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Packages of category "x-window"

Xdialog icon Xdialog
Like 'dialog' or 'cdialog', but for X using GTK+.
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adie icon adie
Advanced text editor using the Fox Toolkit.
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atk icon atk
Accessibility toolkit.
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atkmm icon atkmm
C++ interface for the popular Accessibility toolkit.
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automoc4 icon automoc4
CMake automatic MOC Generation.
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avant-window-navigator icon avant-window-navigator
Dock-like bar which sits at the bottom of the screen.
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awesome icon awesome
awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X.
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blackbox icon blackbox
A small, fast, full-featured window manager for X
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cairo icon cairo
2D graphics library.
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cairo-clock icon cairo-clock
Nice analog clock displaying the system-time.
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cairo-clock-themes icon cairo-clock-themes
Set of themes for cairo-clock.
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cairo-compmgr icon cairo-compmgr
Cairo Composite Manager
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cairo-dock icon cairo-dock
Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock to launch.
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cairo-dock-dev icon cairo-dock-dev
Cairo dock devel file.
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cairo-dock-plugins icon cairo-dock-plugins
Set of plugins for Cairo-Dock.
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cairomm icon cairomm
2D graphics library (mm).
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clearlooks icon clearlooks
Clearlooks GTK+ theme.
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clutter icon clutter
Animated graphical user interfaces library.
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clutter-gtk icon clutter-gtk
GTK+ libraries for Clutter.
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compiz-ccsm icon compiz-ccsm
Compiz Config Settings Manager.
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compiz-compizconfig-python icon compiz-compizconfig-python
Compiz Config Python module.
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compiz-core icon compiz-core
Compiz is an OpenGL compositing manager for 3D effect.
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compiz-libcompizconfig icon compiz-libcompizconfig
Compiz configuration library.
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compiz-plugins-main icon compiz-plugins-main
Compiz main plugins.
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dbus icon dbus
D-Bus is a message bus system.
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dbus-glib icon dbus-glib
D-Bus glib binding.
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desktop-file-utils icon desktop-file-utils
Desktop file utils from Freedesktop (update-desktop-database).
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desktop-file-utils-extra icon desktop-file-utils-extra
Extra desktop file utils (install and validate).
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devilspie icon devilspie
Windows matching utility.
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droid-font icon droid-font
Font family from Google's Android project
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dwm icon dwm
Very light dynamic window manager for X.
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echinus icon echinus
A window manager for X in the spirit of dwm
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ecofont icon ecofont
20% ink saving font from SPRANQ.
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edbus icon edbus
Enlightenment's (Ecore) integration to DBus
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editobj icon editobj
Dialog box generator for Python objects.
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edje icon edje
E17 libs.
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eeze icon eeze
Eeze is a library for manipulating devices through udev.
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elementary icon elementary
Widget set based on EFL for mobile touch-screen devices.
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emotion icon emotion
E17 emotion libs.
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enca icon enca
Enca is an Extremely Naive Charset Analyser.
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enchant icon enchant
Enchant spell checking library.
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enlightenment icon enlightenment
Enlightenment window manager (E17).
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enlightenment-pam icon enlightenment-pam
Enlightenment window manager (E17) with PAM, Bluez and connman support.
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equinox icon equinox
Equinox GTK Engine
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equinox-themes icon equinox-themes
Equinox Evolution themes
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evas icon evas
Enlightenment's hardware-accelerated retained canvas API
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exo-tools icon exo-tools
Xfce extension tools
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expat icon expat
XML parsing library.
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fbpanel icon fbpanel
Fbpanel is a lightweight GTK2-based panel for UNIX desktop.
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fcitx icon fcitx
Free Chinese Input Toy of X, a collection of Simplified Chinese input methods for Linux.
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fcitx-configtool icon fcitx-configtool
fcitx chinese input-medthod GUI configure tool
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fcitx-googlepinyin icon fcitx-googlepinyin
Googlepinyin Wrapper for Fcitx
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fcitx-skin-classic icon fcitx-skin-classic
The classic skin of fcitx.
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fcitx-skin-dark icon fcitx-skin-dark
The dark skin of fcitx.
