SliTaz Packages

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The list of packages of architecture "x86_64"

915resolution  : Intel video BIOS hack to support certain resolutions Receipt Cooker
GConf  : A configuration database system. Receipt Cooker
GConf-dev  : GConf development files. Receipt Cooker
ORBit2  : A CORBA 2.4-compliant Object Request Broker (ORB). Receipt Cooker
ORBit2-dev  : ORBit2 devel files. Receipt Cooker
Py3Qt-x11-gpl  : PyQt Receipt Cooker
PyQt-x11-gpl  : PyQt Receipt Cooker
Qt4  : qt x11 toolkit Receipt Cooker
Qt4-dev  : qt x11 toolkit Receipt Cooker
Qt5  : qt5 x11 toolkit Receipt Cooker
Qt5-dev  : qt5 x11 toolkit Receipt Cooker
Qt5Designer  : Qt5 Designer. Receipt Cooker
QtDesigner  : Qt Designer Receipt Cooker
a2ps  : Any to PostScript filter. Receipt Cooker
abiword  : Light and speed word processing application. Receipt Cooker
abiword-dev  : Abiword devel files Receipt Cooker
abiword-plugins  : Extra plugins for Abiword (MSWord, OpenDocument, Wikipedia, etc). Receipt Cooker
acl  : Commands for Manipulating POSIX Access Control Lists. Receipt Cooker
acl-dev  : Development files for acl. Receipt Cooker
advancecomp  : Recompression utilities for .ZIP, .PNG, .MNG and .GZ Receipt Cooker
adwaita-icon-theme  : A collection of icons used at the basis for GNOME themes. Receipt Cooker
alsa-lib  : Alsa sound libraries. Receipt Cooker
alsa-lib-dev  : Alsa sound libraries - development files. Receipt Cooker
alsa-utils  : Alsa sound system utilities and configuration tools. Receipt Cooker
alsaplayer  : Alsa GTK+ PCM audio player. Receipt Cooker
alsaplayer-dev  : Alsa GTK+ PCM player devel files. Receipt Cooker
alsaplayer-scopes  : Alsa GTK+ PCM player scopes. Receipt Cooker
apache  : Secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server. Receipt Cooker
apache-dev  : HTTP server - development files. Receipt Cooker
apache-doc  : HTTP server - documentation files. Receipt Cooker
apache-mod-perl  : PERL module for Apache Receipt Cooker
apache-mod-wsgi  : Python WSGI adapter module for Apache. Receipt Cooker
apachetop  : Watches a logfile generated by Apache Receipt Cooker
apr  : Apache Portable Runtime Library. Receipt Cooker
apr-dev  : Apache Portable Runtime Library - development files. Receipt Cooker
apr-util  : APR Library Utilities. Receipt Cooker
apr-util-dev  : APR Library Utilities. Receipt Cooker
apulse  : PulseAudio emulator for Alsa. Receipt Cooker
aspell  : GNU spell checker. Receipt Cooker
aspell-dev  : GNU spell checker - development files. Receipt Cooker
asunder  : GTK light CD ripper. Receipt Cooker
at-spi2  : Bridges ATK to At-Spi2 D-Bus service. Receipt Cooker
at-spi2-atk  : Bridges ATK to At-Spi2 D-Bus service. Receipt Cooker
atk  : Accessibility toolkit. Receipt Cooker
atk-dev  : Accessibility toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker
atkmm  : C++ interface for the popular Accessibility toolkit. Receipt Cooker
atkmm-dev  : devel files for atkmm Receipt Cooker
attr  : Commands for manipulating Filesystem Extended Attributes. Receipt Cooker
attr-dev  : Development files for attr. Receipt Cooker
audacity  : A free multi-track audio editor and recorder. Receipt Cooker
audiofile  : Uniform and elegant API for various audio file formats Receipt Cooker
audiofile-dev  : provides a uniform and elegant API for accessing a variety of audio file formats, development files Receipt Cooker
aufs  : aufs5 kernel module Receipt Cooker
aufs-utils  : The aufs utils. Receipt Cooker
autoconf  : A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code. Receipt Cooker
automake  : A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles. Receipt Cooker
automake115  : A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles. Receipt Cooker
automoc4  : CMake automatic MOC Generation. Receipt Cooker
bash  : The GNU bourne SHell. Receipt Cooker
bc  : A commandline calculator. Receipt Cooker
beaver  : Simple and very light advanced text editor Receipt Cooker
beaver-plugins  : Simple and very light advanced text editor, plugins Receipt Cooker
binutils  : GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities. Receipt Cooker
binutils223  : GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities. Receipt Cooker
bison  : GNU parser generator. Receipt Cooker
bluez  : Bluetooth protocol stack. Receipt Cooker
bluez-alsa  : Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend. Receipt Cooker
bluez-dev  : Bluez development files. Receipt Cooker
bluez-gatttool  : Bluetooth Low Energy device tool. Receipt Cooker
broadcom-wl64  : Broadcom 802.11abg Linux STA Networking Drivers Receipt Cooker
brotli  : A generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm. Receipt Cooker
brotli-dev  : A generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm (devel files). Receipt Cooker
busybox  : Busybox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities. Receipt Cooker
bzip2  : High-quality data compressor. Receipt Cooker
bzip2-dev  : High-quality data compressor - development files. Receipt Cooker
bzlib  : High-quality data compressor libraries. Receipt Cooker
c-ares  : A C library for asynchronous DNS requests. Receipt Cooker
c-ares-dev  : A C library for asynchronous DNS requests, development files. Receipt Cooker
c-client  : mail store formats support. Receipt Cooker
cairo  : 2D graphics library Receipt Cooker
cairo-dev  : 2D graphics library, development files Receipt Cooker
cairo-tools  : 2D graphics library, development tools Receipt Cooker
cairomm  : 2D graphics library (mm). Receipt Cooker
cairomm-dev  : Cairomm library devel files. Receipt Cooker
cdparanoia-III  : CMDline CD ripper used by Asunder. Receipt Cooker
cdparanoia-III-dev  : CMDline CD ripper used by Asunder. Receipt Cooker
cdrkit  : Wodim for recording/blanking CDs/DVDs and genisoimage for ISO. Receipt Cooker
check  : A unit testing framework for C. Receipt Cooker
check-dev  : Check - development files. Receipt Cooker
cherokee  : A very fast, fiexible and easy to configure Web Server. Receipt Cooker
cherokee-dev  : Development files for cherokee. Receipt Cooker
cherokee-doc  : Documentation for cherokee Receipt Cooker
cifs-utils  : CIFS userland tools. Receipt Cooker
cifs-utils-dev  : CIFS userland tools, development files. Receipt Cooker
cifs-utils-quota  : CIFS quota tools. Receipt Cooker
clamav  : Antivirus. Receipt Cooker
clamav-dev  : Clamav - development files. Receipt Cooker
clang  : C language family frontend for LLVM. Receipt Cooker
clang-lib-cpp  : C language family frontend for LLVM (runtime). Receipt Cooker
clearlooks  : Clearlooks GTK+ theme. Receipt Cooker
clinfo  : Simple OpenCL application that enumerates all available platform Receipt Cooker
clonezilla  : The Free and Open Source Software for Disk Imaging and Cloning Receipt Cooker
cmake  : Cross-platform Make. Receipt Cooker
conky  : Simple and very light system monitor. Receipt Cooker
cookutils  : SliTaz packages builder new generation. Receipt Cooker
cookutils-daemon  : SliTaz Cooker daemon script for build host. Receipt Cooker
coreutils  : Utilities for using and setting the basic system. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-character  : GNU utilities that operate on characters. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-command  : GNU command utilities. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-conditions  : GNU utilities for conditions. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-context-system  : GNU utilities related to the system context. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-context-user  : GNU utilities related to the user context. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-context-working  : GNU utilities related to the working context. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-directory  : GNU utilities that list directories. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-disk  : GNU utilities that work with disks. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-attributes  : GNU utilities that change file attributes. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-format  : GNU utilities that format file contents. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-output-full  : GNU utilities that output entire files. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-output-part  : GNU utilities that output file parts. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-sort  : GNU utilities that operate on sorted files. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-special  : GNU utilities that work with special file types. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-file-summarize  : GNU utilities that summarize files. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-line  : GNU utilities that operate on fields within a line. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-multicall  : Utilities for using and setting the basic system. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-numeric  : GNU numeric utilities. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-operations  : GNU utilities that perform basic operations. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-path  : GNU utilities that perform path manipulation. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-print  : GNU utilities that print text. Receipt Cooker
coreutils-redirection  : GNU utility for output redirection. Receipt Cooker
cups  : Common UNIX Printing System. Receipt Cooker
cups-dev  : Common UNIX Printing System - development files. Receipt Cooker
cups-doc  : Documentation for cups. Receipt Cooker
cups-filters  : OpenPrinting CUPS Filters Receipt Cooker
cups-filters-dev  : OpenPrinting Cups Filters devel files Receipt Cooker
cups-pam  : Common UNIX Printing System with PAM support. Receipt Cooker
curl  : Tool and libraries for transfering files with URL syntax. Receipt Cooker
curl-dev  : Tool and libraries for transfering files with URL syntax - development files. Receipt Cooker
cyrus-sasl  : SASL authentication server. Receipt Cooker
cyrus-sasl-dev  : SASL authentication server - development files Receipt Cooker
cyrus-sasl-pam  : SASL authentication server using PAM. Receipt Cooker
db  : Berkeley database system. Receipt Cooker
db-dev  : Berkeley database development files. Receipt Cooker
dbus  : A message bus system. Receipt Cooker
dbus-c++  : A C++ API for D-BUS. Receipt Cooker
dbus-c++-dev  : A C++ API for D-BUS - development files. Receipt Cooker
dbus-dev  : A message bus system - development files. Receipt Cooker
dbus-glib  : D-Bus glib binding. Receipt Cooker
dbus-glib-dev  : D-Bus glib binding - development files. Receipt Cooker
dbus-helper  : A message bus system - daemon launch helper. Receipt Cooker
dbus-python  : D-Bus python binding. Receipt Cooker
dbus-python-dev  : D-Bus python binding - development files. Receipt Cooker
depmod  : Kernel modules dependancy tool. Receipt Cooker
desktop-file-utils  : Utilities for .desktop files (update-desktop-database). Receipt Cooker
desktop-file-utils-extra  : Extra desktop file utils (install and validate). Receipt Cooker
dev86  : Linux 8086 development environment. Receipt Cooker
dialog  : Script-interpreter which provides a set of curses widgets. Receipt Cooker
dialog-dev  : Script-interpreter which provides a set of curses widgets, development files. Receipt Cooker
diffutils  : Show differences between two files. Receipt Cooker
directx-headers  : Direct3D 12 headers Receipt Cooker
dmidecode  : SMBIOS/DMI reports. Receipt Cooker
docbook-xml  : A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.5) Receipt Cooker
docbook-xml-412  : A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.1.2) Receipt Cooker
docbook-xml-42  : A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.2) Receipt Cooker
docbook-xml-43  : A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.3) Receipt Cooker
docbook-xml-44  : A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.4) Receipt Cooker
docbook-xsl  : DocBook XSL stylesheets. Receipt Cooker
docbook-xsl-ns  : DocBook XSL (namespaced) stylesheets. Receipt Cooker
dosbox  : DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library. Receipt Cooker
dosfstools  : Tools to create and check DOS filesystems. Receipt Cooker
drbl  : Diskless Remote Boot in Linux Receipt Cooker
dropbear  : Lightweight SSH2 server and client Receipt Cooker
dropbear-pam  : Light SSH client and server using PAM. Receipt Cooker
e2fsprogs  : Filesystem utilities for use with ext2, ext3 and ext4 (without fsck*). Receipt Cooker
e2fsprogs-dev  : The e2fsprogs development files. Receipt Cooker
ed  : A line-oriented text editor. Receipt Cooker
efibootmgr  : Manage UEFI boot manager variables. Receipt Cooker
efivar  : Manage UEFI variables. Receipt Cooker
efivar-dev  : Manage UEFI variables - development files. Receipt Cooker
elfkickers  : Misc ELF linker format tools. Receipt Cooker
elfutils  : ELF object file access library. Receipt Cooker
elfutils-dev  : ELF object file access library, development files. Receipt Cooker
enca  : Enca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser. Receipt Cooker
enca-dev  : Enca development files. Receipt Cooker
enchant  : Enchant spell checking library. Receipt Cooker
enchant-dev  : Devel files for enchant. Receipt Cooker
epdfview  : Lightweight PDF document viewer using Poppler. Receipt Cooker
epdfview-cups  : Lightweight PDF document viewer using Poppler and Cups. Receipt Cooker
esound  : Enlightened Sound Daemon Receipt Cooker
esound-dev  : Enlightened Sound Daemon Receipt Cooker
ethtool  : Display or change ethernet card settings. Receipt Cooker
eudev  : Fork of udev to avoid depending on systemd. Receipt Cooker
eudev-dev  : Eudev development files (libudev). Receipt Cooker
eudev-lib  : Eudev library files (libudev). Receipt Cooker
exfat-utils  : exFAT file system tools. Receipt Cooker
exif  : Read exif data from images Receipt Cooker
expat  : XML parsing C library. Receipt Cooker
expat-dev  : XML parsing library development files. Receipt Cooker
faac  : An open source MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC encoder. Receipt Cooker
faac-dev  : An open source MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC encoder - development files. Receipt Cooker
faad2  : FAAD2 is an open source MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoder. Receipt Cooker
