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Name libhx
Version 4.3
Category development
Description Data structures and functions for scripting languages.
Maintainer pascal.bellard​@​
License LGPL3 LGPL2.1
Depends oncoreutils-file-special iconcoreutils-file-special  gcc83-lib-base icongcc83-lib-base 
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LibHX is a C library (with some C++ bindings available) that provides data structures and functions commonly needed, such as maps, deques, linked lists, string formatting and autoresizing, option and config file parsing, type checking casts and more.

LibHX aids in quickly writing up C and C++ data processing programs, by consolidating tasks that often happen to be open-coded, such as (simple) config file reading, option parsing, directory traversal, and others, into a library. The focus is on reducing the amount of time (and secondarily, the amount of code) a developer has to spend for otherwise implementing such.

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