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fcitx-skin-default icon fcitx-skin-default
The default skin of fcitx.
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fcitx-tools icon fcitx-tools
The fcitx-tools package includes some tools of fcitx.
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fcitx-zm icon fcitx-zm
Zhengma Table for FCITX-4.0
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fltk-2.0.x-gl icon fltk-2.0.x-gl
Fast Light Tool Kit GL library.
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fluxbox icon fluxbox
Fluxbox is a light and fast window manager for X.
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fontconfig icon fontconfig
Font configuration utilities and library.
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fox icon fox
Fox toolkit.
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fox-dev icon fox-dev
Fox Toolkit devel files.
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fox14 icon fox14
Fox toolkit.
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fox14-dev icon fox14-dev
Fox toolkit.
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freeglut icon freeglut
OpenGL utility toolkit.
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freetype icon freetype
Freetype font engine.
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freetype1 icon freetype1
Freetype1 font engine.
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fribidi icon fribidi
Free implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
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ftgl icon ftgl
OpenGL library to use arbitrary fonts
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gdk-pixbuf icon gdk-pixbuf
An image loading library for gtk2
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ghex icon ghex
GHex is a simple binary editor.
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glew icon glew
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library.
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glib icon glib
C routines.
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glib-networking icon glib-networking
TLS support for glib.
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glibmm icon glibmm
C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+.
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gnome-desktop icon gnome-desktop
GNOME Desktop
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gnome-icon-theme icon gnome-icon-theme
Default GNOME icon theme.
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gnome-keyring icon gnome-keyring
A program that keep password and other secrets for users.
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gnome-menus icon gnome-menus
GNOME menu libs and tools (without desktop files).
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gnome-mime-data icon gnome-mime-data
The GNOME Mime Data file types
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gnome-python icon gnome-python
Python bindings for GNOME.
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gnome-vfs icon gnome-vfs
The GNOME Virtual File System libraries
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gnome-vfs-monikers icon gnome-vfs-monikers
GNOME Bonobo monikers
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gnustep-back icon gnustep-back
GNUstep Generic back-end.
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gnustep-base icon gnustep-base
GNUstep base package.
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gnustep-gui icon gnustep-gui
GNUstep GUI class library.
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gob2 icon gob2
GTK Object Builder (GOB) is a simple preprocessor for easily creating GTK objects
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gobject-introspection icon gobject-introspection
Introspection system for GObject-based libraries.
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goffice icon goffice
GOffice is a library of document-centric objects and utilities.
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goffice-dev icon goffice-dev
GOffice devel files.
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goocanvas icon goocanvas
A cairo canvas widget for GTK+
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graphviz icon graphviz
Automatic graph drawing.
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gtk+ icon gtk+
The GIMP Toolkit.
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gtk-engine-nodoka icon gtk-engine-nodoka
Light and modern GTK theme engine.
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gtk-engines-rezlooks icon gtk-engines-rezlooks
Rezlooks GTK+ Engine
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gtk-theme-switch icon gtk-theme-switch
Utility to switch and preview GTK+ theme
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gtk-vnc icon gtk-vnc
VNC viewer widget for GTK.
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gtk-xfce-engine icon gtk-xfce-engine
GTK engine for Xfce
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gtkdialog icon gtkdialog
Small utility for fast and easy GUI building using GTK+.
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gtkglext icon gtkglext
GtkGLExt is an OpenGL extension to GTK+.
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gtkmm icon gtkmm
C++ interface for the popular GUI library GTK+.
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gtksourceview icon gtksourceview
Extends GTK+ framework for multiline text editing.
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hal icon hal
Hardware Abstraction Layer.
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hal-extra icon hal-extra
Hal extra lib and fdi files.
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hal-info icon hal-info
hal sub-package that provides the hardware data and quirks.
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hal-scripts icon hal-scripts
Hal scripts files.
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hsetroot icon hsetroot
Tool to set desktop wallpaper.
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icewm icon icewm
Ice Window Manager with Themes
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icon-naming-utils icon icon-naming-utils
Perl script used for desktop icon compatibility
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idesk icon idesk
IDesk gives users icons on their desktop.