faad2-dev  : FAAD2 is an open source MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoder devel files. Receipt Cooker
fake-hwclock  : Save/restore system clock on machines without working RTC hardware. Receipt Cooker
ffado-tools  : FFADO debugging and firmware tools. Receipt Cooker
ffmpeg  : Record, convert and stream audio and video. Receipt Cooker
ffmpeg-compat  : Record, convert and stream audio and video (compatible libs version). Receipt Cooker
ffmpeg-compat-dev  : Development files for ffmpeg-compat (used to build enna). Receipt Cooker
ffmpeg-dev  : Record, convert and stream audio and video - development files. Receipt Cooker
ffplay  : Very simple and portable media player using the ffmpeg and the SDL library. Receipt Cooker
fftw  : A library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Receipt Cooker
fftw-dev  : fftw development files. Receipt Cooker
file  : Determines file type using 'magic' numbers. Receipt Cooker
findutils  : GNU utilities and tools to find and locate. Receipt Cooker
firefox-official  : Official Firefox build by the Mozilla foundation (English language). Receipt Cooker
firmware  : Firmware files for Linux Receipt Cooker
firmware-amdgpu  : Firmware files for amdgpu Receipt Cooker
firmware-atheros  : Firmware files for atheros modules. Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-100  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 100 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-1000  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 1000 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-105  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 105 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-135  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 135 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-2000  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 2000 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-2030  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 2030 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-3160  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 3160 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-3945  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 3945 (legacy) Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-4965  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 4965 (legacy) Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-5000  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 5000 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-5150  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 5150 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-6000  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 6000 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-6050  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 6050 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-7260  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 7260 Receipt Cooker
firmware-iwlwifi-7265  : Firmware files for iwlwifi 7265 Receipt Cooker
firmware-radeon  : Firmware files for radeon Receipt Cooker
firmware-rt2x00  : Firmware files for all rt2x00 modules. Receipt Cooker
firmware-rtlnic  : Firmware files for Realtek ethernet Receipt Cooker
firmware-rtlwifi  : Firmware files for rtlwifi modules. Receipt Cooker
firmware-rtw88  : Firmware files for rtw88 modules. Receipt Cooker
flac  : Free Lossless Audio Codec. Receipt Cooker
flac-dev  : Free Lossless Audio Codec - development files. Receipt Cooker
flag-icons  : 2600 Flag Icon Set from GoSquared Receipt Cooker
flex  : Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator. Receipt Cooker
fluidsynth  : A real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications. Receipt Cooker
fluidsynth-dev  : Fluidsynth development files. Receipt Cooker
fontconfig  : Font configuration utilities and library Receipt Cooker
fontconfig-dev  : Font configuration utilities and library devel files Receipt Cooker
fontforge  : An outline font editor. Receipt Cooker
foomatic-db-engine  : database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database Receipt Cooker
foomatic-filters  : Foomatic filters needed to run print queues with Foomatic PPDs. Receipt Cooker
freeglut  : OpenGL utility toolkit. Receipt Cooker
freeglut-dev  : OpenGL utility toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker
freetds  : Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases client libraries. Receipt Cooker
freetds-dev  : Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases client libraries. Receipt Cooker
freetype  : A free, high-quality, and portable font engine. Receipt Cooker
freetype-dev  : A free, high-quality, and portable font engine, development files. Receipt Cooker
fribidi  : Free implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. Receipt Cooker
fribidi-dev  : Development files for Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm. Receipt Cooker
fsarchiver  : A safe and flexible file-system backup and deployment tool. Receipt Cooker
fuse  : Fuse Filsystem in user space. Receipt Cooker
fuse-dev  : Fuse Filsystem - development files. Receipt Cooker
fuse2  : Fuse Filsystem in user space. Receipt Cooker
fuse2-dev  : Fuse Filsystem - development files. Receipt Cooker
galculator  : Graphical scientific calculator. Receipt Cooker
gamin  : File and directory monitoring system. Receipt Cooker
gamin-dev  : Devel files for gamin file and directory monitoring system. Receipt Cooker
gawk  : GNU awk to handle simple data-reformatting. Receipt Cooker
gc  : A garbage collector for C and C++. Receipt Cooker
gc-dev  : A garbage collector for C and C++ devel files (with libatomic_ops). Receipt Cooker
gcc  : The GNU Compiler Collection. Receipt Cooker
gcc-lib-base  : GCC base libraries, libgcc_s and libstdc++. Receipt Cooker
gcc-lib-math  : GCC math libraries, libquadmath. Receipt Cooker
gcc49  : The GNU Compiler Collection. Receipt Cooker
gcc49-lib-base  : GCC base libraries, libgcc_s and libstdc++. Receipt Cooker
gcolor2  : Light and simple color selector. Receipt Cooker
gcr  : Displaying certificates and access key stores Receipt Cooker
gcr-base  : Displaying certificates and access key stores base file Receipt Cooker
gcr-dev  : Development files for gcr Receipt Cooker
gcr-ui  : Displaying certificates and access key stores UI file Receipt Cooker
gdb  : The GNU Project Debugger. Receipt Cooker
gdb-dev  : The GNU Project Debugger - development files. Receipt Cooker
gdb-python  : The GNU Project Debugger with Python support. Receipt Cooker
gdbm  : GNU database indexing library. Receipt Cooker
gdbm-dev  : GNU database indexing library - development files. Receipt Cooker
gdk-pixbuf  : An image loading library for gtk2. Receipt Cooker
gdk-pixbuf-dev  : Development files for gdk-pixbuf. Receipt Cooker
gdk-pixbuf-xlib  : GdkPixbuf/Xlib API. Receipt Cooker
gdk-pixbuf-xlib-dev  : Development files for gdk-pixbuf-xlib. Receipt Cooker
get-LibreOffice  : Productivity suite. Receipt Cooker
get-hplip-plugin  : Get Binary plugin for HPs hplip printer driver library. Receipt Cooker
get-texlive  : get texlive distribution for tex, latex... Receipt Cooker
gettext  : Utilities for the GNU Translation Project. Receipt Cooker
gettext-base  : Base tools from the GNU Translation Project. Receipt Cooker
gettext-tools  : GNU gettext tools to manage translations. Receipt Cooker
gfortran  : GCC fortran extension. Receipt Cooker
ghostscript  : Ghostscript tools and utilities. Receipt Cooker
ghostscript-dev  : Ghostscript development files. Receipt Cooker
giflib  : A library for processing GIFs. Receipt Cooker
giflib-dev  : giflib devel files. Receipt Cooker
git  : Fast version control system. Receipt Cooker
glew  : The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library. Receipt Cooker
glew-dev  : The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library. (development files) Receipt Cooker
glib  : C routines. Receipt Cooker
glib-dev  : C routines devel files and utilities (with Python codegen). Receipt Cooker
glib-networking  : TLS support for glib. Receipt Cooker
glibc  : The GNU C libraries. This package is used to compile the libc. Receipt Cooker
glibc-base  : GNU libc minimal libraries and UTF-8 support for SliTaz. Receipt Cooker
glibc-dev  : The GNU C libraries devel files (Part of SliTaz toolchain). Receipt Cooker
glibc-locale  : The GNU C libraries locale files and utilities (see also locale-*). Receipt Cooker
glibmm  : C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+. Receipt Cooker
glibmm-dev  : Callback Framework for C++ devel files. Receipt Cooker
gmp  : GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library. Receipt Cooker
gmp-dev  : GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic - development files. Receipt Cooker
gmtp  : A simple graphical MTP client. Receipt Cooker
gnome-icon-theme  : Default GNOME icon theme. Receipt Cooker
gnumeric  : Office Spreadsheet application. Receipt Cooker
gnupg  : Free implementation of the OpenPGP. Receipt Cooker
gnutls  : GNU Transport Layer Security Library. Receipt Cooker
gnutls-dev  : GNU Transport Layer Security Library headers Receipt Cooker
gobject-introspection  : Introspection system for GObject-based libraries Receipt Cooker
gobject-introspection-dev  : Gobject-introspection devel files Receipt Cooker
goffice  : A library of document-centric objects and utilities. Receipt Cooker
goffice-dev  : GOffice development files. Receipt Cooker
gparted  : A partition editor to graphically manage disk partitions Receipt Cooker
gperf  : GNU gperf is a perfect hash function generator. Receipt Cooker
gpicview  : Lightweight image viewer. Receipt Cooker
gpm  : Mouse server for console. Receipt Cooker
gpm-dev  : Mouse server for console, development files. Receipt Cooker
gpm-extra  : Mouse server for console, extra files. Receipt Cooker
gptfdisk  : GUID Partition Table (GPT) Partitioning tools. Receipt Cooker
graphviz  : Automatic graph drawing. Receipt Cooker
graphviz-dev  : Automatic graph drawing development files. Receipt Cooker
graphviz-doc  : Automatic graph drawing documentation files. Receipt Cooker
grep  : GNU Global Regular Expression Print. Receipt Cooker
groff  : The GNU troff text-formatting system. Receipt Cooker
grub2  : GRUB2 boot loader. Receipt Cooker
grub2-efi  : GRUB2 boot loader. Receipt Cooker
grub2-efi-x64  : GRUB2 boot loader. Receipt Cooker
grub2-efi-x64-modules  : GRUB2 EFI boot loader modules. Receipt Cooker
gsettings-desktop-schemas  : Collection of GSettings schemas for settings shared by various components of a GNOME Desktop. Receipt Cooker
gsl  : Numerical library for C and C++ programmers. Receipt Cooker
gsl-dev  : Gsl development files (libraries and headers). Receipt Cooker
gst-ffmpeg  : GStreamer FFmpeg Plugins Receipt Cooker
gst-ffmpeg-small  : GStreamer FFmpeg Plugins Receipt Cooker
gst-libav  : GStreamer 1.x libav/ffmpeg Plugin. Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-bad-1.0  : GStreamer Bad Plugins Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-bad-1.0-dev  : gst-plugins-bad devel files Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-base  : GStreamer Base Plugins Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-base-1.0  : GStreamer Base Plugins. Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-base-1.0-dev  : gst-plugins-base development files. Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-base-dev  : gst-plugins-base devel files Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-good  : GStreamer Good Plugins Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-good-1.0  : GStreamer Base Plugins. Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-good-dev  : gst-plugins-good devel files Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-ugly  : GStreamer Ugly Plugins Receipt Cooker
gst-plugins-ugly-dev  : gst-plugins-ugly devel files Receipt Cooker
gstreamer  : GStreamer Multimedia Framework Receipt Cooker
gstreamer-1.0  : GStreamer Multimedia Framework. Receipt Cooker
gstreamer-1.0-dev  : The gstreamer-1.0 development files. Receipt Cooker
gstreamer-dev  : gstreamer devel files Receipt Cooker
gtk+  : The GIMP Toolkit. Receipt Cooker
gtk+-dev  : The GIMP Toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker
gtk+3  : The GIMP Toolkit 3.x Receipt Cooker
gtk+3-demo  : The GIMP Toolkit 3.x example code and demo Receipt Cooker
gtk+3-dev  : The GIMP Toolkit 3.x (development files). Receipt Cooker
gtk+3-widget-factory  : The GIMP Toolkit 3.x widget factory Receipt Cooker
gtk-clearlooks  : Updated default GTKengine, with ajustable colors. Receipt Cooker
gtk-doc  : Generate API documentation from comments added to C code. Receipt Cooker
gtk-engines  : All standart GTK+2 engines for themes Receipt Cooker
gtk-girepository  : Required to run pygobject3 applications. Receipt Cooker
gtkmm  : C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+. Receipt Cooker
gtkmm-dev  : Callback Framework for C++ development files. Receipt Cooker
gtksourceview  : Extends GTK+ framework for multiline text editing. Receipt Cooker
gtksourceview-dev  : The gtksourceview library devel files. Receipt Cooker
gtkspell  : provides highlighting and replacement of misspelled words Receipt Cooker
gtkspell-dev  : Provides highlighting and replacement of misspelled words. Receipt Cooker
guile  : Project GNU's extension language. Receipt Cooker
guile-dev  : devel files for guile Receipt Cooker
gummi  : LaTeX editor designed with simplicity in mind. Receipt Cooker
gutenprint  : Top quality drivers for Canon and Epson printers. Receipt Cooker
gutenprint-dev  : Gutenprint development files. Receipt Cooker
gvfs  : Userspace virtual filesystem designed to work with gio Receipt Cooker
gvfs-afp  : Apple Filing Protocol support for gvfs (afp:///) Receipt Cooker
gvfs-archive  : Archive support for gvfs (archive:///) Receipt Cooker
gvfs-cdda  : CDDA support for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gvfs-dev  : Userspace virtual filesystem (development) Receipt Cooker
gvfs-fuse  : FUSE support for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gvfs-gphoto2  : Gphoto2 support for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gvfs-gtk  : Recent files support for gvfs (GTK+3) (recent:///) Receipt Cooker
