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Name thunar
Version 1.3.0
Category x-window
Description Thunar File Manager
Maintainer erjo​@​
Tagsfile-manager  file-browser 
Depends onlibpng iconlibpng  jpeg iconjpeg  libxfce4util iconlibxfce4util  dbus icondbus  libexo iconlibexo  xfce4-panel iconxfce4-panel  pcre iconpcre  libexif iconlibexif  libgudev iconlibgudev  gamin icongamin  libxfce4ui iconlibxfce4ui  startup-notification iconstartup-notification  util-linux-ng-uuid iconutil-linux-ng-uuid 
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Thunar is a new modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment. Thunar has been designed from the ground up to be fast and easy-to-use. Its user interface is clean and intuitive, and does not include any confusing or useless options. Thunar is fast and responsive with a good start up time and directory load time. Thunar is accessible using Assistive Technologies and is fully standards compliant.

3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)