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ilmbase icon ilmbase
IlmThread is a thread abstraction library for use with OpenEXR
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jpeg icon jpeg
JPEG image programs.
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jwm icon jwm
JWM is a light Window Manager for the X window system.
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karmen icon karmen
Very light and minimalistic window manager for X.
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lesstif icon lesstif
An LGPL clone of Motif, which is a set of GUI widgets.
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libart_lgpl icon libart_lgpl
Free libart.
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libbonobo icon libbonobo
Librairies for GNOME
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libbonoboui icon libbonoboui
The libbonoboui package contains libbonoboui libraries.
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libdesktop-agnostic icon libdesktop-agnostic
Config API, a unified vfs API, and a desktop item editor for GLib.
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libdrm icon libdrm
Freedesktop DRM Library.
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libdrm-intel icon libdrm-intel
Freedesktop DRM Library (intel library).
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libdrm-mach64 icon libdrm-mach64
DRM Library for mach64 (deprecated but no alternative).
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libdrm-radeon icon libdrm-radeon
Freedesktop DRM Library (radeon library).
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libexo icon libexo
Xfce extension library
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libfcitx icon libfcitx
The libfcitx package provides shared libraries for FCITX.
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libgee icon libgee
GObject collection library.
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libgio icon libgio
Glib libgio shared library.
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libgiomm icon libgiomm
GIO Framework for C++.
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libglade icon libglade
The Glade libs.
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libgnome icon libgnome
GNOME Library
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libgnome-keyring icon libgnome-keyring
A libray that keep password and other secrets for users.
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libgnomecanvas icon libgnomecanvas
GNOME canvas library
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libgnomeprint icon libgnomeprint
GNOME print library
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libgnomeprintui icon libgnomeprintui
GNOME print user interface library
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libgnomeui icon libgnomeui
This is the gui parts of what was previously gnome-libs
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libgsf icon libgsf
GNOME Structured File Library.
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libgsf-dev icon libgsf-dev
GNOME Structured File Library (devel files).
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libgtkhtml icon libgtkhtml
A gtk-based HTML rendering/editing library.
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libgtop icon libgtop
Librairies for GNOME
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libjpeg icon libjpeg
JPEG image libs.
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libjpeg62 icon libjpeg62
JPEG shared libs.
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libmatchbox icon libmatchbox
Matchbox shared library.
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libpng icon libpng
PNG images library.
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libpthread-stubs icon libpthread-stubs
Weak aliases for pthread functions.
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librsvg icon librsvg
SVG Rendering Library
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libsdl icon libsdl
Simple DirectMedia Layer (used by Qemu).
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libsdl-gfx icon libsdl-gfx
SDL gfx support.
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libsdl-net icon libsdl-net
SDL net support.
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libsdl-pango icon libsdl-pango
Pango SDL binding.
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libsdl-perl icon libsdl-perl
SDL perl support.
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libsdl-ttf icon libsdl-ttf
SDL ttf support.
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libsexy icon libsexy
Sexy widgests for GTK+.
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libsexymm icon libsexymm
Gtkmm binding for libsexy.
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libsoup icon libsoup
GNOME Soup Library.
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libsoup-dev icon libsoup-dev
GNOME Soup Library (devel files).
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libwnck icon libwnck
libwnck is Window Navigator Construction Kit.
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libxcb icon libxcb
The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib featuring a small footprint, latency hiding, direct access to the protocol, improved threading support, and extensibility.
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libxfce4ui icon libxfce4ui
Xfce Gtk Widget library
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libxfce4util icon libxfce4util
Xfce Utility library
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libxfcegui4 icon libxfcegui4
Xfce Gtk Widget library
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lockdis icon lockdis
Simple screen locker.
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lxappearance icon lxappearance
Desktop setting configuration utility from LXDE.
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lxdm icon lxdm
Login manager from LXDE.
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lxlauncher icon lxlauncher
LXDE desktop launcher.
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lxmenu-data icon lxmenu-data menu-spec-compliant desktop menus for LXDE.
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lxpanel icon lxpanel
Standard compliant desktop panel.
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lxpanel-dev icon lxpanel-dev
LXpanel devel files.
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lxpanel-extra icon lxpanel-extra
LXpanel nestat wifi plugin and keyboard led indicator.
