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Name avidemux
Version 2.5.6
Category multimedia
Description free video editor
Maintainer allan316​@​
License GPL2
Tagsvideo  movie  editor  avi  mpeg  mp4 
Depends onalsa-lib iconalsa-lib  libxml2 iconlibxml2  xorg-libXv iconxorg-libXv  cairo iconcairo  libxslt iconlibxslt  libvpx iconlibvpx  libvorbis iconlibvorbis  gtk+ icongtk+  opencore-amr iconopencore-amr  lame iconlame  faac iconfaac  faad2 iconfaad2  libsamplerate iconlibsamplerate  xvidcore iconxvidcore  x264 iconx264 
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Avidemux is a free video editor designed for simple cutting, filtering and encoding tasks. It supports many file types, including AVI, DVD compatible MPEG files, MP4 and ASF, using a variety of codecs. Tasks can be automated using projects, job queue and powerful scripting capabilities.

Avidemux is available for Linux, BSD, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows under the GNU GPL license. The program was written from scratch by Mean, but code from other people and projects has been used as well. Patches, translations and even bug reports are always welcome.

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