gvfs-http  : HTTP/WebDAV support for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gvfs-libmtp  : MTP support for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gvfs-obexftp  : ObexFTP support for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gvfs-smb  : Samba support for gvfs (smb:///) Receipt Cooker
gvfs-udisks2  : Udisks2 volume monitor for gvfs Receipt Cooker
gzip  : GNU compression utilities (gzip and gunzip) Receipt Cooker
hal  : Hardware Abstraction Layer. Receipt Cooker
hal-cups-utils  : Cups backend/utils to browse and configure using HAL UDIs Receipt Cooker
hal-dev  : Hal devel files. Receipt Cooker
hal-extra  : Hal extra lib and fdi files. Receipt Cooker
hal-info  : hal sub-package that provides the hardware data and quirks. Receipt Cooker
hal-scripts  : Hal scripts files. Receipt Cooker
haproxy  : Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer. Receipt Cooker
hardinfo  : A tool to get hardware informations and perform benchmarks. Receipt Cooker
harfbuzz  : OpenType text shaping engine. Receipt Cooker
harfbuzz-dev  : Harfbuzz development files. Receipt Cooker
harfbuzz-icu  : OpenType text shaping engine with icu support. Receipt Cooker
harfbuzz-icu-dev  : Harfbuzz with ICU development files. Receipt Cooker
hicolor-icon-theme  : Icon theme that all icon themes automatically inherit from. Receipt Cooker
hplip  : Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet. Receipt Cooker
hplip-gui  : HPLIP GUI. Receipt Cooker
hyphen  : Library for high quality hyphenation and justification Receipt Cooker
hyphen-dev  : Library for high quality hyphenation and justification (dev files). Receipt Cooker
icon-naming-utils  : Perl script used for desktop icon compatibility Receipt Cooker
icu  : C, C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization. Receipt Cooker
icu-dev  : Development files for ICU lib. Receipt Cooker
ijs  : IJS API function Receipt Cooker
ijs-dev  : IJS developement files Receipt Cooker
ilmbase  : IlmThread is a thread abstraction library for use with OpenEXR. Receipt Cooker
ilmbase-dev  : Development files for ilmbase. Receipt Cooker
imagemagick  : Images manipulation programs. Receipt Cooker
imagemagick-dev  : ImagesMagick - development files. Receipt Cooker
imlib2  : Imlib graphics library. Receipt Cooker
imlib2-dev  : Imlib graphics library - development files. Receipt Cooker
indent  : A tool for formatting C code. Receipt Cooker
inkscape  : Vector-based drawing program. Receipt Cooker
intltool  : Translation tools (PO, XML). Receipt Cooker
iptables  : Packet filtering framework (Firewall). Receipt Cooker
iptables-dev  : Packet filtering framework (Firewall) - development files. Receipt Cooker
ipxe  : Open source network boot firmware. Receipt Cooker
ipxe-pxe  : Open source network boot firmware for pxe server. Receipt Cooker
ipxelinux  : Open source network boot firmware for pxe server. Receipt Cooker
iso-codes  : ISO-639, ISO-4217, ISO-3166 and ISO-3166-2 code lists and translations. Receipt Cooker
itstool  : ITS-based XML translation tool. Receipt Cooker
jack-audio-connection-kit  : Low-latency audio server. Receipt Cooker
jack-audio-connection-kit-dev  : Development files for Jack. Receipt Cooker
jasper  : Implementation of JPEG-2000 codec. Receipt Cooker
jasper-dev  : Jasper development files. Receipt Cooker
jbig2dec  : Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format. Receipt Cooker
jbig2dec-dev  : Development files for jbig2dec. Receipt Cooker
jbigkit  : Highly effective data compression algorithm for bi-level high-resolution images. Receipt Cooker
jpeg  : JPEG image programs. Receipt Cooker
jpeg-dev  : JPEG images libraries - development files. Receipt Cooker
jpeg-turbo  : JPEG image programs. Receipt Cooker
jq  : A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. Receipt Cooker
jsmin  : JavaScript minification filter Receipt Cooker
kbd  : Keyboard mapping definitions and tools. Receipt Cooker
kbd-base  : Keyboard mapping definitions, loadkeys and setfont utilities. Receipt Cooker
kbd-busybox  : Keyboard mapping definitions for busybox. Receipt Cooker
kbd-vlock  : Vlock - Virtual Console lock program. Receipt Cooker
kexec-tools  : Directly boot into a new kernel. Receipt Cooker
kmod  : Linux kernel modules tools. Receipt Cooker
kmod-dev  : Kmod devel files. Receipt Cooker
krb5  : Network authentication protocol with strong authentication. Receipt Cooker
krb5-clients  : Miscellaneous clients using MIT Kerberos. Receipt Cooker
krb5-dev  : Network authentication protocol - development files. Receipt Cooker
krb5-plugins  : Plugins for MIT Kerberos. Receipt Cooker
krb5-user  : Basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos. Receipt Cooker
ladspa  : Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA). Receipt Cooker
ladspa-dev  : Ladspa development files. Receipt Cooker
lame  : MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder. Receipt Cooker
lame-dev  : Lame (mp3 encoder) development files. Receipt Cooker
lcms  : A free color management engine in 100K (library). Receipt Cooker
lcms-apps  : Tiny appsa and tools from the LCMS project. Receipt Cooker
lcms-dev  : LCMS devel files. Receipt Cooker
lcms2  : Open source color management engine (library). Receipt Cooker
lcms2-apps  : Open source color management engine (applications). Receipt Cooker
lcms2-dev  : Open source color management engine (development files). Receipt Cooker
leafpad  : GTK simple text editor. Receipt Cooker
less  : A terminal based program for viewing text files. Receipt Cooker
lesstif  : An LGPL clone of Motif, which is a set of GUI widgets. Receipt Cooker
lesstif-dev  : lesstif devel files. Receipt Cooker
libIDL  : IDL Compiling Library. Receipt Cooker
libQt3Support  : Qt3 support Library Receipt Cooker
libQt5Concurrent  : Qt5 Concurrent library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Core  : Qt5 Core files. Receipt Cooker
libQt5DBus  : Qt5 Dbus Library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Designer  : Qt5 Designer. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Gui  : Qt5 Gui Library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Help  : Qt5 help library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Multimedia  : Qt5 multimedia library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Network  : Qt5 network library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5OpenGL  : Qt5 OpenGL library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Plugins  : Qt5 x11 toolkit plugins. Receipt Cooker
libQt5PrintSupport  : Qt5 PrintSupport library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Script  : Qt5 script library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5ScriptTools  : Qt5 ScriptTools library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Sql  : Qt5 SQL library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Svg  : Qt5 Svg library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Test  : Qt5 test library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Widgets  : Qt5 Widgets library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5X11Extras  : Qt5 X11 Extras library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Xcb  : Qt5 Xcb library. Receipt Cooker
libQt5Xml  : Qt5 XML library. Receipt Cooker
libQtClucene  : Qt clucene Library Receipt Cooker
libQtCore  : Qt Core files Receipt Cooker
libQtDBus  : Qt Dbus Library Receipt Cooker
libQtDeclarative  : Qt Declarative Library Receipt Cooker
libQtDesigner  : Qt Designer Receipt Cooker
libQtGui  : Qt Gui Library Receipt Cooker
libQtHelp  : Qt help Library Receipt Cooker
libQtMimeTypes  : A Qt4 backport of the Qt5 mimetypes API Receipt Cooker
libQtMimeTypes-dev  : A Qt4 backport of the Qt5 mimetypes API (development) Receipt Cooker
libQtMultimedia  : Qt Multimedia Library Receipt Cooker
libQtNetwork  : Qt Network Library Receipt Cooker
libQtOpenGL  : Qt OpenGL Library Receipt Cooker
libQtPlugins  : qt x11 toolkit plugins Receipt Cooker
libQtScript  : Qt Script Lib Receipt Cooker
libQtScriptTools  : Qt ScriptTools Lib Receipt Cooker
libQtSql  : Qt sql Library Receipt Cooker
libQtSvg  : Qt Svg Library Receipt Cooker
libQtTest  : Qt Test library Receipt Cooker
libQtWebkit  : Web browser engine for Qt Receipt Cooker
libQtWebkit-video  : Web browser engine for Qt (with gstreamer HTML5 audio video support) Receipt Cooker
libQtXml  : Qt Xml library Receipt Cooker
libaio  : Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library. Receipt Cooker
libaio-dev  : Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libao  : Cross-platform audio output library and plugins. Receipt Cooker
libao-dev  : libao development files. Receipt Cooker
libarchive  : C library and command line tool for reading archive. Receipt Cooker
libarchive-dev  : C library and command line tool archive - development files. Receipt Cooker
libassuan  : IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages. Receipt Cooker
libassuan-dev  : IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages - development files. Receipt Cooker
libatasmart  : A disk reporting library. Receipt Cooker
libatasmart-dev  : The libatasmart development files. Receipt Cooker
libatomic  : GCC libatomic (required for firefox). Receipt Cooker
libavahi  : libavahi hack for LibreOffice. Receipt Cooker
libavc1394  : Interface for the 1394 Trade Association AV/C Digital Interface. Receipt Cooker
libavc1394-dev  : Interface for the 1394 Trade Association AV/C Digital Interface. Receipt Cooker
libbfd  : Binary File Descriptor library. Receipt Cooker
libboost  : Libboost meta-package to install base modules. Receipt Cooker
libboost-chrono  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-chrono-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-date-time  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-date-time-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-dev  : Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. Receipt Cooker
libboost-doc  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-filesystem  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-filesystem-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-graph  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-graph-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-iostreams  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-iostreams-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-locale  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-locale-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-math  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-math-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-program-options  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-program-options-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-python  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-python-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-regex  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-regex-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-serialization  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-serialization-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-signals-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-system  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-system-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-test  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-test-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-thread  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-thread-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-tr1  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-tr1-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-wave  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libboost-wave-dev  : Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. Receipt Cooker
libcanberra  : Portable Sound Event Library Receipt Cooker
libcanberra-dev  : Portable Sound Event Library Receipt Cooker
libcap  : Support for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities. Receipt Cooker
libcap-dev  : Support for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities - development files. Receipt Cooker
libcap-ng  : New generation libcap library. Receipt Cooker
libcap-ng-dev  : Libcap-ng development files. Receipt Cooker
libcap-pam  : Support for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities - pam module. Receipt Cooker
libcddb  : C library to access data on a CDDB server ( Receipt Cooker
libcddb-dev  : Devel CDDB file C library. Receipt Cooker
libcddb-utils  : libccdb utilities. Receipt Cooker
libcdio  : GNU Compact Disk Input and Control Library. Receipt Cooker
libcdio-dev  : GNU Compact Disk Input and Control Library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libcdio-paranoia  : Port of's cdda paranoia to use libcdio for CDROM access. Receipt Cooker
libcdio-paranoia-dev  : Port of's cdda paranoia to use libcdio for CDROM access - development files. Receipt Cooker
libcdio-utils  : Utilities supplied with libcdio. Receipt Cooker
libclc  : OpenCL 1.1 libraries Receipt Cooker
libclc-dev  : OpenCL 1.1 libraries - development files. Receipt Cooker
libcomerr  : The libcomerr library files. Receipt Cooker
libcomerr-dev  : The libcomerr devel files. Receipt Cooker
libcomerr3  : The libcomerr v3 library files. Receipt Cooker
libconfig  : C/C++ Configuration File Library. Receipt Cooker
libconfig-dev  : C/C++ Configuration File Library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libcrypto  : General purpose cryptographic shared library. Receipt Cooker
libcrypto-dev  : General purpose cryptographic shared library devel files. Receipt Cooker
libcrypto11  : General purpose cryptographic shared library (1.1.1 series). Receipt Cooker
libcrypto11-dev  : General purpose cryptographic shared library devel files (1.1.1 series). Receipt Cooker
libcups  : Common UNIX Printing System - libraries. Receipt Cooker
libcurl  : Curl library files. Receipt Cooker
libd3d9-mesa  : Mesa Direct3D9 API. Receipt Cooker
libdb  : Berkeley database libraries. Receipt Cooker
libdbus-c++  : A C++ API for D-BUS. Receipt Cooker
libdevmapper  : Linux device mapper library. Receipt Cooker
libdevmapper-dev  : Linux device mapper library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libdnet  : A simplified, portable interface to several low-level networking routines. Receipt Cooker
libdnet-dev  : Development files of libdnet. Receipt Cooker