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lxshortcut icon lxshortcut
Edit application shortcuts compliant with the Desktop Entry spec.
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magicpoint icon magicpoint
An X11-based presentation tool.
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matchbox-common icon matchbox-common
Common files for matchbox window manager.
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matchbox-desktop icon matchbox-desktop
Matchbox desktop.
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matchbox-desktop-2 icon matchbox-desktop-2
Matchbox desktop v2.
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matchbox-panel icon matchbox-panel
Matchbox panel.
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matchbox-panel-2 icon matchbox-panel-2
Matchbox panel v2.
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matchbox-panel-manager icon matchbox-panel-manager
Matchbox Panel Manager.
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matchbox-themes-extra icon matchbox-themes-extra
Matchbox extra themes.
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matchbox-window-manager icon matchbox-window-manager
Matchbox Window Manager.
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matchbox-window-manager-2 icon matchbox-window-manager-2
Matchbox Window Manager v2.
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mb-applet-volume icon mb-applet-volume
Matchbox volume applet.
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menu-cache icon menu-cache
Standard compliant menu library used by LXDE.
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menu-railroad icon menu-railroad
Freedesktop menu for railroading applications.
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mesa icon mesa
3D Graphics Library that is an open-source implementaton of OpenGL.
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mesa-dri icon mesa-dri
Mesa DRI drivers.
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mesa-dri-ati icon mesa-dri-ati
Mesa DRI + Gallium3D r300 drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon.
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mesa-dri-intel icon mesa-dri-intel
Mesa DRI drivers for Intel.
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mesa-dri-mach64 icon mesa-dri-mach64
Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64.
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mesa-dri-mga icon mesa-dri-mga
Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox.
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mesa-dri-nouveau icon mesa-dri-nouveau
Mesa classic DRI + Gallium3D drivers for Nouveau.
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mesa-dri-r128 icon mesa-dri-r128
Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128.
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mesa-dri-savage icon mesa-dri-savage
Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage.
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mesa-dri-sis icon mesa-dri-sis
Mesa DRI drivers for SiS.
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mesa-dri-tdfx icon mesa-dri-tdfx
Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx.
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mesa-dri-unichrome icon mesa-dri-unichrome
Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome.
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midori icon midori
Light Web Browse using GTK+/WebKit.
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mousepad icon mousepad
Xfce Text Editor
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murrine icon murrine
GTK2 engine to make your desktop look like a murrina
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murrine-svn-themes icon murrine-svn-themes
some murrine themes
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nitrogen icon nitrogen
Nitrogen is a background browser and setter for X windows.
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notification-daemon icon notification-daemon
Notification daemon for libnotify/notify-send
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obconf icon obconf
Openbox WM configuration interface.
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obmenu icon obmenu
Openbox menu editor.
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openbox icon openbox
Small-footprint and standard compliant Window Manager.
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openexr icon openexr
openexr library for EXR images
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pango icon pango
Library for layout and rendering of text.
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pangomm icon pangomm
Pango binding for GTKmm.
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pathfinder icon pathfinder
Fast and light file manager using the Fox Toolkit.
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pcf-uming icon pcf-uming
Light asian fonts for X.
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pekwm icon pekwm
Very light, configurable and themable window manager for X.
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pixman icon pixman
Pixman library.
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qtconfig icon qtconfig
Qtconfig is a tool that allows users to customize the default settings for Qt applications.
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quesoglc icon quesoglc
The OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application programming interface (API).
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ratmenu icon ratmenu
Menu generator created for ratpoison, but works with any WM
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ratpoison icon ratpoison
Ratpoison is an extremely light-weightWM using only keyboard.
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realvnc-viewer icon realvnc-viewer
VNC viewer (graphical remote control).
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scim-tables-additional icon scim-tables-additional
Miscellaneous input method data tables for SCIM platform.
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scim-tables-base icon scim-tables-base
SCIM Generic Table Input Method base module.
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scim-tables-ja icon scim-tables-ja
Japanese input method data tables for SCIM platform.
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scim-tables-ko icon scim-tables-ko
Korean input method data tables for SCIM platform.
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scim-tables-zh icon scim-tables-zh
Chinese input method data tables for SCIM platform.
