Cooker libao : Cross-platform audio output library and plugins. Receipt Cooker libao-dev : libao development files. Receipt Cooker libbcm2835 : C library for Broadcom BCM 2835 as used in Raspberry Pi. Receipt Cooker libbsd : Provides useful functions commonly found on BSD systems. Receipt Cooker libbsd-dev : Development files for libbsd. Receipt Cooker libcap : Support for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities. Receipt Cooker libcap-dev : Support for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities - development files. Receipt Cooker libcomerr : The libcomerr library files. Receipt Cooker libcomerr-dev : The libcomerr devel files. Receipt Cooker libcroco : Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit. Receipt Cooker libcroco-dev : Libcroco development files. Receipt Cooker libcrypto : General purpose cryptographic shared library. Receipt Cooker libcrypto-compat : General purpose cryptographic shared library (compat). Receipt Cooker libcrypto-dev : General purpose cryptographic shared library devel files. Receipt Cooker libcrypto11 : General purpose cryptographic shared library (1.1.1 series). Receipt Cooker libcrypto11-dev : General purpose cryptographic shared library devel files (1.1.1 series). Receipt Cooker libcurl : Curl library files. Receipt Cooker libdb : Berkeley database libraries. Receipt Cooker libdb-cxx : Berkeley database libraries (C++ support). Receipt Cooker libdrm : Freedesktop DRM Library. Receipt Cooker libdrm-dev : Lib DRM - development files. Receipt Cooker libelementary : Elementary library. Receipt Cooker libev : A full-featured and high-performance event loop. Receipt Cooker libev-dev : Libev development files. Receipt Cooker libevent : An event notification library. Receipt Cooker libevent-dev : An event notification library - development files. Receipt Cooker libexif : Reads and writes EXIF metainformation from and to image files. Receipt Cooker libexif-dev : Libexif - development files. Receipt Cooker libexif-gtk : A library of widgets to help display EXIF tags in GTK programs. Receipt Cooker libexif-gtk-dev : A library of widgets to help display EXIF tags in GTK programs - development files. Receipt Cooker libffi : A portable foreign function interface library. Receipt Cooker libffi-dev : Libffi, development files. Receipt Cooker libfm : File management support (core library). Receipt Cooker libfm-dev : File management support (GTK+ GUI development files) Receipt Cooker libform : Curses extension for programming forms. Receipt Cooker libgcrypt : Cryptographic library based on GnuPG. Receipt Cooker libgcrypt-dev : Cryptographic library based on GnuPG - development files. Receipt Cooker libgd : Library for the dynamic creation of images. Receipt Cooker libgd-dev : Library for the dynamic creation of images - development files. Receipt Cooker libgio : Glib libgio shared library. Receipt Cooker libgio-dev : Glib libgio devel files. Receipt Cooker libglade : The Glade libs. Receipt Cooker libglade-dev : The Glade libs devel files. Receipt Cooker libgnome-keyring : A libray that keeps password and other secrets for users. Receipt Cooker libgnome-keyring-dev : A libray that keeps password and other secrets for users, development files. Receipt Cooker libgnutls : GNU Transport Layer Security Library headers Receipt Cooker libgpg-error : Common error messages for GnuPG. Receipt Cooker libgpg-error-dev : Common error messages for GnuPG - development files. Receipt Cooker libgudev : GObject-based wrapper library for libudev. Receipt Cooker libgudev-dev : GObject-based wrapper library for libudev. (devel files) Receipt Cooker libid3tag : ID3 tag manipulation library. Receipt Cooker libid3tag-dev : ID3 tag manipulation library devel files. Receipt Cooker libidn : Encode and decode internationalized domain names. Receipt Cooker libidn-dev : Encode and decode internationalized domain names, development files. Receipt Cooker libirman : Library for Irman. Receipt Cooker libirman-dev : libirman devel files. Receipt Cooker libjpeg : JPEG image libraries. Receipt Cooker libltdl : The GNU Portable Library Tool. Receipt Cooker liblzma : Compressor library with a high compression ratio. Receipt Cooker liblzma-dev : Compressor with a high compression ratio, development files. Receipt Cooker libmad : MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. Receipt Cooker libmad-dev : MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder devel files. Receipt Cooker libmagic : File type determination library using 'magic' numbers. Receipt Cooker libmagic-dev : File type determination library using 'magic' numbers (development). Receipt Cooker libmcp23s17 : A simple C library for accessing an MCP23S17 port expander. Receipt Cooker libmenu : Curses extension for programming menus. Receipt Cooker libmodplug : A MOD playing library. Receipt Cooker libmodplug-dev : libmodplug development files. Receipt Cooker libmpd : Signal based wrapper around libmpdclient Receipt Cooker libmpd-dev : libmpd devel library. Receipt Cooker libmpdclient : C & C++ API library for MPD. Receipt Cooker libmpdclient-dev : libmpdclient dev files. Receipt Cooker libmypaint : Library for making brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and other projects. Receipt Cooker libnl : netlink library. Receipt Cooker libnl-dev : netlink library - development files. Receipt Cooker libnl-tools : The netlink tiny tools. Receipt Cooker libnotify : Notification library Receipt Cooker libnotify-dev : Notification library Receipt Cooker libnsgif : Libnsgif is a decoding library for the GIF image file format. Receipt Cooker libnsgif-dev : The libnsgif devel files. Receipt Cooker libogg : OGG library from Xiph.org project. Receipt Cooker libogg-dev : OGG library, development files from Xiph.org project. Receipt Cooker libpanel : Panel stack extension for curses. Receipt Cooker libpaper : Library for handling paper characteristics. Receipt Cooker libpaper-dev : Development files for libpaper. Receipt Cooker libparserutils : Various pieces of functionality that are useful for parsers. Receipt Cooker libparserutils-dev : The libparserutils devel files. Receipt Cooker libpcap : Library for tcpdump. Receipt Cooker libpcap-dev : Development files for libpcap. Receipt Cooker libpifacedigital : A simple library for controlling PiFace Digital. Receipt Cooker libplayer : A multimedia A/V abstraction layer API. Receipt Cooker libplayer-dev : A tiny media scanner API. Receipt Cooker libpng : PNG images library. Receipt Cooker libpng+apng : Loads and saves PNG files (with APNG support). Receipt Cooker libpng+apng-dev : Development files for libpng (with APNG support). Receipt Cooker libpng-dev : PNG images library devel files. Receipt Cooker libpthread-stubs : Weak aliases for pthread functions. Receipt Cooker libpthread-stubs-dev : Weak aliases for pthread functions development files Receipt Cooker librsvg : SVG Rendering Library Receipt Cooker librsvg-apps : Tiny libRSVG utilities (rsvg-convert, rsvg-view-3) Receipt Cooker librsvg-dev : SVG Rendering Library, development files Receipt Cooker libruby : Ruby shared libraries. Receipt Cooker libruby-extras : Ruby libraries. Receipt Cooker libsamplerate : Sample Rate Converter for audio. Receipt Cooker libsamplerate-dev : Development files from the Sample Rate Converter for audio. Receipt Cooker libsdl : Simple DirectMedia Layer. Receipt Cooker libsdl-dev : Simple DirectMedia Layer - development files. Receipt Cooker libsdl-image : An image file loading library. Receipt Cooker libsdl-image-dev : Development files of an image file loading library. Receipt Cooker libsdl-mixer : A multichannel sample and music mixer. Receipt Cooker libsdl-mixer-dev : Development files of a multichannel sample and music mixer. Receipt Cooker libsdl-net : SDL net support. Receipt Cooker libsdl-net-dev : SDL net lib - development files. Receipt Cooker libsdl-pango : Pango SDL binding. Receipt Cooker libsdl-pango-dev : devel files for libsdl-pango Receipt Cooker libsdl-ttf : SDL ttf support. Receipt Cooker libsdl-ttf-dev : SDL ttf lib devel files. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-image : An image file loading library. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-image-dev : An image file loading library - development files. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-mixer : A multichannel sample and music mixer. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-mixer-dev : Development files of a multichannel sample and music mixer. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-net : SDL2 net support. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-net-dev : SDL2 net library - development files. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-ttf : SDL2 ttf support. Receipt Cooker libsdl2-ttf-dev : SDL2 ttf library - development files. Receipt Cooker libsearpc : A simple and easy-to-use C language RPC framework. Receipt Cooker libsearpc-dev : Development files for libsearpc. Receipt Cooker libsecret : GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API Receipt Cooker libsecret-dev : GObject bindings for Secret Service API, development files Receipt Cooker libsexy : Sexy widgests for GTK+. Receipt Cooker libsexy-dev : Sexy widgests for GTK+ devel files. Receipt Cooker libsigc++ : Callback Framework for C++ Receipt Cooker libsigc++-dev : Callback Framework for C++ devel files. Receipt Cooker libsndfile : A C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound. Receipt Cooker libsndfile-dev : Libsndfile development files. Receipt Cooker libsoup : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker libsoup-dev : GNOME Soup Library (devel files). Receipt Cooker libsoup-gnome : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker libsoup248 : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker libsoup248-dev : GNOME Soup Library (devel files). Receipt Cooker libsoup248-gnome : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker libsqlite : Small SQL database engine. Receipt Cooker libsqlite-tcl : Small SQL database engine, tcl library. Receipt Cooker libssl : OpenSSL libraries. Receipt Cooker libssl-compat : OpenSSL libraries (compat). Receipt Cooker libssl11 : OpenSSL libraries (1.1.1 series). Receipt Cooker libtasn1 : ASN.1 library. Receipt Cooker libtasn1-dev : The libtasn1 development files. Receipt Cooker libtheora : Theora video codec and tools. Receipt