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Name wxWidgets
Version 3.2.0
Category x-window
Description Cross-platform GUI Library.
Maintainer pankso​@​
License LGPL
Sizes 3.9M / 13.7M
Depends onatk iconatk  cairo iconcairo  expat iconexpat  fontconfig iconfontconfig  freetype iconfreetype  gcc-lib-base icongcc-lib-base  glib iconglib  glibc-base iconglibc-base  gtk+ icongtk+  jpeg iconjpeg  libgio iconlibgio  libglu-mesa iconlibglu-mesa  libpng iconlibpng  mesa iconmesa  pango iconpango  pixman iconpixman  pkg-config iconpkg-config  tiff icontiff  util-linux-uuid iconutil-linux-uuid  xorg-libICE iconxorg-libICE  xorg-libSM iconxorg-libSM  xorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  xorg-libXau iconxorg-libXau  xorg-libXcomposite iconxorg-libXcomposite  xorg-libXcursor iconxorg-libXcursor  xorg-libXdamage iconxorg-libXdamage  xorg-libXdmcp iconxorg-libXdmcp  xorg-libXext iconxorg-libXext  xorg-libXfixes iconxorg-libXfixes  xorg-libXinerama iconxorg-libXinerama  xorg-libXrender iconxorg-libXrender  xorg-libXxf86vm iconxorg-libXxf86vm  zlib iconzlib 
SuggestedwxWidgets-lang iconwxWidgets-lang 
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wxWidgets is a free and open source cross-platform C++ framework for writing advanced GUI applications using native controls.

wxWidgets allows you to write native-looking GUI applications for all the major desktop platforms and also helps with abstracting the differences in the non-GUI aspects between them. It is free for the use in both open source and commercial applications, comes with the full, easy to read and modify, source and extensive documentation and a collection of more than a hundred examples.

You can learn more about wxWidgets at and read its documentation online at

Further information

If you are looking for support, you can get it from

Have fun!

The wxWidgets Team, October 2014

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