libdrm  : Freedesktop DRM Library. Receipt Cooker
libdrm-amdgpu  : Freedesktop DRM Library (amdgpu library). Receipt Cooker
libdrm-dev  : Lib DRM - development files. Receipt Cooker
libdrm-intel  : Freedesktop DRM Library (intel library). Receipt Cooker
libdrm-mach64  : DRM Library for mach64 (deprecated but no alternative). Receipt Cooker
libdrm-nouveau  : Freedesktop DRM Library (nouveau library). Receipt Cooker
libdrm-radeon  : Freedesktop DRM Library (radeon library). Receipt Cooker
libdv  : Software codec for DV video. Receipt Cooker
libdv-dev  : Devel files from libdv. Receipt Cooker
libdvdcss  : Accessing DVDs like a block device. Receipt Cooker
libdvdcss-dev  : Read DVDs - development files. Receipt Cooker
libdvdnav  : Library for navigating a DVD. Receipt Cooker
libdvdnav-dev  : Library for navigating a DVD - development files. Receipt Cooker
libdvdread  : Library for reading DVDs. Receipt Cooker
libdvdread-dev  : Library for reading DVDs - development files. Receipt Cooker
libegl-mesa  : OpenGL utility library. Receipt Cooker
libepoxy  : Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management Receipt Cooker
libepoxy-dev  : Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management (devel files). Receipt Cooker
libevdev  : Common functions for Xorg input drivers. Receipt Cooker
libevdev-dev  : Common functions for Xorg input drivers - development files. Receipt Cooker
libexif  : Reads and writes EXIF metainformation from and to image files. Receipt Cooker
libexif-dev  : Libexif - development files. Receipt Cooker
libffado  : Driver for FireWire audio devices. Receipt Cooker
libffi  : A portable foreign function interface library. Receipt Cooker
libffi-dev  : Libffi, development files. Receipt Cooker
libfm  : File management support (core library). Receipt Cooker
libfm-dev  : File management support (GTK+ GUI development files) Receipt Cooker
libfm-extra  : File management support (extra library). Receipt Cooker
libfm-extra-dev  : File management support (extra development files). Receipt Cooker
libfm-gtk  : File management support (GTK+2 GUI library). Receipt Cooker
libftdi  : A library to talk to FTDI chips using libusb. Receipt Cooker
libftdi-dev  : Libftdi development files. Receipt Cooker
libgbm-mesa  : Mesa gbm library. Receipt Cooker
libgcrypt  : Cryptographic library based on GnuPG. Receipt Cooker
libgcrypt-dev  : Cryptographic library based on GnuPG - development files. Receipt Cooker
libgd  : Library for the dynamic creation of images. Receipt Cooker
libgd-dev  : Library for the dynamic creation of images - development files. Receipt Cooker
libgdiplus  : Mono library providing a GDI+ compatible API on non-Windows operating systems. Receipt Cooker
libgdiplus-dev  : Libgdiplus development files. Receipt Cooker
libgfortran  : GCC fortran runtime. Receipt Cooker
libgio  : Glib libgio shared library. Receipt Cooker
libgio-dev  : Glib libgio devel files. Receipt Cooker
libgiomm  : GIO Framework for C++. Receipt Cooker
libgiomm-dev  : GIO Framework for C++ devel files. Receipt Cooker
libglade  : The Glade libs. Receipt Cooker
libglade-dev  : The Glade libs devel files. Receipt Cooker
libglademm  : A C++ wrapper for libglade. Receipt Cooker
libglademm-dev  : A C++ wrapper for libglade (devel files). Receipt Cooker
libglapi-mesa  : OpenGL API library. Receipt Cooker
libglu-mesa  : OpenGL utility library. Receipt Cooker
libglu-mesa-dev  : OpenGL utility library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libglvnd  : Vendor neutral GL dispatch library Receipt Cooker
libglvnd-dev  : Vendor neutral GL dispatch library - development files Receipt Cooker
libglw-mesa  : OpenGL widget library Receipt Cooker
libglw-mesa-dev  : OpenGL widget library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libglx-mesa  : OpenGL GLX vendor library. Receipt Cooker
libgnome-keyring  : A libray that keeps password and other secrets for users. Receipt Cooker
libgnome-keyring-dev  : A libray that keeps password and other secrets for users, development files. Receipt Cooker
libgnutls  : GNU Transport Layer Security Library headers Receipt Cooker
libgomp  : API specification for parallel programming. Receipt Cooker
libgpg-error  : Common error messages for GnuPG. Receipt Cooker
libgpg-error-dev  : Common error messages for GnuPG - development files. Receipt Cooker
libgphoto2  : Core library of gphoto2 to access photos from digital camera. Receipt Cooker
libgphoto2-dev  : Libgphoto2 - development files. Receipt Cooker
libgsf  : GNOME Structured File Library. Receipt Cooker
libgsf-dev  : GNOME Structured File Library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libgtop  : Gnome library for system monitoring. Receipt Cooker
libgtop-dev  : Gnome library for system monitoring - development files. Receipt Cooker
libgudev  : GObject-based wrapper library for libudev. Receipt Cooker
libgudev-dev  : GObject-based wrapper library for libudev. (devel files) Receipt Cooker
libical  : Opensource ICalendar implementation. Receipt Cooker
libical-dev  : Opensource ICalendar - development files. Receipt Cooker
libid3tag  : ID3 tag manipulation library. Receipt Cooker
libid3tag-dev  : ID3 tag manipulation library devel files. Receipt Cooker
libidn  : Encode and decode internationalized domain names. Receipt Cooker
libidn-dev  : Encode and decode internationalized domain names, development files. Receipt Cooker
libiec61883  : libiec61883 is a standard defining a high speed serial bus. Receipt Cooker
libiec61883-dev  : libiec61883 is a standard defining a high speed serial bus. Receipt Cooker
libirman  : Library for Irman. Receipt Cooker
libirman-dev  : libirman devel files. Receipt Cooker
libjpeg  : JPEG image libraries. Receipt Cooker
libjpeg-turbo  : JPEG image libraries. Receipt Cooker
libjpeg-turbo-dev  : JPEG image libraries - development files. Receipt Cooker
libjson-c  : A JSON implementation in C. Receipt Cooker
libjson-c-dev  : A JSON implementation in C, development files. Receipt Cooker
libkeybinder  : Library for registering global keyboard shortcuts Receipt Cooker
libkeybinder-dev  : Library for registering global keyboard shortcuts Receipt Cooker
libkrb5  : Kerberos network authentication protocol libraries. Receipt Cooker
libkrb5support  : Kerberos network authentication protocol support libraries. Receipt Cooker
libksba  : Library to work with X.509 certificates, CMS data and related objects. Receipt Cooker
libksba-dev  : The libksba development files. Receipt Cooker
libldap  : LDAP database libraries. Receipt Cooker
liblouis  : Open-source braille translator and back-translator. Receipt Cooker
liblouis-dev  : Open-source braille translator and back-translator, development files. Receipt Cooker
libltdl  : The GNU Portable Library Tool. Receipt Cooker
liblzma  : Compressor library with a high compression ratio. Receipt Cooker
liblzma-dev  : Compressor with a high compression ratio, development files. Receipt Cooker
libmad  : MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. Receipt Cooker
libmad-dev  : MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder devel files. Receipt Cooker
libmagic  : File type determination library using 'magic' numbers. Receipt Cooker
libmagic-dev  : File type determination library using 'magic' numbers (development). Receipt Cooker
libmariadbclient  : SQL database system client libraries. Receipt Cooker
libmcrypt  : Encryption Library Receipt Cooker
libmcrypt-dev  : Encryption Library dev files Receipt Cooker
libmms  : A common library for parsing mms and mmsh streams. Receipt Cooker
libmms-dev  : A common library for parsing mms and mmsh streams - development files. Receipt Cooker
libmng  : library for multi network graphics Receipt Cooker
libmng-dev  : dev file for libmng Receipt Cooker
libmnl  : A minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers. Receipt Cooker
libmnl-dev  : A minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers - development files. Receipt Cooker
libmodplug  : A MOD playing library. Receipt Cooker
libmodplug-dev  : libmodplug development files. Receipt Cooker
libmpeg2  : library for decoding MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video streams Receipt Cooker
libmpeg2-dev  : libmpeg2 devel files Receipt Cooker
libmtp  : LGPL library implementation of the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). Receipt Cooker
libmtp-dev  : LGPL library implementation of the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) - development files. Receipt Cooker
libmysqlclient  : SQL database system client libraries. Receipt Cooker
libnl  : netlink library. Receipt Cooker
libnl-dev  : netlink library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libnl-tools  : The netlink tiny tools. Receipt Cooker
libnl1  : netlink library. Receipt Cooker
libnl1-dev  : netlink library devel files. Receipt Cooker
libnotify  : Notification library Receipt Cooker
libnotify-dev  : Notification library Receipt Cooker
libnsl  : Public client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+. Receipt Cooker
libnsl-dev  : Public client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+ - development files. Receipt Cooker
libobjc  : API for gcc object Receipt Cooker
libogg  : OGG library from project. Receipt Cooker
libogg-dev  : OGG library, development files from project. Receipt Cooker
libopencl-mesa  : Mesa OpenCL ICD library. Receipt Cooker
libopusenc  : High-level Opus encoding library Receipt Cooker
libopusenc-dev  : High-level Opus encoding library, development files Receipt Cooker
libos-mesa  : Mesa off-screen library. Receipt Cooker
libpcap  : Library for tcpdump. Receipt Cooker
libpcap-dev  : Development files for libpcap. Receipt Cooker
libpng  : PNG images library. Receipt Cooker
libpng+apng  : Loads and saves PNG files (with APNG support). Receipt Cooker
libpng+apng-dev  : Development files for libpng (with APNG support). Receipt Cooker
libpng-dev  : PNG images library devel files. Receipt Cooker
libpostgresqlclient  : SQL database system libraries. Receipt Cooker
libpsl  : C library for the Public Suffix List Receipt Cooker
libpsl-dev  : C library for the Public Suffix List (devel files). Receipt Cooker
libpthread-stubs  : Weak aliases for pthread functions. Receipt Cooker
libpthread-stubs-dev  : Weak aliases for pthread functions development files Receipt Cooker
libraw1394  : IEEE 1394 is a standard defining a high speed serial bus. Receipt Cooker
libraw1394-dev  : IEEE 1394 static library and development files. Receipt Cooker
librsvg  : SVG Rendering Library Receipt Cooker
librsvg-apps  : Tiny libRSVG utilities (rsvg-convert, rsvg-view-3) Receipt Cooker
librsvg-dev  : SVG Rendering Library, development files Receipt Cooker
libruby  : Ruby shared libraries. Receipt Cooker
libruby-extras  : Ruby libraries. Receipt Cooker
libsamplerate  : Sample Rate Converter for audio. Receipt Cooker
libsamplerate-dev  : Development files from the Sample Rate Converter for audio. Receipt Cooker
libsasl  : SASL library. Receipt Cooker
libsasl-modules  : SASL library modules. Receipt Cooker
libsasl-without-ldap  : Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) library. Receipt Cooker
libsbc  : Digital audio encoder and decoder for Bluetooth audio output devices Receipt Cooker
libsbc-dev  : Digital audio encoder and decoder for Bluetooth audio output devices, development files Receipt Cooker
libsdl  : Simple DirectMedia Layer. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-dev  : Simple DirectMedia Layer - development files. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-gfx  : SDL gfx support. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-gfx-dev  : SDL gfx lib devel files. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-image  : An image file loading library. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-image-dev  : Development files of an image file loading library. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-net  : SDL net support. Receipt Cooker
libsdl-net-dev  : SDL net lib - development files. Receipt Cooker
libsdl2  : A cross-platform interactive media development library. Receipt Cooker
libsdl2-dev  : A cross-platform interactive media development library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libsecret  : GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API Receipt Cooker
libsecret-dev  : GObject bindings for Secret Service API, development files Receipt Cooker
libshout  : Library for accessing a shoutcast or icecast server. Receipt Cooker
libshout-dev  : Libshout development files. Receipt Cooker
libsigc++  : Callback Framework for C++ Receipt Cooker
libsigc++-dev  : Callback Framework for C++ devel files. Receipt Cooker
libsndfile  : A C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound. Receipt Cooker
libsndfile-dev  : Libsndfile development files. Receipt Cooker
libsoup  : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker
libsoup-dev  : GNOME Soup Library (devel files). Receipt Cooker
libsoup-gnome  : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker
libsoup248  : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker
libsoup248-dev  : GNOME Soup Library (devel files). Receipt Cooker
libsoup248-gnome  : GNOME Soup Library. Receipt Cooker
libspiro  : Spiro simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves. Receipt Cooker
libspiro-dev  : Development files for libspiro. Receipt Cooker
libsqlite  : Small SQL database engine. Receipt Cooker
libsqlite-tcl  : Small SQL database engine, tcl library. Receipt Cooker
libssl  : OpenSSL libraries. Receipt Cooker
libssl11  : OpenSSL libraries (1.1.1 series). Receipt Cooker
libtasn1  : ASN.1 library. Receipt Cooker
libtasn1-dev  : The libtasn1 development files. Receipt Cooker
libtheora  : Theora video codec and tools. Receipt Cooker
libtheora-dev  : Thera video devel files. Receipt Cooker
libtheora-enc  : Thera video encoding/decoding library. Receipt Cooker
libtic  : Low-level terminfo library. Receipt Cooker
libtinfo  : Low-level terminfo library. Receipt Cooker
libtirpc  : Transport-Independent RPC library. Receipt Cooker
libtirpc-dev  : Transport-Independent RPC library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libtool  : The GNU Portable Library Tool. Receipt Cooker
libuninameslist  : A Library of Unicode names and annotation data. Receipt Cooker
