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Name nut
Version 2.8.0
Category system-tools
Description Network UPS Tools.
Maintainer pascal.bellard​@​
License GPL2
Depends onexpat iconexpat  libssl iconlibssl  libusb iconlibusb  libusb-compat iconlibusb-compat  libwrap iconlibwrap  neon iconneon  zlib iconzlib 
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The primary goal of the Network UPS Tools (NUT) project is to provide support for Power Devices, such as Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Power Distribution Units, Automatic Transfer Switches, Power Supply Units and Solar Controllers. NUT provides a common protocol and set of tools to monitor and manage such devices, and to consistently name equivalent features and data points, across a vast range of vendor-specific protocols and connection media types.

More than 170 different manufacturers, and several thousands of models are compatible.

Configuration files

6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)