Cooker libtheora-dev : Thera video devel files. Receipt Cooker libtheora-enc : Thera video encoding/decoding library. Receipt Cooker libtic : Low-level terminfo library. Receipt Cooker libtinfo : Low-level terminfo library. Receipt Cooker libtirpc : Transport-Independent RPC library. Receipt Cooker libtirpc-dev : Transport-Independent RPC library, development files. Receipt Cooker libtool : The GNU Portable Library Tool. Receipt Cooker libunique : Library for writing single instance application. Receipt Cooker libunique-dev : Development files for Libunique. Receipt Cooker libunixODBC : ODBC for unix - libraries. Receipt Cooker libusb : USB access library. Receipt Cooker libusb-compat : Compatibility layer to convert libusb 0.1 calls into 1.0 equivalents. Receipt Cooker libusb-compat-dev : USB access library - development files. Receipt Cooker libusb-dev : USB access library - development files. Receipt Cooker libvalhalla : A tiny media scanner API. Receipt Cooker libvalhalla-dev : The libvalhalla devel files. Receipt Cooker libvorbis : Vorbis base library. Receipt Cooker libvorbis-dev : Vorbis base library - development files. Receipt Cooker libwapcaplet : String internment library Receipt Cooker libwapcaplet-dev : String internment library dev files Receipt Cooker libwebkit : xHTML render library. Receipt Cooker libwebkit-dev : devel files for libwebkit Receipt Cooker libwebp : WebP image library. Receipt Cooker libwebp-dev : Webp image library - development files. Receipt Cooker libwrap : Wietse Venema's network logger. Receipt Cooker libwrap-dev : Wietse Venema's network logger devel files. Receipt Cooker libxcb : A C binding to the X11 protocol. Receipt Cooker libxcb-dev : Development files for libxcb. Receipt Cooker libxml2 : XML C parser and toolkit. Receipt Cooker libxml2-dev : XML C parser and toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker libxml2-python : Libxml2 adapter for the Python. Receipt Cooker libxml2-tools : The xmllint tester and xmlcatalog parser utility. Receipt Cooker libxslt : XSLT support for libxml2. Receipt Cooker libxslt-dev : XSLT support for libxml2 - development files. Receipt Cooker libzip : C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Receipt Cooker libzip-dev : C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives - development files. Receipt Cooker lighttpd : Fast and light HTTP Web server. Receipt Cooker lighttpd-modules : Complementary modules for LightTPD Web server. Receipt Cooker lighttpd-ssl : Fast and light HTTP Web server with SSL support. Receipt Cooker links : Light and fast web browser using Ncurses or Xlib. Receipt Cooker links-dfb : Light and fast web browser using Ncurses, X or DirectFB. Receipt Cooker linux : The Linux kernel and modules. Receipt lite : LiTE is a Toolkit Engine using DirectFB Receipt lite-dev : DirectFB - LiTE devel files Receipt locale-ar : Arabic locale pack Receipt locale-ca : Catalan locale pack Receipt locale-cs : Czech locale pack Receipt locale-da : Danish locale pack Receipt locale-de : German locale pack Receipt locale-el : Greek locale pack Receipt locale-en : English locale pack Receipt locale-es : Spanish locale pack Receipt locale-fi : Finnish locale pack Receipt locale-fr : French locale pack Receipt locale-hr : Croatian locale pack Receipt locale-hu : Hungarian locale pack Receipt locale-id : Indonesian locale pack Receipt locale-is : Icelandic locale pack Receipt locale-it : Italian locale pack Receipt locale-ja : Japanese locale pack Receipt locale-nb : Norwegian locale pack (Bokmål) Receipt locale-nl : Dutch locale pack Receipt locale-nn : Norwegian locale pack (Nynorsk) Receipt locale-pl : Polish locale pack Receipt locale-pt : Portuguese locale pack Receipt locale-pt_BR : Portuguese/Brazilian locale pack Receipt locale-ro : Romanian locale pack Receipt locale-ru : Russian locale pack Receipt locale-sl : Slovenian locale pack Receipt locale-sv : Swedish locale pack Receipt locale-tr : Turkish locale pack Receipt locale-uk : Ukrainian locale pack Receipt locale-zh_CN : Chinese Simplified locale pack. Receipt locale-zh_TW : Chinese Traditional locale pack. Receipt lockdis : Simple screen locker. Receipt lua : Powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. Receipt lua-dev : Lua development files. Receipt lxappearance : LXDE GTK+ theme switcher Receipt lxappearance-dev : LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (development) Receipt lxappearance-obconf : LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (plugin). Receipt lxde : Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environement Receipt lxinput : LXDE keyboard and mouse configuration. Receipt lxmenu-data : LXDE freedesktop.org menu specification Receipt lxpanel : LXDE panel. Receipt lxpanel-dev : LXDE panel - development files. Receipt lxrandr : LXDE monitor configuration tool. Receipt lxsession : LXDE X session manager. Receipt lxsession-edit : Configure what application start up automatically in LXDE Receipt lxsession-lxpolkit : LXDE PolicyKit authentication agent Receipt lxsession046 : LXDE X session manager. Receipt lxtask : LXDE task manager. Receipt lynx : Terminal-based text-only browser. Receipt lzip : LZMA compressor. Receipt