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Name qxmpp
Version 0.8.0
Category development
Description Cross-platform C++ XMPP client and server library
Maintainer al.bobylev​@​
License LGPL2.1
Depends onlibQtNetwork iconlibQtNetwork  libQtXml iconlibQtXml  libtheora-enc iconlibtheora-enc  libvpx iconlibvpx  speex iconspeex 
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QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP client and server library. It is written in C++ and uses the Qt framework.

QXmpp strives to be as easy to use as possible, the underlying TCP socket, the core XMPP RFCs (RFC3920 and RFC3921) and XMPP extensions have been encapsulated into classes and functions. QXmpp comes with full API documentation, automatic tests and numerous examples.

QXmpp uses Qt extensively, and as such users need to a have working knowledge of C++ and Qt basics (Signals and Slots and Qt data types).

Qt is the only third party library which is required to build QXmpp, but libraries such as speex and theora enable additional features.

QXmpp is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.

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