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Name gparted
Version 0.33.0
Category system-tools
Description A partition editor to graphically manage disk partitions
Maintainer pankso​@​
License GPL2
Sizes 280K / 880K
Depends ongtk+ icongtk+  libsigc++ iconlibsigc++  glibmm iconglibmm  gtkmm icongtkmm  pangomm iconpangomm  parted iconparted  util-linux-uuid iconutil-linux-uuid  xorg-libXdamage iconxorg-libXdamage  libgiomm iconlibgiomm  cairomm iconcairomm 
Suggestede2fsprogs icone2fsprogs  dosfstools icondosfstools  mtools iconmtools  ntfs-3g iconntfs-3g  ntfsprogs iconntfsprogs  jfsutils iconjfsutils  xfsprogs iconxfsprogs  reiserfsprogs iconreiserfsprogs  reiser4progs iconreiser4progs  btrfs-progs iconbtrfs-progs  f2fs-tools iconf2fs-tools  hfsutils iconhfsutils  hfsprogs iconhfsprogs  mdadm iconmdadm  cryptsetup iconcryptsetup  dmsetup icondmsetup  lvm2 iconlvm2  nilfs-utils iconnilfs-utils  udftools iconudftools  util-linux-minix iconutil-linux-minix  exfat-utils iconexfat-utils  util-linux-mkfs iconutil-linux-mkfs 
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Gparted is the GNOME Partition Editor for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions.

A hard disk is usually subdivided into one or more partitions. These partitions are normally not re-sizable (making one smaller and the adjacent one larger.) Gparted makes it possible for you to take a hard disk and change the partition organization, while preserving the partition contents.

More specifically, Gparted enables you to create, destroy, resize, move, check, label, and copy partitions, and the file systems contained within. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing disk usage, and mirroring one partition with another (disk imaging).

Gparted can also be used with storage devices other than hard disks, such as USB flash drives, and memory cards.

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