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scrot icon scrot
A screen capture utility
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shared-mime-info icon shared-mime-info
Core database of common types and the *update-mime-database*.
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shutterbug icon shutterbug
Screenshot application from the Fox Toolkit.
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slim icon slim
Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11.
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slim-pam icon slim-pam
Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11.
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slim-theme-default icon slim-theme-default
Slim login manager themes pack.
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slitaz-menus icon slitaz-menus
SliTaz i18n Freedesktop menus and SliTaz Network menu.
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slitaz-polar-cursors icon slitaz-polar-cursors
SliTaz Freedesktop menus.
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slitaz-violet-theme icon slitaz-violet-theme
fresh violet theme for gtk+-2.0 (clearlooks) and openbox.
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startup-notification icon startup-notification
Startup notification protocol
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stjerm-terminal icon stjerm-terminal
Stjerm is a quake-like terminal emulator. It's window is shown with a key shortcut.
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superswitcher icon superswitcher
Replacement for the Alt-Tab window switching behavior
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synergy icon synergy
Synergy keyboard and mouse sharing.
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terminal icon terminal
Terminal emunaltor for Xfce Desktop Environment
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thunar icon thunar
Thunar File Manager
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thunar-archive-plugin icon thunar-archive-plugin
Thunar Archive Manager plugin
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thunar-vfs icon thunar-vfs
Thunar File Manager Libraries
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thunar-volman icon thunar-volman
Thunar Volume Manager plugin
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tiff icon tiff
TIFF images libs. (Check tiff-apps for utilities).
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tiff-apps icon tiff-apps
TIFF images manipulation cli applications. (Check tiff for libs).
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tightvnc icon tightvnc
VNC server (graphical remote control).
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tightvnc-extra icon tightvnc-extra
VNC extra tools.
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tightvnc-viewer icon tightvnc-viewer
VNC client for X.
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transset-df icon transset-df
Tool to set windows opacity.
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ttf-bitstream-vera icon ttf-bitstream-vera
The ttf bitstream vera fonts.
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ttf-dejavu icon ttf-dejavu
DejaVu True Type Font (minimum).
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ttf-dejavu-extra icon ttf-dejavu-extra
DejaVu True Type Font (extra).
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ubuntu-font-family icon ubuntu-font-family
Set of new libre/open fonts
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wqy-bitmapfont icon wqy-bitmapfont
A popular Chinese bitmap font.
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wqy-microhei icon wqy-microhei
文泉驿微米黑,版本v0.2.0-beta (开发代号:远古大爆炸,Codename: BigBang)
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wv icon wv
MS document manipulation library.
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wv-dev icon wv-dev
WV (MS doc lib) devel files.
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wxWidgets icon wxWidgets
Cross-platform GUI Library
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wxpython icon wxpython
GUI toolkit for the Python programming language.
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wxpython-dev icon wxpython-dev
wxPython devel files.
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xarchive icon xarchive
A GTK+ front-end for command line archiving tools.
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xarchiver icon xarchiver
Archive manager for thunar
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xbindkeys icon xbindkeys
Launch shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse under X
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xcb-proto icon xcb-proto
XCB protocol.
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xcb-util icon xcb-util
XCB Utilites
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xfce-utils icon xfce-utils
Xfce utilities
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xfce4-appfinder icon xfce4-appfinder
Xfce Application Finder
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xfce4-icon-theme icon xfce4-icon-theme
Icon theme for Xfce Desktop Environment
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xfce4-mixer icon xfce4-mixer
Xfce Audio Mixer
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xfce4-panel icon xfce4-panel
Xfce Panel
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xfce4-ristretto icon xfce4-ristretto
Picture-viewer for Xfce
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xfce4-session icon xfce4-session
Xfce session manager
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xfce4-session-dev icon xfce4-session-dev
Xfce session manager dev files
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xfce4-settings icon xfce4-settings
Xfce Settings Manager
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xfce4-taskmanager icon xfce4-taskmanager
Simple taskmanager for Xfce.