libuninameslist-dev  : Development files for libuninameslist. Receipt Cooker
libunique  : Library for writing single instance application. Receipt Cooker
libunique-dev  : Development files for Libunique. Receipt Cooker
libunistring  : Unicode string library. Receipt Cooker
libunistring-dev  : Unicode string library, development files. Receipt Cooker
libunixODBC  : ODBC for unix - libraries. Receipt Cooker
libupnp  : The portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP). Receipt Cooker
libupnp-dev  : LibUpnP development files. Receipt Cooker
libusb  : USB access library. Receipt Cooker
libusb-compat  : Compatibility layer to convert libusb 0.1 calls into 1.0 equivalents. Receipt Cooker
libusb-compat-dev  : USB access library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libusb-dev  : USB access library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libv4l  : Userspace library for Video 4 Linux (1 and 2) Receipt Cooker
libv4l-dev  : libv4l devel library. Receipt Cooker
libva  : VA (Video Acceleration API) library Receipt Cooker
libva-dev  : VA (Video Acceleration API) devel Receipt Cooker
libvdpau  : VDPAU (Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix) library Receipt Cooker
libvdpau-dev  : VDPAU (Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix) devel Receipt Cooker
libvlc  : MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX library. Receipt Cooker
libvlc-dev  : MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libvorbis  : Vorbis base library. Receipt Cooker
libvorbis-dev  : Vorbis base library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libvpx  : The VP8 Codec SDK. Receipt Cooker
libvpx-dev  : Development files for libvpx. Receipt Cooker
libwebkit  : xHTML render library. Receipt Cooker
libwebkit-dev  : devel files for libwebkit Receipt Cooker
libwebp  : WebP image library. Receipt Cooker
libwebp-dev  : Webp image library - development files. Receipt Cooker
libwmf  : library for converting WMF files Receipt Cooker
libwmf-dev  : library for converting WMF files Receipt Cooker
libwnck  : A Window Navigator Construction Kit. Receipt Cooker
libwnck-dev  : libwnck development files. Receipt Cooker
libwrap  : Wietse Venema's network logger. Receipt Cooker
libwrap-dev  : Wietse Venema's network logger devel files. Receipt Cooker
libxatracker-mesa  : Mesa XA tracker for vmware library. Receipt Cooker
libxcb  : A C binding to the X11 protocol. Receipt Cooker
libxcb-dev  : Development files for libxcb. Receipt Cooker
libxkbcommon  : Keyboard handling library using XKB data. Receipt Cooker
libxkbcommon-dev  : libxkbcommon development files. Receipt Cooker
libxml++  : C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library. Receipt Cooker
libxml++-dev  : libxml++ C++ wrapper devel files. Receipt Cooker
libxml2  : XML C parser and toolkit. Receipt Cooker
libxml2-dev  : XML C parser and toolkit - development files. Receipt Cooker
libxml2-python  : Libxml2 adapter for the Python. Receipt Cooker
libxml2-tools  : The xmllint tester and xmlcatalog parser utility. Receipt Cooker
libxslt  : XSLT support for libxml2. Receipt Cooker
libxslt-dev  : XSLT support for libxml2 - development files. Receipt Cooker
libxslt-python  : Python module for libxslt. Receipt Cooker
libxvmc-mesa  : Mesa XvMC drivers. Receipt Cooker
libzip  : C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Receipt Cooker
libzip-dev  : C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives - development files. Receipt Cooker
lighttpd  : Fast and light HTTP Web server. Receipt Cooker
lighttpd-modules  : Complementary modules for LightTPD Web server. Receipt Cooker
lighttpd-ssl  : Fast and light HTTP Web server with SSL support. Receipt Cooker
lilo  : LInux boot LOader. Receipt Cooker
linld  : Boot loader for DOS/Win9x. Receipt Cooker
linux  : The Linux kernel and modules. Receipt 
linux-api-headers  : Kernel headers sanitized for use in userspace. Receipt 
linux64  : The Linux 64 bits kernel and modules. Receipt 
linux64-acpi  : The Linux kernel acpi modules. Receipt 
linux64-agp  : The Linux kernel AGP modules. Receipt 
linux64-aoe  : The Linux kernel ATA over Ethernet modules. Receipt 
linux64-appletalk  : The Linux kernel appletalk modules. Receipt 
linux64-arcnet  : arcnet kernel modules Receipt 
linux64-aufs  : aufs5 kernel module Receipt 
linux64-autofs  : The Linux kernel automounter module. Receipt 
linux64-bluetooth  : The Linux kernel bluetooth modules. Receipt 
linux64-bridge  : The Linux kernel bridge modules. Receipt 
linux64-chrome  : The Linux kernel chromebook modules. Receipt 
linux64-cifs  : The Linux kernel cifs module. Receipt 
linux64-coda  : The Linux kernel coda module. Receipt 
linux64-configfs  : The Linux kernel configfs module. Receipt 
linux64-cpufreq  : The Linux kernel cpufreq modules. Receipt 
linux64-cramfs  : The Linux kernel cramfs module. Receipt 
linux64-crypto  : The Linux kernel crypto modules. Receipt 
linux64-cryptoloop  : The Linux kernel cryptoloop modules. Receipt 
linux64-debug  : The Linux kernel debug files. Receipt 
linux64-dialup  : The Linux kernel dial-up modules. Receipt 
linux64-dlm  : The Linux kernel dlmfs module. Receipt 
linux64-drm  : The Linux kernel drm module. Receipt 
linux64-ecryptfs  : The Linux kernel ecryptfs module. Receipt 
linux64-exofs  : The Linux kernel OSD based file system module. Receipt 
linux64-firewire  : The Linux kernel firewire modules. Receipt 
linux64-gfs2  : The Linux kernel gfs2 module. Receipt 
linux64-hfs  : The Linux kernel hfs module. Receipt 
linux64-hfsplus  : The Linux kernel hfsplus module. Receipt 
linux64-hwmon  : The Linux kernel hwmon modules. Receipt 
linux64-input-misc  : The Linux kernel misc. input drivers, including the ATI RemoteWonders. Receipt 
linux64-input-tablet  : The Linux kernel tablet input drivers. Receipt 
linux64-input-touchscreen  : The Linux kernel touchscreen input drivers. Receipt 
linux64-ipv6  : The Linux kernel ipv6 modules. Receipt 
linux64-isdn  : The Linux kernel isdn modules. Receipt 
linux64-jfs  : The Linux kernel jfs module. Receipt 
linux64-joystick  : The Linux kernel joystick modules. Receipt 
linux64-kvm  : The Linux kernel kvm and virtio modules. Receipt 
linux64-logfs  : The Linux kernel logfs module. Receipt 
linux64-md  : The Linux kernel md modules. Receipt 
linux64-media  : The Linux kernel media modules. Receipt 
linux64-memstick  : The Linux kernel sony memory stick modules. Receipt 
linux64-minix  : The Linux kernel minix module. Receipt 
linux64-mmc  : The Linux kernel MMC modules. Receipt 
linux64-module-headers  : Header files and scripts for building modules for linux kernel. Receipt 
linux64-mwave  : The Linux kernel ACP Modem driver module (for IBM Thinkpad) Receipt 
linux64-nbd  : The Linux kernel network block device modules. Receipt 
linux64-ncpfs  : The Linux kernel ncpfs module. Receipt 
linux64-netfilter  : The Linux kernel netfilter modules. Receipt 
linux64-nfsd  : The Linux kernel NFS server module. Receipt 
linux64-ocfs2  : ocfs2 filesystem Receipt 
linux64-open-vm-tools-kernel  : Open VMware Tools Receipt 
linux64-overlayfs  : The Linux kernel overlayfs module. Receipt 
linux64-radio  : The Linux kernel radio modules. Receipt 
linux64-reiserfs  : The Linux kernel reiserfs module. Receipt 
linux64-romfs  : The Linux kernel romfs module. Receipt 
linux64-sched  : The Linux kernel sched modules. Receipt 
linux64-scsi  : The Linux kernel scsi modules. Receipt 
linux64-sound  : The Linux kernel sound modules. Receipt 
linux64-speakup  : The Linux kernel Speakup modules. Receipt 
linux64-squashfs  : The Linux kernel squashfs module. Receipt 
linux64-staging  : staging kernel modules Receipt 
linux64-usb-misc  : The Linux kernel misc. USB drivers, including the Lego USB tower. Receipt 
linux64-usbdsl  : The Linux kernel usb dsl modem modules. Receipt 
linux64-usbip  : The Linux kernel usbip module. Receipt 
linux64-video  : The Linux kernel video modules. Receipt 
linux64-wan  : Wide Area Networks (WANs) kernel modules Receipt 
linux64-wimax  : The Linux kernel wimax modules. Receipt 
linux64-wireless  : The Linux kernel wireless modules. Receipt 
linux64-without-modules  : The Linux kernel without module support. Receipt 
linux64-without-modules-debug  : The Linux kernel debug files. Receipt 
linux64-zram  : Compressed caching Receipt 
llvm  : Modular compiler toolchain collection. Receipt 
llvm-lib  : Modular compiler toolchain collection (runtime). Receipt 
locale-ar  : Arabic locale pack Receipt 
locale-ca  : Catalan locale pack Receipt 
locale-cs  : Czech locale pack Receipt 
locale-da  : Danish locale pack Receipt 
locale-de  : German locale pack Receipt 
locale-el  : Greek locale pack Receipt 
locale-en  : English locale pack Receipt 
locale-es  : Spanish locale pack Receipt 
locale-fi  : Finnish locale pack Receipt 
locale-fr  : French locale pack Receipt 
locale-hr  : Croatian locale pack Receipt 
locale-hu  : Hungarian locale pack Receipt 
locale-id  : Indonesian locale pack Receipt 
locale-is  : Icelandic locale pack Receipt 
locale-it  : Italian locale pack Receipt 
locale-ja  : Japanese locale pack Receipt 
locale-nb  : Norwegian locale pack (Bokmål) Receipt 
locale-nl  : Dutch locale pack Receipt 
locale-nn  : Norwegian locale pack (Nynorsk) Receipt 
locale-pl  : Polish locale pack Receipt 
locale-pt  : Portuguese locale pack Receipt 
locale-pt_BR  : Portuguese/Brazilian locale pack Receipt 
locale-ro  : Romanian locale pack Receipt 
locale-ru  : Russian locale pack Receipt 
locale-sl  : Slovenian locale pack Receipt 
locale-sv  : Swedish locale pack Receipt 
locale-tr  : Turkish locale pack Receipt 
locale-uk  : Ukrainian locale pack Receipt 
locale-zh_CN  : Chinese Simplified locale pack. Receipt 
locale-zh_TW  : Chinese Traditional locale pack. Receipt 
lrzsz  : free x/y/zmodem implementation Receipt 
lua  : Powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. Receipt 
lua-dev  : Lua development files. Receipt 
lua5.1  : Powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. Receipt 
lua5.1-dev  : Lua 5.1 development files. Receipt 
lua5.4  : Powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language. Receipt 
lua5.4-dev  : Lua devel files. Receipt 
lvm2  : Linux Logical Volume Manager. Receipt 
lvm2-dev  : Linux Logical Volume Manager - development files. Receipt 
lxappearance  : LXDE GTK+ theme switcher Receipt 
lxappearance-dev  : LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (development) Receipt 
lxde  : Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environement Receipt 
lxinput  : LXDE keyboard and mouse configuration. Receipt 
lxmenu-data  : LXDE menu specification Receipt 
lxpanel  : LXDE panel. Receipt 
lxpanel-dev  : LXDE panel - development files. Receipt 
lxrandr  : LXDE monitor configuration tool. Receipt 
lxsession  : LXDE X session manager. Receipt 
lxsession-edit  : Configure what application start up automatically in LXDE Receipt 
lxsession046  : LXDE X session manager. Receipt 
lxtask  : LXDE task manager. Receipt 
lynx  : Terminal-based text-only browser. Receipt 
lz4  : High speed lossless compressor. Receipt 
lz4-dev  : LZ4 development files. Receipt 
lz4-lib  : The lz4c compressor shared library Receipt 
lzip  : LZMA compressor. Receipt 
lzlib  : Compressor with a high compression ratio library. Receipt 
lzlib-dev  : Compressor with a high compression ratio devel files. Receipt 
lzma  : Compressor with a high compression ratio. Receipt 
lzo  : Data compression library Receipt 
lzo-dev  : Data compression development library. Receipt 
lzsa  : Efficient packer optimized for fast decompression on 8-bit cpu. Receipt 
m4  : GNU traditional Unix macro processor. Receipt 
make  : GNU Make to generate executables and other files from source. Receipt 
make-slitaz-icons  : Make SliTaz icon theme Receipt 
mariadb  : SQL database system. Receipt 
mariadb-client  : SQL database system client files. Receipt 
mariadb-dev  : SQL database system devel files. Receipt 
mariadb-test  : SQL database system tests and benchs. Receipt 
mate-notification-daemon  : Fork of gnome-notification-daemon Receipt 
mc  : Midnight Commander - ncurses based file manager. Receipt 
memtest64  : Memory failures detection tool. Receipt 
menu-cache  : LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache Receipt 
menu-cache-dev  : LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache (development) Receipt 
mercurial  : Revision tools system. Receipt 
mesa  : 3D Graphics Library that is an open-source implementaton of OpenGL. Receipt 
mesa-demos  : Mesa GLX demos progs. Receipt 
mesa-dev  : 3D Graphics Library - development files. Receipt 
mesa-dri  : Mesa DRI drivers. Receipt 
mesa-dri-ati  : Mesa DRI + Gallium3D r300 drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon. Receipt 
mesa-dri-crocus  : Mesa DRI drivers for Intel Crocus. Receipt 
mesa-dri-d3d12  : Mesa classic DRI + Gallium3D drivers for D3D12 API. Receipt 
mesa-dri-intel  : Mesa DRI drivers for Intel. Receipt 
mesa-dri-iris  : Mesa DRI drivers for Intel Iris. Receipt 
mesa-dri-nouveau  : Mesa classic DRI + Gallium3D drivers for Nouveau. Receipt 
mesa-dri-virtio  : Mesa DRI drivers for virtio. Receipt 
mesa-dri-vmwgfx  : Mesa DRI driver for OpenGL rendering in Slitaz as VmWare guest OS. Receipt 
mesa-va  : Mesa VA-API drivers. Receipt 
mesa-vdpau  : Mesa VDPAU drivers. Receipt 
mesa-vulkan  : Mesa Vulkan drivers. Receipt 
mesa-wayland  : 3D Graphics Library that is an open-source implementaton of OpenGL. Receipt 
mesa-wayland-dev  : Wayland X server - development files. Receipt 
meson  : The Meson Build System. Receipt 
meson054  : The Meson Build System. Receipt 
mhash  : uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms. Receipt 
mhash-dev  : uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms devel files. Receipt 
mhwaveedit  : Lightweight sound files editor, recorder and player. Receipt 
microperl  : A micro version of Perl. Receipt 
mingw32-binutils  : MinGW32 binutils. Receipt 
mingw32-gcc  : MinGW32 gcc, for C, C++, and Ada. Receipt 
mingw32-gcc-c  : MinGW32 gcc, for the C language only. Receipt 
mingw32-runtime  : MinGW32 runtime. Receipt 
mingw32-runtime-headers  : MinGW32 runtime headers. Receipt 
mingw32-w32api  : MinGW32 w32api. Receipt 
mingw32-w32api-headers  : MinGW32 w32api headers. Receipt 