lziprecover : LZIP files recovery tool. Receipt lzlib : Compressor with a high compression ratio library. Receipt lzlib-dev : Compressor with a high compression ratio devel files. Receipt lzma : Compressor with a high compression ratio. Receipt lzo : Data compression library Receipt lzo-dev : Data compression development library. Receipt lzop : Compressor with a high compression speed. Receipt m4 : GNU traditional Unix macro processor. Receipt make : GNU Make to generate executables and other files from source. Receipt mc : Midnight Commander - ncurses based file manager. Receipt memtester : A userspace utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults. Receipt menu-cache : LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache Receipt menu-cache-dev : LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache (development) Receipt mercurial : Revision tools system. Receipt mhwaveedit : Lightweight sound files editor, recorder and player. Receipt mktorrent : Command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files. Receipt mpc : A command line tool to interface MPD. Receipt mpc-library : A C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers. Receipt mpd : Music Player Daemon (MPD). Receipt mpfr : C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations. Receipt mpfr-dev : GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic - development files. Receipt mpg123 : Command line audio player and streamer. Receipt mpg123-dev : mpg123 development files. Receipt mpl123 : Light weight Ncurses frontend to mpg123 Receipt mplayer : The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. Receipt mplayer-cli : The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux (with minimal depends). Receipt mplayer-codecs : All MPlayer codecs for SliTaz. Receipt mtdev : Multitouch Protocol Translation Library. Receipt mtdev-dev : mtdev development files. Receipt mtpaint : Painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. Receipt mygestures : Recognizing gestures made with your mouse and perform actions. Receipt nano : Nano Text Editor. Receipt nasm : The netwide assembler. Receipt ncmpc : A ncurses MPD client. Receipt ncurses : Library of functions to manage display on terminals. Receipt ncurses-common : Common files for the ncurses and ncursesw library. Receipt ncurses-dev : Development files for the ncurses library. Receipt ncursesw : Library of functions to manage display on terminals. Receipt ncursesw-dev : Development files for the ncursesw library. Receipt ncursesw-extra : Extra files for the ncursesw library. Receipt nettle : A cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context. Receipt nettle-dev : Development files for nettle. Receipt nfs-utils : Network FileSystem tools. Receipt nmap : The Network Mapper. Receipt ntp : Network Time Protocol daemon. Receipt ntpclient : Tiny NTP Client Receipt obconf : Openbox configuration tool Receipt openbox : Small-footprint and standard compliant Window Manager. Receipt openbox-dev : Ob devel files. Receipt openjpeg : An open source JPEG 2000 codec. Receipt openjpeg-dev : Development files for openjpeg. Receipt openssh : Openbsd Secure Shell. Receipt openssl : Open source Secure Sockets Layer. Receipt openssl-compat : Open source Secure Sockets Layer (compat). Receipt openssl-dev : Open source Secure Sockets Layer devel files. Receipt openssl11 : Open source Secure Sockets Layer (1.1.1 series). Receipt openssl11-dev : Open source Secure Sockets Layer devel files (1.1.1 series). Receipt openvpn : Full-featured open source SSL VPN solution. Receipt openvpn-doc : Documentation for OpenVPN. Receipt openvpn-down-root : The down-root plugin for OpenVPN. Receipt openvpn-pam : PAM plugin for OpenVPN. Receipt orc : The Oil Runtime Compiler. Receipt orc-dev : Oil runtime compiler - development files. Receipt pam : Pluggable Authentication Modules. Receipt pam-dev : Pluggable Authentication Modules, development files. Receipt pango : Layout and rendering of internationalized text Receipt pango-dev : Library for layout and rendering of text devel files. Receipt parcellite : Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager. Receipt parted : GNU parted partition editor. Receipt parted-dev : GNU parted editor devel files. Receipt patch : Utility to patch file with diff file. Receipt pathfinder : Fast and light file manager using the Fox Toolkit. Receipt pciids : List of PCI ID's Receipt pcmanfm : Light and easy to use file manager. Receipt pcre : Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression, library. Receipt pcre-dev : Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, development files. Receipt pcre2 : Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression 2, library. Receipt pcre2-dev : Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 2, development files. Receipt perl-xml-parser : Perl extension XML::Parser is an interface to XML expat. Receipt php : PHP web programming language. Receipt php56 : PHP web programming language. Receipt pi-blaster : Enables PWM on the GPIO pins you request of a Raspberry Pi. Receipt picamera : A pure Python interface for the Raspberry Pi camera module. Receipt piclass-code-examples : PiClass Python