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Name lxqt-panel
Version 0.8.0
Category system-tools
Description The LXQt desktop panel.
Maintainer al.bobylev​@​
License LGPL2.1
Depends onalsa-lib iconalsa-lib  gcc83-lib-base icongcc83-lib-base  icu iconicu  liblxqt iconliblxqt  liblxqt-mount iconliblxqt-mount  libQtCore iconlibQtCore  libQtDBus iconlibQtDBus  libQtGui iconlibQtGui  libqtxdg iconlibqtxdg  libQtXml iconlibQtXml  libstatgrab iconlibstatgrab  libsysstat iconlibsysstat  lm-sensors iconlm-sensors  lxqt-globalkeys iconlxqt-globalkeys  menu-cache iconmenu-cache  pcre iconpcre  xorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  xorg-libXcomposite iconxorg-libXcomposite  xorg-libXdamage iconxorg-libXdamage  xorg-libXext iconxorg-libXext  xorg-libXfixes iconxorg-libXfixes  xorg-libXrender iconxorg-libXrender 
Suggestedqastools iconqastools  xscreensaver iconxscreensaver 
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Lxqt-panel represents the taskbar of LXQt.

The elements available in lxqt-panel are called "plugin" technically. This applies e. g. to the source code where they reside in directories ./plugin- like plugin-mainmenu. In contrast to this they are called "widgets" by the configuration GUI so far. Also, a more descriptive term is used to refer to distinct plugins within the GUI. E. g. the aforementioned plugin-mainmenu is called "Application menu" that way.

6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)