mjpegtools  : MPEG manipulation tools. Receipt 
mjpegtools-dev  : The mjpegtools development files. Receipt 
mktorrent  : Command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files. Receipt 
mm-common  : Common build files of the C++ bindings. Receipt 
module-init-tools  : Kernel modules manipulation tools. Receipt 
mpc-library  : A C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers. Receipt 
mpfr  : C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations. Receipt 
mpfr-dev  : GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic - development files. Receipt 
mpg123  : Command line audio player and streamer. Receipt 
mpg123-dev  : mpg123 development files. Receipt 
mplayer  : The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. Receipt 
mpv  : Video player based on ffmpeg and mplayer2. Receipt 
mtdev  : Multitouch Protocol Translation Library. Receipt 
mtdev-dev  : mtdev development files. Receipt 
mtp-tools  : Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) - utilities. Receipt 
mtpaint  : Painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. Receipt 
mysql  : SQL database system. Receipt 
mysql-client  : SQL database system client files. Receipt 
mysql-dev  : SQL database system devel files. Receipt 
mysql-test  : SQL database system tests and benchs. Receipt 
nano  : Nano Text Editor. Receipt 
nasm  : The netwide assembler. Receipt 
ncurses  : Library of functions to manage display on terminals. Receipt 
ncurses-common  : Common files for the ncurses and ncursesw library. Receipt 
ncurses-dev  : Development files for the ncurses library. Receipt 
ncurses-extra  : Extra files for the ncurses library. Receipt 
ncursesw  : Library of functions to manage display on terminals. Receipt 
ncursesw-dev  : Development files for the ncursesw library. Receipt 
ncursesw-extra  : Extra files for the ncursesw library. Receipt 
neofetch  : A command-line system information tool written in BASH 3.2+ Receipt 
neon  : Neon HTTP and WebDAV client library. Receipt 
neon-dev  : Neon HTTP and WebDAV client library - development files. Receipt 
net-snmp  : SNMP tools. Receipt 
net-snmp-dev  : Development files for net-snmp. Receipt 
nettle  : A cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context. Receipt 
nettle-dev  : Development files for nettle. Receipt 
nfs-utils  : Network FileSystem tools. Receipt 
ninja  : A small build system with a focus on speed. Receipt 
npth  : The new GNU portable threads library. Receipt 
npth-dev  : The new GNU portable threads library, development files Receipt 
nspr  : Netscape Portable Runtime. Receipt 
nspr-dev  : Nspr development files. Receipt 
nss  : Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS). Receipt 
nss-dev  : nss devel library. Receipt 
ntfs-3g  : Read and write NTFS driver for FUSE. Receipt 
ntfs-3g-dev  : The free ntfs driver development files. Receipt 
ntfsprogs  : Utilities for ntfs manipulations with FUSE module. Receipt 
ntfsprogs-dev  : Utilities for ntfs manipulations with FUSE module, development files. Receipt 
obconf  : Openbox configuration tool Receipt 
ocaml  : General-purpose programming language designed for safety and reliability. Receipt 
open-vm-tools  : Open VMware Tools Receipt 
open-vm-tools-kernel  : Open VMware Tools Receipt 
openbox  : Small-footprint and standard compliant Window Manager. Receipt 
openbox-dev  : Ob devel files. Receipt 
openbox-python  : Openbox Python script (XDG auto start standard support). Receipt 
opencl-headers  : OpenCL (Open Computing Language) headers Receipt 
opencl-icd  : OpenCL ICD Bindings Receipt 
opencl-icd-dev  : OpenCL ICD Bindings Receipt 
opencore-amr  : Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec. Receipt 
opencore-amr-dev  : Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec - development files. Receipt 
openexr  : Openexr library for EXR images. Receipt 
openexr-dev  : Development files for openexr. Receipt 
openjpeg2  : Open-source C-Library for JPEG 2000 (ver. 2.x). Receipt 
openjpeg2-dev  : Development files for openjpeg (ver. 2.x). Receipt 
openldap  : LDAP database system. Receipt 
openldap-dev  : LDAP database development files. Receipt 
openssh  : Openbsd Secure Shell. Receipt 
openssh-pam  : Openbsd Secure Shell using PAM. Receipt 
openssl  : Open source Secure Sockets Layer. Receipt 
openssl-dev  : Open source Secure Sockets Layer devel files. Receipt 
openssl11  : Open source Secure Sockets Layer (1.1.1 series). Receipt 
openssl11-dev  : Open source Secure Sockets Layer devel files (1.1.1 series). Receipt 
optipng  : A command line tool to compress and optimize PNG images. Receipt 
opus  : Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Receipt 
opus-dev  : Totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec, development files. Receipt 
opus-tools  : Opus encoder, decoder and tiny tools. Receipt 
opusfile  : Opus streams in the Ogg container I/O. Receipt 
opusfile-dev  : Opus streams in the Ogg container I/O, development files. Receipt 
orc  : The Oil Runtime Compiler. Receipt 
orc-dev  : Oil runtime compiler - development files. Receipt 
p11-kit  : Library to work with PKCS#11 modules. Receipt 
p11-kit-dev  : Library to work with PKCS#11 modules, development files. Receipt 
pam  : Pluggable Authentication Modules. Receipt 
pam-dev  : Pluggable Authentication Modules, development files. Receipt 
pango  : Layout and rendering of internationalized text Receipt 
pango-dev  : Library for layout and rendering of text devel files. Receipt 
pangomm  : Pango binding for GTKmm. Receipt 
pangomm-dev  : Pangomm library devel files. Receipt 
partclone  : Utilities to smartly backup partitions. Receipt 
parted  : GNU parted partition editor. Receipt 
parted-dev  : GNU parted editor devel files. Receipt 
patch  : Utility to patch file with diff file. Receipt 
pavucontrol  : A GTK volume control for PulseAudio Receipt 
pciids  : List of PCI ID's Receipt 
pciutils  : Linux PCI Utilities. Receipt 
pciutils-dev  : Development files for pciutils. Receipt 
pcmanfm  : Light and easy to use file manager. Receipt 
pcmciautils  : Utilities for inserting and removing PCMCIA cards Receipt 
pcre  : Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression, library. Receipt 
pcre-dev  : Perl Compatible Regular Expressions, development files. Receipt 
pcre2  : Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression 2, library. Receipt 
pcre2-dev  : Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 2, development files. Receipt 
pcsc-lite  : SCard interface for communicating to smart cards and readers. Receipt 
pcsc-lite-dev  : SCard interface for communicating to smart cards and readers, developement files. Receipt 
perl  : Full Perl interpreter and modules. Receipt 
perl-compress-raw-bzip2  : PERL low-level interface to bzip2. Receipt 
perl-compress-raw-zlib  : PERL low-level interface to Zlib. Receipt 
perl-dev  : Full Perl interpreter and modules using Receipt 
perl-io-compress  : PERL interface to zlib compression library. Receipt 
perl-test-pod  : Perl extension Test::Pod. Receipt 
perl-thread  : Full Perl interpreter and modules. Receipt 
perl-tk  : A graphical user interface toolkit for Perl. Receipt 
perl-xml-parser  : Perl extension XML::Parser is an interface to XML expat. Receipt 
perl-xml-simple  : Perl extension XML::Simple is used to read and write XML. Receipt 
perl-yaml-syck  : Perl - Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper. Receipt 
php  : PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-apache  : PHP module for apache. Receipt 
php-auth-pam  : PHP extension for PAM Receipt 
php-auth-sasl  : Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses for php. Receipt 
php-cherokee  : PHP module for cherokee. Receipt 
php-cli  : PHP web programming language command line interpreter. Receipt 
php-common  : Common files for PHP modules. Receipt 
php-curl  : curl module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-dba  : dba module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-dev  : PHP web programming language development files. Receipt 
php-docs-en  : Set of HTML documentation for PHP.(English version) Receipt 
php-gd  : gd module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-imap  : imap module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-ldap  : ldap module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-mysql  : mysql module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-mysqli  : mysqli module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-odbc  : ODBC module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-opcache  : opcode caching module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-openssl  : Openssl module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-pdo-mysql  : PDO MySQL module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-pdo-pgsql  : PDO PgSQL module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-pear  : PHP web programming language pear libs. Receipt 
php-pgsql  : postgresql module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-snmp  : snmp module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-soap  : soap module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php-sqlite  : sqlite module for PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php56  : PHP web programming language. Receipt 
php56-apache  : PHP 5.6 module for apache. Receipt 
php56-cli  : PHP 5.6 web programming language command line interpreter. Receipt 
php56-common  : Common files for PHP 5.6 modules. Receipt 
php56-curl  : curl module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-fpm  : FPM module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-gd  : gd module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-imap  : imap module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-mcrypt  : mcrypt module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-mysql  : mysql module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-mysqli  : mysqli module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-openssl  : Openssl module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-pdo-mysql  : PDO MySQL module for PHP 5.6 web programming language. Receipt 
php56-pear  : PHP 5.6 web programming language pear libs. Receipt 
pinentry  : Collection of dialog programs that allow GnuPG to read passphrases and PIN numbers in a secure manner. Receipt 
pinentry-gtk  : Allow GnuPG to read passphrases and PIN numbers in a secure manner (GTK+ GUI). Receipt 
pixman  : Pixel-manipulation library for X and Cairo. Receipt 
pixman-dev  : Pixman library - development files. Receipt 
pkg-config  : Free desktop packages manager. Receipt 
plop  : USB / IDE-CD / PCMCIA CardBus and others boot utility. Receipt 
pngquant  : Command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images. Receipt 
polkit  : Application development toolkit for controlling system-wide privileges. Receipt 
polkit-dev  : devel files for polkit Receipt 
polkit-pam  : Polkit with PAM support. Receipt 
polkit-qt  : Library that allows to access PolicyKit API with a nice Qt-style API Receipt 
polkit-qt-dev  : polkit for QT API devel files. Receipt 
polly  : High-level loop and data-locality optimizer. Receipt 
poppler  : Poppler is a PDF rendering library. Receipt 
poppler-apps  : Poppler utilities to manipulate PDF file. Receipt 
poppler-data  : Poppler encoding data. Receipt 
poppler-dev  : Poppler PDF rendering library devel files. Receipt 
poppler-qt4  : Poppler compiled with Qt4 library. Receipt 
poppler-qt4-apps  : Poppler utilities to manipulate PDF file. Receipt 
poppler-qt4-dev  : Poppler qt4 devel files. Receipt 
popt  : Library for parsing command line options. Receipt 
popt-dev  : Library for parsing command line options - development files. Receipt 
portaudio  : A portable cross-platform audio API. Receipt 
portaudio-dev  : Portaudio - development files. Receipt 
portmidi  : Platform Independent Library for MIDI I/O Receipt 
posixovl  : FUSE file system that provides POSIX functionality. Receipt 
postgresql  : SQL database system. Receipt 
postgresql-client  : SQL database system client files. Receipt 
postgresql-contrib  : SQL database system user contributions. Receipt 
postgresql-dev  : SQL database system development files Receipt 
postgresql-doc  : SQL database system documentation Receipt 
ppp  : Implements the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Receipt 
ppp-dev  : Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) development files. Receipt 
ppp-pam  : Implements the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) with PAM support. Receipt 
protobuf  : Protocol buffers - Google's data interchange format. Receipt 
protobuf-dev  : Protocol buffers - Google's data interchange format, development files. Receipt 
protobuf-python  : Protocol buffers - Google's data interchange format (python). Receipt 
pth  : C library for multithreading inside server applications. Receipt 
pth-dev  : PTH devel files. Receipt 
pulseaudio  : A sound system for POSIX OSes. Receipt 
pulseaudio-dev  : A sound system for POSIX OSes - development files. Receipt 
py3k  : The Python 3000 programming language. Receipt 
py3k-dev  : The Python programming language devel files. Receipt 
pycairo  : Python bindings for the cairo graphics library. Receipt 
pycairo-dev  : Python bindings for the cairo graphics library - development files. Receipt 
pycairo118  : Python bindings for the cairo graphics library. Receipt 
pycairo118-dev  : Python bindings for the cairo graphics library - development files. Receipt 
pygobject  : Python bindings for the GObject library. Receipt 
pygobject-dev  : Python bindings for the GObject library - development files. Receipt 
pygobject3  : Python bindings for the GObject3 library Receipt 
pygtk  : GTK+ for Python Receipt 
pygtk-dev  : GTK+ for Python dev files with codegen. Receipt 
python  : The Python programming language. Receipt 
python-cython  : Language to write C extensions for Python. Receipt 
python-dev  : The Python programming language - development files. Receipt 
python-docutils  : Text processing system. Receipt 
python-numpy  : Scientific computing library for the Python. Receipt 
python-setuptools  : Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages. Receipt 
python-xdg  : Python library to access standards. Receipt 
