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Name cups-filters
Version 1.28.17
Category system-tools
Description OpenPrinting CUPS Filters
Maintainer mojo​@​
License GPL
Sizes 684K / 2.8M
Depends onlcms iconlcms  poppler iconpoppler  qpdf iconqpdf  ghostscript iconghostscript  gutenprint icongutenprint  glib iconglib  libexif iconlibexif 
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This project provides backends, filters, and other software that was once part of the core CUPS distribution but is no longer maintained by Apple Inc. In addition it contains additional filters and software developed independently of Apple, especially filters for the PDF-centric printing workflow introduced by OpenPrinting and a daemon to browse Bonjour broadcasts of remote CUPS printers to make these printers available locally and to provide backward compatibility to the old CUPS broadcasting and browsing of CUPS 1.5.x and older.

From CUPS 1.6.0 on, this package is required for using printer drivers with CUPS under Linux. With CUPS 1.5.x and earlier this package can be used optionally to switch over to PDF-based printing.

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