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Name claws-mail
Version 3.18.0
Category network
Description The user-friendly, lightweight and fast email client.
Maintainer erjo​@​
License GPL3
Tagsemail  client 
Depends ondbus icondbus  dbus-glib icondbus-glib  enchant iconenchant  expat iconexpat  gcc-lib-base icongcc-lib-base  gpgme icongpgme  gtk+ icongtk+  libcurl iconlibcurl  libdb iconlibdb  libetpan iconlibetpan  libgcrypt iconlibgcrypt  libgnutls iconlibgnutls  libical iconlibical  libsasl iconlibsasl  libtasn1 iconlibtasn1  libxml2 iconlibxml2  startup-notification iconstartup-notification  xorg-libICE iconxorg-libICE  xorg-libSM iconxorg-libSM  xorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  xorg-libXau iconxorg-libXau  xorg-libXcomposite iconxorg-libXcomposite  xorg-libXcursor iconxorg-libXcursor  xorg-libXdamage iconxorg-libXdamage  xorg-libXdmcp iconxorg-libXdmcp  xorg-libXext iconxorg-libXext  xorg-libXfixes iconxorg-libXfixes  xorg-libXinerama iconxorg-libXinerama  xorg-libXrandr iconxorg-libXrandr  xorg-libXrender iconxorg-libXrender  ytnef iconytnef 
Suggestedclaws-mail-lang iconclaws-mail-lang 
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Claws Mail is an email client (and news reader), based on GTK+, featuring

  • Quick response
  • Graceful, and sophisticated interface
  • Easy configuration, intuitive operation
  • Abundant features
  • Extensibility
  • Robustness and stability

The appearance and interface are designed to be familiar to new users coming from other popular email clients, as well as experienced users. Almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.

The messages are managed in the standard MH format, which features fast access and data security. You'll be able to import your emails from almost any other email client, and export them just as easily.

Lots of extra functionality, like an RSS aggregator, calendar, or laptop LED handling, are provided by extra plugins.

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