SliTaz Packages

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Name miro
Version 6.0
Category multimedia
Description The free and open source internet TV platform.
Maintainer slaxemulator​@​
License GPL2
Depends ondbus-python icondbus-python  python-pyrex iconpython-pyrex  pygtk iconpygtk  gstreamer icongstreamer  python-pysqlite iconpython-pysqlite  pywebkitgtk iconpywebkitgtk  shared-mime-info iconshared-mime-info  desktop-file-utils icondesktop-file-utils  hicolor-icon-theme iconhicolor-icon-theme  gst-python icongst-python  notify-python iconnotify-python  libtorrent-rasterbar iconlibtorrent-rasterbar  gst-plugins-base icongst-plugins-base  gst-plugins-good icongst-plugins-good  gst-ffmpeg icongst-ffmpeg  pycurl iconpycurl  taglib icontaglib  python-gconf iconpython-gconf 
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6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)