python3  : The Python 3 programming language. Receipt 
python3-dev  : The Python programming language devel files. Receipt 
python3-distro  : OS platform information API Receipt 
python3-idle  : Python GUI IDE using TK Toolkit. Receipt 
python3-mako  : Fast template library. Receipt 
python3-pillow  : Python3 Imaging Library (Fork). Receipt 
python3-pip  : The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages. Receipt 
python3-pygments  : Generic syntax highlighter. Receipt 
python3-setuptools  : Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages. Receipt 
qemu  : General-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Receipt 
qemu-arm  : General-purpose full virtualizer for ARM hardware. Receipt 
qemu-x86_64  : General-purpose full virtualizer for X86_64 CPU. Receipt 
qmake  : Qt make Receipt 
qpdf  : A Content-Preserving PDF Transformation System. Receipt 
qpdf-dev  : QPDF - development files. Receipt 
qt4  : qt x11 toolkit Receipt 
qt5  : qt x11 toolkit Receipt 
qt5-qmake  : Qt5 make Receipt 
qtconfig  : Qtconfig is a tool that allows users to customize the default settings for Qt applications Receipt 
qupzilla  : QupZilla - QtWebKit browser Receipt 
qupzilla-locales  : Translations for the QupZilla browser Receipt 
rdfind  : Redundant data find - a program that finds duplicate files. Receipt 
re2c  : A tool for generating C-based recognisers from regular expressions. Receipt 
readline  : GNU readline. Receipt 
readline-dev  : GNU readline - development files. Receipt 
rp-pppoe  : A PPP over Ethernet client (for xDSL support). Receipt 
rpcbind  : RPC program numbers to universal addresses converter. Receipt 
rsync  : Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer. Receipt 
rtmpdump  : A toolkit for RTMP streams. Receipt 
rtmpdump-dev  : The rtmpdump development files. Receipt 
ruby  : Dynamic programming language focused on simplicity and productivity. Receipt 
ruby-dev  : Development files for Ruby (to compile ruby-modules). Receipt 
rust  : The Rust programming language. Receipt 
rust-cargo  : The Rust package manager. Receipt 
sakura  : A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator Receipt 
sakura-gtk2  : A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator Receipt 
sakura-gtk3  : A simple but powerful libvte-based terminal emulator Receipt 
samba  : File and print services with SMB/CIFS. Receipt 
samba-common  : File and print services with SMB/CIFS, client side. Receipt 
samba-dev  : File and print services with SMB/CIFS, development files. Receipt 
samba-pam  : File and print services with SMB/CIFS using PAM. Receipt 
sane-backends  : Scanner Access Now Easy. Receipt 
sane-backends-dev  : Scanner Access Now Easy - development files. Receipt 
schroedinger  : Dirac video compression library Receipt 
schroedinger-dev  : Dirac video compression library - dev files Receipt 
scons  : SCons is an Open Source software construction tool. Receipt 
screen  : Terminal multiplexer. Receipt 
seamonkey-official  : Official Seamonkey build by the seamonkey-project (English language). Receipt 
sed  : GNU stream editor. Receipt 
sftp-server  : Openbsd Secure FTP server. Receipt 
shared-mime-info  : Core database of common types and the *update-mime-database*. Receipt 
shared-mime-info-dev  : Freedesktop shared-mime-info - development files. Receipt 
sip  : C/C++ Bindings Generator for Python v2 and v3. Receipt 
sip-dev  : Development files for sip. Receipt 
sip3  : C/C++ Bindings Generator for Python v3. Receipt 
sip3-dev  : Development files for sip3. Receipt 
slim  : Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11. Receipt 
slim-pam  : Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11 (PAM enabled). Receipt 
slim-theme-default  : Default theme bundled with SLiM. Receipt 
slitaz-base-files  : Linux tree and the necessary files for the base system. Receipt 
slitaz-boot-scripts  : Provide all the initialisation scripts used at boot time. Receipt 
slitaz-configs  : SliTaz config files and artwork. Receipt 
slitaz-configs-base  : SliTaz config files for text based systems. Receipt 
slitaz-doc  : SliTaz system documentation. Receipt 
slitaz-i18n  : SliTaz internationalization meta package to build locale pack. Receipt 
slitaz-icons-faenza  : SliTaz icon set based on the Faenza icons Receipt 
slitaz-icons-faenza-dark  : SliTaz icon set based on the Faenza-Dark icons Receipt 
slitaz-menus  : SliTaz i18n Freedesktop menus Receipt 
slitaz-polar-cursors  : SliTaz cursor theme based on Polar Cursor Theme Receipt 
slitaz-toolchain  : SliTaz meta package to rebuild or install current toolchain. Receipt 
slitaz-tools  : SliTaz tools provide installer and utils usable on terminal. Receipt 
slitaz-tools-boxes  : All SliTaz GTK/Yad boxes to command line tools. Receipt 
smartmontools  : Monitors disk and tape health via S.M.A.R.T. Receipt 
smbclient  : File and print services with SMB/CIFS, client side. Receipt 
smplayer  : QT-based front-end for MPlayer or mpv. Receipt 
smplayer-themes  : Icon themes for smplayer. Receipt 
sndfile-tools  : Sample Rate Converter for audio binary. Receipt 
speex  : Low bandwidth voice codec. Receipt 
speex-dev  : Low bandwidth voice codec - development files. Receipt 
speexdsp  : Patent-free, Open Source/Free Software DSP library Receipt 
speexdsp-dev  : Patent-free, Open Source/Free Software DSP library - development files Receipt 
spirv-headers  : Direct3D 12 headers Receipt 
spirv-llvm-translator  : LLVM/SPIR-V Bi-Directional Translator Receipt 
spk  : Fast and Light SliTaz Packages Toolset Receipt 
sqlite  : Small SQL database engine. Receipt 
sqlite-dev  : Small SQL database engine - development files. Receipt 
startup-notification  : Startup notification protocol Receipt 
startup-notification-dev  : Startup notification protocol developpement files Receipt 
sudo  : Allows command execution as root for specified users. Receipt 
sundown  : Standards compliant, fast, secure markdown processing library in C Receipt 
svgcleaner  : Clean up SVG files from the unnecessary data. Receipt 
swig  : A compiler that makes it easy to integrate C and C++ code with scripting languages. Receipt 
symlinks  : Symbolic link maintenance utility Receipt 
sysfsutils  : Utilities built upon sysfs. Receipt 
sysfsutils-dev  : Utilities built upon sysfs. Receipt 
syslinux  : LiveCD ISO bootloader (isolinux) Receipt 
syslinux-extra  : MBR/FAT/EXT3/PXE bootloader files Receipt 
syslinux-modules  : modules for syslinux Receipt 
syslinux-tools  : Misc perl tools Receipt 
taglib  : Audio tag library. Receipt 
taglib-dev  : Taglib - development files. Receipt 
talloc  : Hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors. Receipt 
talloc-dev  : Hierarchical pool based memory allocator with destructors (devel files). Receipt 
talloc-python  : Python bindings for talloc Receipt 
tar  : GNU tar archiving tools. Receipt 
tazbug  : SliTaz Bug Tracker - Client side tools Receipt 
tazbug-website  : SliTaz Bug Tracker web interface Receipt 
tazdev  : SliTaz developers tools. Receipt 
tazdrop  : SliTaz desktop Drag N' Drop tool Receipt 
tazinst  : SliTaz installer Receipt 
tazinst-gui  : SliTaz installer (GUI frontend) Receipt 
tazirc  : SliTaz IRC Client and Log Bot. Receipt 
tazlito  : SliTaz Live Tool. Receipt 
tazpanel  : SliTaz administration and configuration panel. Receipt 
tazpanel-extra  : SliTaz administration and configuration panel extra modules. Receipt 
tazpkg  : SliTaz packages manager Receipt 
tazusb  : SliTaz LiveUSB utility Receipt 
tazweb  : SliTaz simple, fast and small Web Browser. Receipt 
tazweb-legacy  : SliTaz simple, fast and small Web Browser Legacy. Receipt 
tcl  : The Tool Command Language. Receipt 
tcl-dev  : The Tool Command Language - development files. Receipt 
tcpdump  : A network traffic monitoring tool. Receipt 
terminus-font  : Monospaced font designed for long (8+ hours per day) work with computers. Receipt 
terminus-font-base  : 8x14 Unicode console font Receipt 
testdisk  : Data recovery tools (testdisk + photorec). Receipt 
texinfo  : GNU documentation tools. Receipt 
tidy  : HTML Tidy Receipt 
tidy-dev  : Development files for HTML Tidy Receipt 
tidy-html5  : The granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards. Receipt 
tiff  : A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files. Receipt 
tiff-apps  : A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files - cli applications. Receipt 
tiff-dev  : A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files - development files. Receipt 
tk  : The TCL gui toolkit. Receipt 
tk-dev  : The TCL gui toolkit - development files. Receipt 
transset-df  : Tool to set windows opacity. Receipt 
tslib  : Abstraction layer for touchscreen panel events. Receipt 
tslib-dev  : Abstraction layer for touchscreen panel events, development files. Receipt 
ttf-dejavu  : DejaVu TrueType fonts (minimum). Receipt 
ttf-dejavu-extra  : DejaVu TrueType fonts (extra). Receipt 
tzdata  : Time Zone Database. Receipt 
uacme  : Lightweight client for ACMEv2 protocol. Receipt 
ucl  : Portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C Receipt 
ucl-dev  : ucl development files Receipt 
udev  : Udev creat automaticly right devices in /dev. Receipt 
udev-dev  : Udev devel file (libudev). Receipt 
udisks2  : D-Bus service to access and manipulate storage devices Receipt 
udisks2-dev  : D-Bus service to access and manipulate storage devices (development) Receipt 
unixODBC  : ODBC for unix. Receipt 
unixODBC-dev  : ODBC for unix - development files. Receipt 
unzip  : Zip dearchiver. Receipt 
upx  : Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (free version using UCL compression) Receipt 
usbids  : List of USB ID's. Receipt 
usbip  : general USB device sharing system over IP network. Receipt 
usbip-dev  : general USB device sharing system over IP network, development files. Receipt 
usbutils  : Displaying information about USB. Receipt 
usbutils-dev  : Development files for usbutils. Receipt 
util-linux  : Random collection of Linux utilities (meta package). Receipt 
util-linux-blkid  : The blkid utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-blkid-dev  : The blkid from Util Linux, development files. Receipt 
util-linux-blockdev  : The blockdev utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-cfdisk  : The cfdisk utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-column  : The column utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-cramfs  : The cramfs utilities from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-eject  : The eject utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-fdisk  : The fdisk utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-fdisk-dev  : The fdisk utility from Util Linux, development files. Receipt 
util-linux-flock  : The flock utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-getopt  : The getopt utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-losetup  : The losetup utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-minix  : The minix utilities from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-mkfs  : The mkfs utilities from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-mount  : The mount utilities from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-mount-dev  : The mount utilities from Util Linux, development files. Receipt 
util-linux-partx  : The partx utilities from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-setterm  : The setterm utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-sfdisk  : The sfdisk utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-smartcols  : The smartcols library from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-smartcols-dev  : The smartcols library from Util Linux, development files. Receipt 
util-linux-uuid  : The uuid utility and library from Util Linux. Receipt 
util-linux-uuid-dev  : The uuid utility and library from Util linux, development files. Receipt 
util-linux-whereis  : The whereis utility from Util Linux. Receipt 
vala  : Compiler for the GObject type system Receipt 
valgrind  : Memory debugger and profiler. Receipt 
valgrind-dev  : Valgrind development files. Receipt 
vde2  : Virtual Distributed Ethernet. Receipt 
vde2-dev  : Virtual Distributed Ethernet - developement files. Receipt 
vlc  : MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player. Receipt 
vlc-locale  : Locale files for vlc. Receipt 
vorbis-tools  : Vorbis encoder, decoder and tiny tools. Receipt 
vrrpd  : High-availability: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol daemon. Receipt 
vte  : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets. Receipt 
vte-dev  : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets devel files. Receipt 
vte-gtk2  : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets. Receipt 
vte-gtk2-dev  : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets devel files. Receipt 
vte-gtk3  : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets. Receipt 
vte-gtk3-dev  : Terminal capabilities for GTK+ widgets devel files. Receipt 
vte-terminal  : X Terminal from the vte package. Receipt 
vte-terminal-gtk2  : X Terminal from the vte package. Receipt 
vte-terminal-gtk3  : X Terminal from the vte package. Receipt 
wavpack  : Auto compression format with lossless, lossy, and hybrid compression modes. Receipt 
wavpack-dev  : Development files for wavpack. Receipt 
wayland  : Wayland simpler X display server protocol. Receipt 
wayland-dev  : Wayland X server development files. Receipt 
wayland-protocols  : Additional Wayland protocols Receipt 
webgames  : Set of online games Receipt 
webkit2gtk  : xHTML render library. Receipt 
webkit2gtk-dev  : devel files for webkit2gtk Receipt 
webkitgtk  : xHTML render library. Receipt 
webkitgtk-dev  : devel files for webkitgtk Receipt 
wget  : An utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS or FTP. Receipt 
which  : A utility to show the full path of commands. Receipt 
wireless_tools  : Wireless Tools for Linux Receipt 
wireless_tools-dev  : Wireless Tools devel files. Receipt 
wireshark  : Wireshark is an award-winning network protocol analyzer. Receipt 
woff2  : Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation Receipt 
woff2-dev  : Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation Receipt 
