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Name blueman
Version 2.1.1
Category system-tools
Description Easy to use GTK+ Bluetooth Manager.
Maintainer pankso​@​
License GPL3
Depends onbluez iconbluez  dbus icondbus  dbus-python icondbus-python  libnotify iconlibnotify  linux-bluetooth iconlinux-bluetooth  notify-python iconnotify-python  py3k iconpy3k  pygtk iconpygtk  python-pyrex iconpython-pyrex  startup-notification iconstartup-notification  util-linux-uuid iconutil-linux-uuid 
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Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager

Blueman is designed to provide a simple yet effective means for controlling BlueZ API and simplifying bluetooth tasks such as:

Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up
Connecting to / Creating bluetooth networks
Connecting to input devices
Connecting to audio devices
Sending / Receiving files via OBEX

It is lightweight, easy to use, Python based, and GPL licensed.

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