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Name wireshark
Version 4.2.9
Category network
Description Wireshark is an award-winning network protocol analyzer.
Maintainer pankso​@​
License GPL2
Tagsnetwork  analysis 
Sizes 21.5M / 108.6M
Depends ongnutls icongnutls  libgpg-error iconlibgpg-error  libcap iconlibcap  pcre2 iconpcre2  xorg-libXdamage iconxorg-libXdamage  libgcrypt iconlibgcrypt  libpcap iconlibpcap  speexdsp iconspeexdsp  libQt5PrintSupport iconlibQt5PrintSupport  libQt5Multimedia iconlibQt5Multimedia  libQt5Network iconlibQt5Network  libQt5Widgets iconlibQt5Widgets  libQt5Xcb iconlibQt5Xcb  c-ares iconc-ares  icu iconicu  libnl iconlibnl 
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Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions.

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