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Name xplanet
Version 1.3.0
Category system-tools
Description Render major planets into the X root window.
Maintainer pascal.bellard​@​
License GPL2
Depends onperl iconperl  jpeg iconjpeg  libpng iconlibpng  zlib iconzlib  tiff icontiff  xorg-libX11 iconxorg-libX11  freetype iconfreetype  pango iconpango  fontconfig iconfontconfig  glib iconglib  xorg-libXau iconxorg-libXau  xorg-libXdmcp iconxorg-libXdmcp  expat iconexpat  giflib icongiflib  xorg-libXss iconxorg-libXss  gcc-lib-base icongcc-lib-base  util-linux-uuid iconutil-linux-uuid 
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Xplanet was inspired by Xearth, which renders an image of the earth into the X root window. All of the major planets and most satellites can be drawn, similar to the Solar System Simulator. A number of different map projections are also supported, including azimuthal, Lambert, Mercator, Mollweide, orthographic, and rectangular.

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