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xfconf icon xfconf
Xfce Copnfiguration Utility
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xfdesktop icon xfdesktop
Xfce Desktop
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xfdesktop-extras icon xfdesktop-extras
Xfce Desktop icons and stuff
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xfi icon xfi
X File Image viewer using the Fox Toolkit.
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xfig icon xfig
Vector graphics editor for X.
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xfmpc icon xfmpc
MPD client for Xfce.
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xfprint icon xfprint
Xfce Printer manager
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xfw icon xfw
X File Writer - Text editor using the Fox Toolkit.
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xfwm4 icon xfwm4
Xfce Window Manager
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xfwm4-themes icon xfwm4-themes
xfwm4 additionnal themes
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xorg-base-fonts icon xorg-base-fonts
X window base/minimal fonts from the Xorg project.
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xorg-bdftopcf icon xorg-bdftopcf
Font compiler for the X server and font server.
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xorg-fonttosfnt icon xorg-fonttosfnt
Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper.
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xorg-gccmakedep icon xorg-gccmakedep
X gccmakedep utility.
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xorg-iceauth icon xorg-iceauth
ICE authority file utility
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xorg-imake icon xorg-imake
X imake utility.
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xorg-libICE icon xorg-libICE
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libSM icon xorg-libSM
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libX11 icon xorg-libX11
X11 main client interface to X window system.
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xorg-libXau icon xorg-libXau
Xorg authorization routines.
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xorg-libXaw icon xorg-libXaw
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXcomposite icon xorg-libXcomposite
Xorg composite extension.
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xorg-libXcursor icon xorg-libXcursor
X cursors library.
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xorg-libXdamage icon xorg-libXdamage
Xorg damage extension.
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xorg-libXdmcp icon xorg-libXdmcp
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXext icon xorg-libXext
Common X extensions library.
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xorg-libXfixes icon xorg-libXfixes
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXfont icon xorg-libXfont
Xorg server keyboard library.
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xorg-libXft icon xorg-libXft
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXi icon xorg-libXi
Xorg library for the X Input Extension.
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xorg-libXinerama icon xorg-libXinerama
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXmu icon xorg-libXmu
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXpm icon xorg-libXpm
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXrandr icon xorg-libXrandr
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXrender icon xorg-libXrender
Xorg RENDER extensions library.
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xorg-libXss icon xorg-libXss
Xorg screen saver module.
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xorg-libXt icon xorg-libXt
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXtst icon xorg-libXtst
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXv icon xorg-libXv
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXvMC icon xorg-libXvMC
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXxf86vm icon xorg-libXxf86vm
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libfontenc icon xorg-libfontenc
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libpciaccess icon xorg-libpciaccess
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libxkbfile icon xorg-libxkbfile
Xorg server keyboard library.
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xorg-makedepend icon xorg-makedepend
X makedepend utility.
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xorg-mkfontdir icon xorg-mkfontdir
Create an index of X font files in a directory.
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xorg-mkfontscale icon xorg-mkfontscale
Create an index of scalable font files for X.
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xorg-rgb icon xorg-rgb
X11 RGB colors definitions.
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xorg-server icon xorg-server
Xorg core server.
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xorg-server-Xfbdev icon xorg-server-Xfbdev
Xfbdev framebuffer Xorg server.
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xorg-server-Xnest icon xorg-server-Xnest
Xorg Xnest server.
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xorg-server-Xvfb icon xorg-server-Xvfb
Xvfb Xorg server.
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xorg-server-light icon xorg-server-light
Xorg core server light version (no dri, gl, and friends).
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xorg-setxkbmap icon xorg-setxkbmap
Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension.
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xorg-x11perf icon xorg-x11perf
Utility who runs one or more performance tests and reports.
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xorg-xauth icon xorg-xauth
X authority file utility.
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xorg-xbacklight icon xorg-xbacklight
utility for x-server to set the backlight level using the RandR
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xorg-xclock icon xorg-xclock
Simple clock for X.
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xorg-xcompmgr icon xorg-xcompmgr
X composite manager.
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xorg-xcursorgen icon xorg-xcursorgen
X cursor generator.
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xorg-xdpyinfo icon xorg-xdpyinfo
display information utility for X-server
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xorg-xdriinfo icon xorg-xdriinfo
Query configuration information of DRI drivers
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xorg-xedit icon xorg-xedit
Simple text editor for X.