and SHell code examples Receipt pifmrds : FM-RDS transmitter using the Raspberry Pi's PWM. Receipt pixman : Pixel-manipulation library for X and Cairo. Receipt pixman-dev : Pixman library - development files. Receipt pkg-config : Free desktop packages manager. Receipt popt : Library for parsing command line options. Receipt popt-dev : Library for parsing command line options - development files. Receipt portaudio : A portable cross-platform audio API. Receipt portaudio-dev : Portaudio - development files. Receipt potamus : Unbloated and easy to use GTK+ Audio player. Receipt ppp : Implements the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Receipt ppp-dev : Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) development files. Receipt prosody : Xmpp-jabber server in lua. Receipt ptunnel : ptunnel tunnels TCP using ICMP echo request Receipt py3k-distutils-extra : Enhanced distutils package for python. Receipt py3k-six : Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. Receipt python : The Python programming language. Receipt python-dev : The Python programming language - development files. Receipt python-distribute : Easily build and distribute Python packages Receipt python-distutils-extra : Enhanced distutils package for python. Receipt python-html5lib : Standards-compliant library for parsing HTML documents in Python. Receipt python-idle : Python GUI IDE using TK Toolkit. Receipt python-kid : Pythonic, XML-based Templating. Receipt python-mechanize : Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python. Receipt python-mpd : Python MPD client library Receipt python-netaddr : A network address representation and manipulation library. Receipt python-ooop : OpenObject on Python, a library to connect with Open ERP. Receipt python-paste : Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack. Receipt python-ply : lex and yacc implementation for Python. Receipt python-psutil : A process and system utilities module for Python. Receipt python-routes : Routing Recognition and Generation Tools. Receipt python-rpi-adafruit : Adafruit Industries Python code for the RPi Receipt python-rpi-gpio : Python class to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi. Receipt python-rpi-pyglow : Controlling the PiGlow from Python. Receipt python-serial : Multiplatform serial port module for python. Receipt python-simplejson : Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder and decoder for python. Receipt python-six : A Python 2 and 3 compatibility library. Receipt python-smbus : SMBus access through the I2C /dev interface (from i2c-tools). Receipt python3-idle : Python GUI IDE using TK Toolkit. Receipt rage : E17 rage media center. Receipt raspberrypi-boot : Raspberry Pi bootloader firmware. Receipt raspberrypi-boot-x : Raspberry Pi bootloader firmware with Pi camera support. Receipt raspberrypi-vc : Raspberry Pi VideoCore Tools (vcdbg, vcgencmd, raspivid, etc). Receipt rcswitch-pi : Control remote power sockets using the Raspberry Pi. Receipt readline : GNU readline. Receipt readline-dev : GNU readline - development files. Receipt realvnc-viewer : VNC viewer (graphical remote control). Receipt retawq : Multi-threaded web browser for text terminals Receipt rfkill : Utility to query the state of the rfkill switches. Receipt rpcbind : RPC program numbers to universal addresses converter. Receipt rrdtool-lite : Data logging system for time series data. Receipt rsync : Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer. Receipt ruby : Dynamic programming language focused on simplicity and productivity. Receipt ruby-dev : Development files for Ruby (to compile ruby-modules). Receipt rubygems : Ruby packages Manager. Receipt sakura : A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator Receipt sakura-gtk2 : A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator Receipt sakura-gtk3 : A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator Receipt sawman : DirectFB Window manager Receipt scratch : Create and share interactive stories, games, music and art. Receipt sed : GNU stream editor. Receipt setserial : Serial port configutation tool. Receipt sftp-server : Openbsd Secure FTP server. Receipt shared-mime-info : Core database of common types and the *update-mime-database*. Receipt shared-mime-info-dev : Freedesktop shared-mime-info - development files. Receipt shutterbug : Screenshot application from the Fox Toolkit. Receipt simple-mtpfs : Simple MTP fuse filesystem driver. Receipt slim : Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11. Receipt slitaz-arm-adm : SliTaz ARM CGI administration interface. Receipt slitaz-arm-codex : Static HTML5 SliTaz ARM Codex. Receipt slitaz-arm-configs : SliTaz ARM config files and artwork. Receipt slitaz-arm-rpi : SliTaz Raspberry Pi: tools, CGI adm, configs and artwork. Receipt slitaz-base-files : Linux tree and the necessary files for the base system. Receipt slitaz-boot-scripts : Provide all the initialisation scripts used at boot time. Receipt slitaz-configs : SliTaz config files and artwork. Receipt slitaz-configs-base : SliTaz config files for text based systems. Receipt slitaz-i18n : SliTaz internationalization meta package to build locale pack. Receipt