SliTaz Packages

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Name cookutils
Version 887
Category base-system
Description SliTaz packages builder new generation.
Maintainer pankso​@​
License GPL3
Sizes 84K / 428K
Depends onsdft iconsdft 
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The SliTaz Cookutils provide tools and utils to build SliTaz packages.


The cook tool should be used in a chroot environment: simply use the command tazdev gen-chroot to build one. You can also build packages directly but build deps will not be handled correctly since cook will install missing packages to perform a build and then remove them only if they were not installed before, this way we can keep a clean build environment.

We use standard SliTaz paths to work such as /home/slitaz/wok, if you work on cooking from stable or want to keep a clean system: create a chroot.


The Cooker is a Build Bot which automates the build process but doesn't make the dinner for you! We need quality receipts to cook successfully and the goal is not to have a bloated script so please Keep It Short and Simple.

The web interface consists of one CGI script and one CSS style. Cook logs can be produced by cook and the cooker just acts as a fronted to check them in a nice way. A web interface also highlights success and error and can show receipts and the cooker logs such as the last ordered list or commits check.


Cookiso is the official tool to automate the ISO build. The goal is to provide a simple to use, rock solid tool with a web interface à la Cooker. It shares configuration and templates with the Cooker but can be run on its own so it can be used by contributors or customers to automate custom ISO building. Cookiso must be run in a chroot which can be the same chroot as the Cooker.

Cross compiling

Cookutils lets you cross compile a package for a specific architecture. Say you want to build ARM binaries from a standard i486 machine. Cookutils provides helpers for the ARM platform, but the first thing to do is compile a cross toolchain and modify the main cook.conf variables to use the correct ARCH, CFLAGS and BUILD_SYSTEM

Configuration files

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