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Name iron-linux
Version 48.2550.0
Category network
Description A secure web browser based on Chromium.
Maintainer paul​@​
License BSD
Tagschromium  web-browser 
Depends onbash iconbash  nss iconnss  libfirefox iconlibfirefox  GConf iconGConf  libcups iconlibcups  libjpeg62 iconlibjpeg62  libpng iconlibpng  libffi iconlibffi  x264 iconx264 
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Google's Web browser Chrome thrilled with an extremely fast site rendering, a sleek design and innovative features. But it also gets critic from data protection specialists, for reasons such as creating a unique user ID or the submission of entries to Google to generate suggestions. SRWare Iron is a real alternative. The browser is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome - but without the critical points that the privacy concern.

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