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Name eudev
Version 3.2.11
Category base-system
Description Fork of udev to avoid depending on systemd.
Maintainer tcg.thegamer​@​
License GPL2
Sizes 1.1M / 8.7M
Depends onacl iconacl  dbus icondbus  kmod iconkmod  pciids iconpciids  usbids iconusbids  util-linux-blkid iconutil-linux-blkid  eudev-lib iconeudev-lib 
Providesudev iconudev 
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Eudev is a fork of systemd-udev with the goal of obtaining better compatibility with existing software such as OpenRC and Upstart, older kernels, various toolchains, and anything else required by users and various distributions.

In specific it tries to avoid glibc-specific functions and gcc-specific constructs by sticking to C99 while tracking closely the systemd-udev developments.

6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)