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Name azpainter
Version 3.0.4
Category graphics
Description Full color painting software for illustration drawing.
Maintainer pascal.bellard​@​
License GPL3 BSD
Depends onfontconfig iconfontconfig  freetype iconfreetype  libjpeg iconlibjpeg  libpng iconlibpng  libwebp iconlibwebp  tiff icontiff  xorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  xorg-libXext iconxorg-libXext  xorg-libXi iconxorg-libXi 
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AzPainter is a full color painting software for Linux for illustration drawing. Simple and easy to use and lightweight projects. Small size easy to draw illustrations and edit, we like to use. For larger image sizes is based on the printing purpose and the authentic things to draw for you.

This is not suitable for dot editing. Since the color is handled with 16 bit color (15 bit fixed point number) internally, the accuracy of color rises, but the memory is consumed correspondingly.

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