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xorg-xev icon xorg-xev
print contents of x-server events
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xorg-xeyes icon xorg-xeyes
A follow the mouse X demo.
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xorg-xf86-input-elographics icon xorg-xf86-input-elographics
Xorg elographics driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-evdev icon xorg-xf86-input-evdev
Xorg input evdev driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-evtouch icon xorg-xf86-input-evtouch
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-input-keyboard icon xorg-xf86-input-keyboard
Xorg server keyboard driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-microtouch icon xorg-xf86-input-microtouch
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-input-mouse icon xorg-xf86-input-mouse
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-input-mutouch icon xorg-xf86-input-mutouch
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-input-plpevtch icon xorg-xf86-input-plpevtch
Xorg server driver for touchscreens.
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xorg-xf86-input-synaptics icon xorg-xf86-input-synaptics
Xorg synaptics driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse icon xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse VMWare Mouse Input driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-void icon xorg-xf86-input-void
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-video-ati icon xorg-xf86-video-ati
Xorg server ATI driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-fbdev icon xorg-xf86-video-fbdev
Xorg video driver for framebuffer device.
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xorg-xf86-video-geode icon xorg-xf86-video-geode
Xorg AMD Geode video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-i740 icon xorg-xf86-video-i740
Xorg Intel i740 video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-intel icon xorg-xf86-video-intel
Xorg server Intel driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-mach64 icon xorg-xf86-video-mach64
Xorg server Mach64 driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-mga icon xorg-xf86-video-mga
Xorg driver for Matrox cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-neomagic icon xorg-xf86-video-neomagic
Xorg driver for neomagic cards
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xorg-xf86-video-nv icon xorg-xf86-video-nv
Xorg NVIDIA video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-openchrome icon xorg-xf86-video-openchrome
Xorg server openchrome driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-r128 icon xorg-xf86-video-r128
Xorg server Rage128 driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-radeonhd icon xorg-xf86-video-radeonhd
Xorg server ATI Radeon HD driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-s3 icon xorg-xf86-video-s3
Xorg driver for Trident S3 cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-savage icon xorg-xf86-video-savage
Xorg S3 Savage video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-sis icon xorg-xf86-video-sis
Xorg driver for SIS cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-trident icon xorg-xf86-video-trident
Xorg driver for trident cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-v4l icon xorg-xf86-video-v4l v4l video driver
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xorg-xf86-video-vesa icon xorg-xf86-video-vesa
Xorg Vesa video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-vmware icon xorg-xf86-video-vmware vmware video driver
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xorg-xfontsel icon xorg-xfontsel
point and click selection utility of X11 font names
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xorg-xhost icon xorg-xhost
Server access control program for X.
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xorg-xinit icon xorg-xinit initialization program
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xorg-xinput icon xorg-xinput
X input utility (MPX support).
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xorg-xkbcomp icon xorg-xkbcomp
Xorg keyboard composite.
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xorg-xkbutils icon xorg-xkbutils
Xorg keyboard utility.
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xorg-xkeyboard-config icon xorg-xkeyboard-config
Xorg server keyboard definition files.
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xorg-xkill icon xorg-xkill
X application killer
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xorg-xload icon xorg-xload
X app to show system resources usage.
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xorg-xmessage icon xorg-xmessage
Display a message or query in a window.
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xorg-xmodmap icon xorg-xmodmap
X keyboard and mouse configuration utility.
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xorg-xprop icon xorg-xprop
X xprop application.
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xorg-xrandr icon xorg-xrandr
X app to show system resources usage.
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xorg-xrdb icon xorg-xrdb
Xrdb is a program used for accessing the X resources of a server.
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xorg-xset icon xorg-xset
Xorg user preference utility.
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xorg-xsetroot icon xorg-xsetroot
Xsetroot is a tool to configure X root background color.
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xorg-xwininfo icon xorg-xwininfo
window information utility to query x-server
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xruskb icon xruskb
Keyboard switcher for russian/czech
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xvkbd icon xvkbd
Virtual (graphical) keyboard program for X Window System.
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3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)