slitaz-menus : SliTaz i18n Freedesktop menus Receipt slitaz-polar-cursors : SliTaz cursor theme based on Polar Cursor Theme Receipt slitaz-tools : SliTaz tools provide installer and utils usable on terminal. Receipt slitaz-tools-boxes : All SliTaz GTK/Yad boxes to command line tools. Receipt slock : Simple X display locker. Receipt sndfile-tools : Sample Rate Converter for audio binary. Receipt sox : Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs. Receipt sox-dev : Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs - development files. Receipt speex : Low bandwidth voice codec. Receipt speex-dev : Low bandwidth voice codec - development files. Receipt spk : Fast and Light SliTaz Packages Toolset Receipt sqlite : Small SQL database engine. Receipt sqlite-dev : Small SQL database engine - development files. Receipt squeak-vm : Create and share interactive stories, games, music and art. Receipt sshfs-fuse : SSH Filesystem implemented with FUSE. Receipt startup-notification : Startup notification protocol Receipt startup-notification-dev : Startup notification protocol developpement files Receipt svkbd : Simple virtual keyboard that suck less (english layout). Receipt svkbd-de : Simple virtual keyboard that suck less (german layout). Receipt svkbd-fr : Simple virtual keyboard that suck less (french layout). Receipt svkbd-ru : Simple virtual keyboard that suck less (russian layout). Receipt tabbed : Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications. Receipt taglib : Audio tag library. Receipt taglib-dev : Taglib - development files. Receipt tar : GNU tar archiving tools. Receipt tazdev : SliTaz developers tools. Receipt tazirc : SliTaz IRC Client and Log Bot. Receipt tazpanel : SliTaz administration and configuration panel. Receipt tazpkg : SliTaz packages manager Receipt tazweb : SliTaz simple, fast and small Web Browser. Receipt tazweb-legacy : SliTaz simple, fast and small Web Browser Legacy. Receipt tcl : The Tool Command Language. Receipt tcl-dev : The Tool Command Language - development files. Receipt tcllib : Tcl-only library of standard routines for Tcl. Receipt tcpd : Wietse Venema's network encapsulation files. Receipt tiff : A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files. Receipt tiff-apps : A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files - cli applications. Receipt tiff-dev : A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files - development files. Receipt tinycm : Small and elegent CGI content manager. Receipt tk : The TCL gui toolkit. Receipt tk-dev : The TCL gui toolkit - development files. Receipt tmux : Terminal multiplexer. Receipt tor : An anonymizing overlay network for TCP. Receipt transset-df : Tool to set windows opacity. Receipt tslib : Abstraction layer for touchscreen panel events. Receipt tslib-dev : Abstraction layer for touchscreen panel events, development files. Receipt ttf-bitstream-vera : The ttf bitstream vera fonts. Receipt ttf-dejavu : DejaVu TrueType fonts (minimum). Receipt tzdata : Time Zone Database. Receipt uacme : Lightweight client for ACMEv2 protocol. Receipt udev : Udev creat automaticly right devices in /dev. Receipt udev-dev : Udev devel file (libudev). Receipt unixODBC : ODBC for unix. Receipt unixODBC-dev : ODBC for unix - development files. Receipt usbids : List of USB ID's. Receipt usbutils : Displaying information about USB. Receipt util-linux : Random collection of Linux utilities (meta package). Receipt util-linux-blkid : The blkid utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-blkid-dev : The blkid from Util Linux, development files. Receipt util-linux-cfdisk : The cfdisk utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-column : The column utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-cramfs : The cramfs utilities from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-eject : The eject utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-fdisk : The fdisk utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-fdisk-dev : The fdisk utility from Util Linux, development files. Receipt util-linux-getopt : The getopt utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-losetup : The losetup utility from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-mkfs : The mkfs utilities from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-mount : The mount utilities from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-mount-dev : The mount utilities from Util Linux, development files. Receipt util-linux-smartcols-dev : The smartcols library from Util Linux, development files. Receipt util-linux-uuid : The uuid utility and library from Util Linux. Receipt util-linux-uuid-dev : The uuid utility and library from Util linux, development files. Receipt util-linux-whereis : The whereis utility from Util Linux. Receipt vala : Compiler for the GObject type system Receipt vbindiff : Visual binary diff. Receipt viewnior : Fast and elegant image viewer. Receipt vorbis-tools : Vorbis encoder, decoder and tiny tools. Receipt vte : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets. Receipt vte-dev : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets devel files. Receipt vte-gtk2 : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets. Receipt vte-gtk2-dev : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets devel files. Receipt vte-gtk3 : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets. Receipt vte-gtk3-dev : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets devel files. Receipt vte-terminal : X Terminal from the vte package. Receipt vte-terminal-gtk2 : X Terminal from the vte package. Receipt vte-terminal-gtk3 : X Terminal from the vte package. Receipt wayland : Wayland simpler X display server protocol. Receipt wayland-dev : Wayland X server development files. Receipt wayland-protocols : Additional Wayland protocols Receipt wbar2 : Quick launch bar. Receipt webkit2gtk : xHTML render library. Receipt webkit2gtk-dev : devel files for webkit2gtk Receipt webkitgtk : xHTML render library. Receipt webkitgtk-dev : devel files for webkitgtk Receipt wget : An utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS or FTP. Receipt wireless_tools : Wireless Tools for Linux Receipt wireless_tools-dev : Wireless Tools devel files. Receipt wiringpi : GPIO access library written in C for the Raspberry Pi/BCM2835. Receipt wiringpi-dev : The WiringPi headers files. Receipt wiringpi-pibrella : Examples for the Pibrella board from Pimoroni using WiringPi Receipt wiringpi-piface : The WiringPi PiFace examples. Receipt wiringpi-piglow : The WiringPi Piglow utility (useful for SHell scripts). Receipt wpa_supplicant : WPA Supplicant with support for WPA and WPA2 Receipt wput : A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files Receipt x11vnc : VNC server for real X displays. Receipt xcb-proto : X protocol descriptions for XCB. Receipt xcb-util : XCB Utilites Receipt xcb-util-cursor : XCB cursor library. Receipt xcb-util-cursor-dev : Development files for xcb-util-cursor. Receipt xcb-util-dev : xcb-util - development files. Receipt xcb-util-image : Utility libraries for XC Binding - Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions. Receipt xcb-util-image-dev : Development files for xcb-util-image. Receipt xcb-util-keysyms : Utility libraries for XC Binding. Receipt xcb-util-keysyms-dev : Development files for xcb-util-keysyms. Receipt xcb-util-renderutil : Convenience functions for the Render extension. Receipt xcb-util-renderutil-dev : Development files for xcb-util-renderutil. Receipt xcb-util-wm : Utility libraries for XC Binding - client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM. Receipt xcb-util-wm-dev : Development files for xcb-util-wm. Receipt xcb-util-xrm : XCB utility functions for the X resource manager Receipt xcb-util-xrm-dev : Development files for xcb-util-xrm. Receipt xdg-utils : Assists desktop integration tasks. Receipt xine-lib : Xine video library. Receipt xine-lib-dev : Xine video library - development files. Receipt xinput-calibrator : A generic touchscreen calibration program for X.Org Receipt xorg-base-fonts : X window base/minimal fonts from the Xorg project. Receipt xorg-bigreqsproto : BigReqs extension headers Receipt xorg-compositeproto : Composite extension headers Receipt xorg-damageproto : Damage extension headers Receipt xorg-dev : Meta-package to install all Xorg development packages. Receipt xorg-fixesproto : X Fixes extension headers Receipt xorg-fontsproto : Fonts extension headers. Receipt xorg-glproto : GL extension headers Receipt xorg-inputproto : Input extension headers. Receipt xorg-kbproto : KB extension headers. Receipt xorg-libICE : X Inter Client Exchange Library. Receipt xorg-libICE-dev : Development files for libICE. Receipt xorg-libSM : X Session Management Library. Receipt xorg-libSM-dev : Development files for libSM. Receipt xorg-libX11 : X Library. Receipt xorg-libX11-dev : Development files for libX11. Receipt xorg-libXau : X authorization file management libary. Receipt xorg-libXau-dev : Development files for libXau. Receipt xorg-libXaw : X Athena Widgets Library. Receipt xorg-libXaw-dev : Development files for libXaw. Receipt xorg-libXaw3d : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXaw3d-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXcomposite : X Composite Extension Library. Receipt xorg-libXcomposite-dev : Development files for libXcomposite. Receipt xorg-libXcursor : X Cursor Library. Receipt xorg-libXcursor-dev : Development files for libXcursor. Receipt xorg-libXdamage : X Damage Library. Receipt xorg-libXdamage-dev : Development files for libXdamage. Receipt xorg-libXdmcp : X Display Manager Control Protocol library. Receipt xorg-libXdmcp-dev : Development files for libXdmcp. Receipt xorg-libXext : Misc X Extension Library. Receipt xorg-libXext-dev : Development files for libXext. Receipt xorg-libXfixes : X Fixes Library. Receipt xorg-libXfixes-dev : Development files for libXfixes. Receipt xorg-libXfont : X font Library. Receipt xorg-libXfont-dev : Development files for libXfont. Receipt xorg-libXfont2 : X font Library. Receipt xorg-libXfont2-dev : Development files for libXfont2. Receipt xorg-libXft : X FreeType library. Receipt xorg-libXft-dev : Development files for libXft. Receipt xorg-libXi : X Input Extension Library. Receipt xorg-libXi-dev : Development files for libXi. Receipt xorg-libXinerama : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXinerama-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXmu : Xmu Library. Receipt xorg-libXmu-dev : Development files for libXmu. Receipt xorg-libXp : Provides public APIs to allow client applications to render to non-display devices. Receipt xorg-libXp-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXpm : X Pixmap Library. Receipt xorg-libXpm-dev : Development files for libXpm. Receipt xorg-libXrandr : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXrandr-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXrender : X Render Library. Receipt xorg-libXrender-dev : Development files for libXrender. Receipt xorg-libXss : Xorg screen saver module. Receipt xorg-libXss-dev : Xorg screen saver module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXt : X Toolkit Library. Receipt xorg-libXt-dev : Development files for libXt. Receipt xorg-libXtst : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXtst-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXv : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXv-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXvMC : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXvMC-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libXxf86vm : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libXxf86vm-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libfontenc : The fontenc Library. Receipt xorg-libfontenc-dev : Development files for libfontenc. Receipt xorg-libpciaccess : Xorg server module. Receipt xorg-libpciaccess-dev : Xorg module - development files. Receipt xorg-libxkbfile : Xorg server keyboard library. Receipt xorg-libxkbfile-dev : Xorg server keyboard library - development files. Receipt xorg-libxshmfence-dev : X11 shared memory fences - development files. Receipt xorg-printproto : Print extension headers Receipt xorg-randrproto : Randr extension headers. Receipt xorg-recordproto : Record extension headers Receipt xorg-renderproto : Render extension headers Receipt xorg-resourceproto : Resource extension headers Receipt xorg-scrnsaverproto : ScrnSaver extension headers Receipt xorg-server-dev : Xorg server devel files needed to build drivers. Receipt xorg-server-light : Xorg core server light version (no dri, gl, and friends). Receipt xorg-setxkbmap : Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension. Receipt xorg-util-macros : A set of autoconf project macros for X.Org modules. Receipt xorg-videoproto : Video extension headers. Receipt xorg-xauth : X authority file utility. Receipt xorg-xbitmaps : Development files for X (bitmaps). Receipt xorg-xclock : Simple clock for X. Receipt xorg-xcmiscproto : XCMisc extension headers Receipt xorg-xcompmgr : X composite manager. Receipt xorg-xcursorgen : X cursor generator. Receipt xorg-xextproto : XExt extension headers. Receipt xorg-xf86-input-evdev : Xorg input evdev driver. Receipt xorg-xf86-video-fbdev : Xorg video driver for framebuffer device. Receipt xorg-xf86-video-fbturbo : Xorg DDX driver for ARM devices (Allwinner, RPi and others). Receipt xorg-xf86-video-modesetting : Xorg generic modesetting video driver. Receipt xorg-xf86bigfontproto : XF86BigFont extension headers Receipt xorg-xf86dgaproto : XF86DGA extension headers Receipt xorg-xf86vidmodeproto : XF86VidMode extension headers Receipt xorg-xineramaproto : Xinerama extension headers Receipt xorg-xinput : X input utility (MPX support). Receipt xorg-xkbcomp : Xorg keyboard composite. Receipt xorg-xkbcomp-dev : Xorg keyboard composite devel files. Receipt xorg-xkeyboard-config : Xorg server keyboard definition files. Receipt xorg-xkeyboard-config-dev : Xorg server keyboard - development files. Receipt xorg-xkill : X application killer Receipt xorg-xload : X application to show system resources usage. Receipt xorg-xmessage : Display a message or query in a window. Receipt xorg-xprop : X xprop application. Receipt xorg-xproto : Xproto headers. Receipt xorg-xrandr : X application to show system resources usage. Receipt xorg-xsetroot : A tool to configure X root background color. Receipt xorg-xtrans : Abstract network code for X. Receipt xorg-xwininfo : Window information utility to query x-server. Receipt xpaint : Simple paint program for X. Receipt xprintidle : Print user's Xserver idle time in milliseconds. Receipt xstroke : Full-screen gesture recognition program for X. Receipt xterm : X terminal emulator. Receipt xvidcore : XviD, a high performance and quality MPEG-4 video de- and encoding solution. Receipt xvidcore-dev : XviD, a high performance and quality MPEG-4 video de- and encoding solution - development files. Receipt xz : General-purpose data compressor with a high compression ratio. Receipt xz-dev : xz and liblzma development files. Receipt yad-gtk2 : Yet Another Dialog (GTK+2). Receipt yasm : A rewrite of NASM with multiple syntax (NASM, TASM, GAS, etc.) Receipt yasm-dev : yasm devel library. Receipt ytree : A curses-based file manager. Receipt zile : A lightweight Emacs clone. Receipt zlib : Compression library Receipt zlib-dev : Zlib compression library devel files. Receipt znc : An IRC bouncer with modules and scripts support. Receipt
6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)