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Name menu-cache
Version 1.1.0
Category x-window
Description LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache
Maintainer devel​@​
License GPL2
Sizes 52K / 164K
Depends onglib iconglib  glibc-base iconglibc-base  libfm-extra iconlibfm-extra  libgio iconlibgio 
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Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the access to defined application menus.

It can be used as a replacement of libgnome-menu of gnome-menus: * Shorten time for loading menu entries. * Ease of use (API is very similar to that of libgnome-menu). * Lightweight runtime library (parsing of the menu definition files are done by menu-cache-gen when the menus are really changed). * Less unnecessary and complicated file monitoring. * Heavily reduced disk I/O.

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