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Name musique
Version c993f23
Category multimedia
Description Musique music player
Maintainer al.bobylev​@​
License GPL3
Depends onlibQtCore iconlibQtCore  libQtDBus iconlibQtDBus  libQtGui iconlibQtGui  libQtNetwork iconlibQtNetwork  libQtSql iconlibQtSql  libQtXml iconlibQtXml  phonon iconphonon  phonon-backend-gstreamer iconphonon-backend-gstreamer  taglib icontaglib 
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Musique does its best to stay out of the way and keep you focused on the only thing that really matters: Music.

Musique is great for those who appreciate its efficient simplicity. Consider getting it as a gift for kids and other family members that may find other players too complex and cumbersome.

  • Starts fast, very lightweight and can easily handle large collections.
  • Browse artist photos, album covers and folders too, so you can organize your music your way.
  • Immersive Info View you can switch to when listening. It contains valuable information about the current track, album and artist. When a new song starts, it will auto-update.
  • Automatically fixes misspellings and case in track titles, album titles and artist names, freeing you from the hassle of manually tagging your files.
  • Musique never ever modifies your files, it stores all of its data in its own database.
  • Supports scrobbling to
  • Displays song lyrics stored inside your MP3s
  • Musique has just a single play queue. You can't go wrong, it's always there on the right.
  • Takes advantage of QuickTime on the Mac and VLC on Windows and thus supports all common audio formats.
  • Not an iTunes addon. It's a completely independent application that does one thing and does it well.
  • Translated to more than 20 languages including German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Chinese.
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