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Name muparser
Version 2.3.3
Category development
Description A fast mathematical expression parser library.
Maintainer devl547​@​
License MIT
Depends ongcc83-lib-base icongcc83-lib-base 
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Many applications require the parsing of mathematical expressions. The main objective muparser is to provide a fast, easy and secure way of doing this. Muparser is an extensible high performance math expression parser library written in C++. It works by transforming a mathematical expression into bytecode and precalculating constant parts of the expression. For best performance muparser allows parallelized evaluation of expressions with OpenMP.

The library was designed with portability in mind and should compile on every standard compliant C++ compiler. The build system is based on CMake. The code runs on both 32 bit and 64 bit architechtures and has been tested using Visual Studio 2019, CLANG and GCC. Code samples are provided in order to help you understand its usage.

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