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Name enchant2
Version 2.3.2
Category x-window
Description Enchant spell checking library.
Maintainer pankso​@​
License LGPL2.1
Tagsspell  check 
Depends ondbus icondbus  dbus-glib icondbus-glib  gcc83-lib-base icongcc83-lib-base  glib iconglib 
Suggestedaspell iconaspell 
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Enchant is a library (and command-line program) that wraps a number of different spelling libraries and programs with a consistent interface. By using Enchant, you can use a wide range of spelling libraries, including some specialised for particular languages, without needing to program to each library's interface. If it's not convenient to call a C library, you can access most of Enchant's functionality via the enchant program, which communicates over a pipe, like ispell, and is indeed ispell-compatible.

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