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Name lxde
Category meta
Description Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environement
Maintainer pankso​@​
License GPL2
TagsLXDE  window-manager  desktop 
Sizes 20K / 56K
Depends onxorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  gtk+ icongtk+  lxpanel iconlxpanel  lxtask iconlxtask  lxappearance iconlxappearance  lxsession046 iconlxsession046  pcmanfm iconpcmanfm  lxsession-edit iconlxsession-edit  lxrandr iconlxrandr  lxinput iconlxinput  openbox iconopenbox  obconf iconobconf  gpicview icongpicview  leafpad iconleafpad  slitaz-configs iconslitaz-configs  slitaz-tools-boxes iconslitaz-tools-boxes 
Suggestedlxterminal iconlxterminal  lxdm iconlxdm  lxshortcut iconlxshortcut  xarchiver iconxarchiver 
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LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a new project aimed to provide a new desktop environment which is lightweight and fast.

This package is a metapackage depends on the core components and recommended components of the LXDE. It includes lxpanel, lxtask, lxappearance, lxsession, pcmanfm, lxinput, lxsession-edit, lxrandr, gpicview and leafpad.

6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)