wpa_supplicant  : WPA Supplicant with support for WPA and WPA2 Receipt 
wqy-microhei  : 文泉驿微米黑,版本v0.2.0-beta (开发代号:远古大爆炸,Codename: BigBang) Receipt 
wv  : MS document manipulation library. Receipt 
wv-dev  : WV (MS doc lib) devel files. Receipt 
wxWidgets  : Cross-platform GUI Library. Receipt 
wxWidgets-dev  : Cross-platform GUI Library - development files. Receipt 
x264  : Free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams. Receipt 
x264-dev  : x264 - development files. Receipt 
x265  : Free library for encoding H265/MPEG-H HEVC video streams. Receipt 
x265-dev  : x265 - development files. Receipt 
xarchiver  : A GTK+ lightweight archive manager. Receipt 
xcb-proto  : X protocol descriptions for XCB. Receipt 
xcb-util  : XCB Utilites Receipt 
xcb-util-cursor  : XCB cursor library. Receipt 
xcb-util-cursor-dev  : Development files for xcb-util-cursor. Receipt 
xcb-util-dev  : xcb-util - development files. Receipt 
xcb-util-image  : Utility libraries for XC Binding - Port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions. Receipt 
xcb-util-image-dev  : Development files for xcb-util-image. Receipt 
xcb-util-keysyms  : Utility libraries for XC Binding. Receipt 
xcb-util-keysyms-dev  : Development files for xcb-util-keysyms. Receipt 
xcb-util-renderutil  : Convenience functions for the Render extension. Receipt 
xcb-util-renderutil-dev  : Development files for xcb-util-renderutil. Receipt 
xcb-util-wm  : Utility libraries for XC Binding - client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM. Receipt 
xcb-util-wm-dev  : Development files for xcb-util-wm. Receipt 
xcb-util-xrm  : XCB utility functions for the X resource manager Receipt 
xcb-util-xrm-dev  : Development files for xcb-util-xrm. Receipt 
xdg-user-dirs  : Tool to help manage user directories. Receipt 
xdg-utils  : Assists desktop integration tasks. Receipt 
xine-fonts  : Extra fonts for Xine video player. Receipt 
xine-lib  : Xine video library. Receipt 
xine-lib-dev  : Xine video library - development files. Receipt 
xine-ui  : Xine media player user interface. Receipt 
xmlstarlet  : Command Line XML Toolkit Receipt 
xmlto  : Tool for converting XML files to various formats. Receipt 
xorg  : Xorg server meta-package to install all Xorg modules. Receipt 
xorg-base-fonts  : X window base/minimal fonts from the Xorg project. Receipt 
xorg-bdftopcf  : Font compiler for the X server and font server. Receipt 
xorg-bigreqsproto  : BigReqs extension headers Receipt 
xorg-cf-files  : Configuration files used by xorg and imake. Receipt 
xorg-compositeproto  : Composite extension headers Receipt 
xorg-damageproto  : Damage extension headers Receipt 
xorg-dev  : Meta-package to install all Xorg development packages. Receipt 
xorg-dev-proto  : Meta-package to install all Xorg protocols. Receipt 
xorg-dmxproto  : DMX extension headers Receipt 
xorg-dri2proto  : DRI2 extension headers Receipt 
xorg-dri3proto  : DRI3 extension headers Receipt 
xorg-fixesproto  : X Fixes extension headers Receipt 
xorg-fontcacheproto  : Fontcache extension headers Receipt 
xorg-fontsproto  : Fonts extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-gccmakedep  : X gccmakedep utility. Receipt 
xorg-glproto  : GL extension headers Receipt 
xorg-iceauth  : ICE authority file utility. Receipt 
xorg-imake  : X imake utility. Receipt 
xorg-inputproto  : Input extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-kbproto  : KB extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-libFS  : Library Interface to the X Font Server. Receipt 
xorg-libFS-dev  : Development files for libFS. Receipt 
xorg-libICE  : X Inter Client Exchange Library. Receipt 
xorg-libICE-dev  : Development files for libICE. Receipt 
xorg-libSM  : X Session Management Library. Receipt 
xorg-libSM-dev  : Development files for libSM. Receipt 
xorg-libX11  : X Library. Receipt 
xorg-libX11-dev  : Development files for libX11. Receipt 
xorg-libXScrnSaver  : The XScrnSaver Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXScrnSaver-dev  : Development files for libXScrnSaver. Receipt 
xorg-libXau  : X authorization file management libary. Receipt 
xorg-libXau-dev  : Development files for libXau. Receipt 
xorg-libXaw  : X Athena Widgets Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXaw-dev  : Development files for libXaw. Receipt 
xorg-libXaw3d  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXaw3d-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXcomposite  : X Composite Extension Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXcomposite-dev  : Development files for libXcomposite. Receipt 
xorg-libXcursor  : X Cursor Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXcursor-dev  : Development files for libXcursor. Receipt 
xorg-libXdamage  : X Damage Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXdamage-dev  : Development files for libXdamage. Receipt 
xorg-libXdmcp  : X Display Manager Control Protocol library. Receipt 
xorg-libXdmcp-dev  : Development files for libXdmcp. Receipt 
xorg-libXext  : Misc X Extension Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXext-dev  : Development files for libXext. Receipt 
xorg-libXfixes  : X Fixes Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXfixes-dev  : Development files for libXfixes. Receipt 
xorg-libXfont  : X font Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXfont-dev  : Development files for libXfont. Receipt 
xorg-libXfont2  : X font Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXfont2-dev  : Development files for libXfont2. Receipt 
xorg-libXft  : X FreeType library. Receipt 
xorg-libXft-dev  : Development files for libXft. Receipt 
xorg-libXi  : X Input Extension Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXi-dev  : Development files for libXi. Receipt 
xorg-libXinerama  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXinerama-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXmu  : Xmu Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXmu-dev  : Development files for libXmu. Receipt 
xorg-libXp  : Provides public APIs to allow client applications to render to non-display devices. Receipt 
xorg-libXp-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXpm  : X Pixmap Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXpm-dev  : Development files for libXpm. Receipt 
xorg-libXpm-util  : X Pixmap utilities. Receipt 
xorg-libXrandr  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXrandr-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXrender  : X Render Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXrender-dev  : Development files for libXrender. Receipt 
xorg-libXres  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXres-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXss  : Xorg screen saver module. Receipt 
xorg-libXss-dev  : Xorg screen saver module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXt  : X Toolkit Library. Receipt 
xorg-libXt-dev  : Development files for libXt. Receipt 
xorg-libXtst  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXtst-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXv  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXv-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXvMC  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXvMC-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXxf86dga  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXxf86dga-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libXxf86vm  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libXxf86vm-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libdmx  : Xorg DMX library. Receipt 
xorg-libdmx-dev  : Xorg DMX module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libfontenc  : The fontenc Library. Receipt 
xorg-libfontenc-dev  : Development files for libfontenc. Receipt 
xorg-libpciaccess  : Xorg server module. Receipt 
xorg-libpciaccess-dev  : Xorg module - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libxkbfile  : Xorg server keyboard library. Receipt 
xorg-libxkbfile-dev  : Xorg server keyboard library - development files. Receipt 
xorg-libxshmfence  : X11 shared memory fences. Receipt 
xorg-libxshmfence-dev  : X11 shared memory fences - development files. Receipt 
xorg-makedepend  : Create dependencies in makefiles. Receipt 
xorg-mkfontdir  : Create an index of X font files in a directory. Receipt 
xorg-mkfontscale  : Create an index of scaleable font files for X. Receipt 
xorg-presentproto  : Present extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-printproto  : Print extension headers Receipt 
xorg-randrproto  : Randr extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-recordproto  : Record extension headers Receipt 
xorg-renderproto  : Render extension headers Receipt 
xorg-resourceproto  : Resource extension headers Receipt 
xorg-scrnsaverproto  : ScrnSaver extension headers Receipt 
xorg-server  : Xorg core server. Receipt 
xorg-server-Xephyr  : The Xephyr Xorg server. Receipt 
xorg-server-Xnest  : Xorg Xnest server. Receipt 
xorg-server-Xvfb  : Xvfb Xorg server. Receipt 
xorg-server-dev  : Xorg server devel files needed to build drivers. Receipt 
xorg-setxkbmap  : Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension. Receipt 
xorg-trapproto  : Trap extension headers Receipt 
xorg-util-macros  : A set of autoconf project macros for X.Org modules. Receipt 
xorg-videoproto  : Video extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-x11perf  : Utility that runs one or more performance tests and reports. Receipt 
xorg-xauth  : X authority file utility. Receipt 
xorg-xbacklight  : Utility for x-server to set the backlight level using the RandR. Receipt 
xorg-xbitmaps  : Development files for X (bitmaps). Receipt 
xorg-xcmiscproto  : XCMisc extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xcompmgr  : X composite manager. Receipt 
xorg-xcursorgen  : X cursor generator. Receipt 
xorg-xdpyinfo  : Display information utility for X-server. Receipt 
xorg-xdriinfo  : Query configuration information of DRI drivers. Receipt 
xorg-xev  : Print contents of x-server events. Receipt 
xorg-xextproto  : XExt extension headers. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-input-evdev  : Xorg input evdev driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-input-keyboard  : Xorg server keyboard driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-input-synaptics  : Xorg synaptics driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse  : VMWare Mouse Input driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-amdgpu  : Xorg server AMDGPU driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-ati  : Xorg server ATI driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-fbdev  : Xorg video driver for framebuffer device. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-intel  : Xorg server Intel driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-nouveau  : Xorg server nouveau (nvidia) driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-nv  : Xorg NVIDIA video driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86-video-vesa  : Xorg Vesa video driver. Receipt 
xorg-xf86bigfontproto  : XF86BigFont extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xf86dgaproto  : XF86DGA extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xf86driproto  : XF86DRI extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xf86miscproto  : XF86Misc extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xf86rushproto  : XF86Rush extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xf86vidmodeproto  : XF86VidMode extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xhost  : Server access control program for X. Receipt 
xorg-xineramaproto  : Xinerama extension headers Receipt 
xorg-xinput  : X input utility (MPX support). Receipt 
xorg-xkbcomp  : Xorg keyboard composite. Receipt 
xorg-xkbcomp-dev  : Xorg keyboard composite devel files. Receipt 
xorg-xkbutils  : Xorg keyboard utility. Receipt 
xorg-xkeyboard-config  : Xorg server keyboard definition files. Receipt 
xorg-xkeyboard-config-dev  : Xorg server keyboard - development files. Receipt 
xorg-xkill  : X application killer Receipt 
xorg-xmessage  : Display a message or query in a window. Receipt 
xorg-xmodmap  : X keyboard and mouse configuration utility. Receipt 
xorg-xprop  : X xprop application. Receipt 
xorg-xproto  : Xproto headers. Receipt 
xorg-xrandr  : X application to show system resources usage. Receipt 
xorg-xrdb  : A program used for accessing the X resources of a server. Receipt 
xorg-xset  : Xorg user preference utility. Receipt 
xorg-xsetroot  : A tool to configure X root background color. Receipt 
xorg-xtrans  : Abstract network code for X. Receipt 
xorg-xwininfo  : Window information utility to query x-server. Receipt 
xorgproto  : X.Org combined protocol headers Receipt 
xsane  : XSane - graphical scanning frontend. Receipt 
xsane-locales  : XSane locales (for the graphical scanning frontend) Receipt 
xscreensaver  : A collection of free screen savers. Receipt 
xterm  : X terminal emulator. Receipt 
xvidcore  : XviD, a high performance and quality MPEG-4 video de- and encoding solution. Receipt 
xvidcore-dev  : XviD, a high performance and quality MPEG-4 video de- and encoding solution - development files. Receipt 
xxhash  : Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm. Receipt 
xxhash-dev  : Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm, development files. Receipt 
xxhash-lib  : Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm, library files. Receipt 
xz  : General-purpose data compressor with a high compression ratio. Receipt 
xz-dev  : xz and liblzma development files. Receipt 
yad-gtk2  : Yet Another Dialog (GTK+2). Receipt 
yad-gtk3  : Yet Another Dialog (GTK+3). Receipt 
yasm  : A rewrite of NASM with multiple syntax (NASM, TASM, GAS, etc.) Receipt 
yasm-dev  : yasm devel library. Receipt 
zip  : Compressor utilities compatible with the DOS PKZIP. Receipt 
zlib  : Compression library Receipt 
zlib-dev  : Zlib compression library devel files. Receipt 
zstd  : Zstandard - Fast and efficient compression algorithm. Receipt 
zstd-dev  : Zstandard - Fast and efficient compression algorithm, development files. Receipt 
zvbi  : VBI capture and decoding library. Receipt 
zvbi-dev  : Development files for zvbi. Receipt 
6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)