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Name pekwm
Version 0.2.1
Category x-window
Description Very light, configurable and themable window manager for X.
Maintainer jozee​@​
License GPL2
Depends onxorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  xorg-libXft iconxorg-libXft  xorg-libXinerama iconxorg-libXinerama  xorg-libXpm iconxorg-libXpm  xorg-libXrandr iconxorg-libXrandr 
Suggestedhsetroot iconhsetroot  lxpanel iconlxpanel  tint2 icontint2  wbar iconwbar  wmctrl iconwmctrl  xdotool iconxdotool  xorg-xev iconxorg-xev  xorg-xprop iconxorg-xprop 
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Pekwm, a window manager written by Claes Nästén that was once based on the aewm++ window manager, but has since evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It also has an expanded feature-set, including window grouping (similar to ion, pwm, or fluxbox), auto properties, Xinerama support and keygrabber that supports keychains, and much more.

Here's a short list of some of the features included in pekwm:

  • Possibility to group windows in a single frame
  • Configurable keygrabber that supports keychains
  • Configurable mouse actions
  • Configurable root- and window-menus and keybindings for all menus
  • Dynamic menus that regenerate on every view from a script output
  • Multi-screen support both via RandR and Xinerama
  • Configurable window placement
  • Theming support with images, shaping and configurable buttons.
  • Autoproperties (Automatic properties such as a window's sticky state, etc.)
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