Receipt for package "Qt4-qca-ossl"
# SliTaz package receipt. NAME="qca-ossl" PACKAGE="Qt4-$NAME" MAJORVERSION="2.0" VERSION="2.0.0-beta3" CATEGORY="development" SHORT_DESC="OpenSSL plug-in for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA)." MAINTAINER="ben@seawolfsanctuary.com" DEPENDS="glibc-locale libQtCore libQtGui libQtNetwork libQtSvg libQtXml \ libQtDesigner libQtScript libQt3Support libQtClucene libQtDBus libQtHelp \ libQtOpenGL libQtSql libQtWebkit qca openssl" BUILD_DEPENDS="qmake xorg-libX11-dev dbus-dev openssl-dev Qt4-dev qca-dev" TARBALL="$NAME-$VERSION.tar.bz2" WEB_SITE="http://delta.affinix.com/$NAME" WGET_URL="http://delta.affinix.com/download/qca/$MAJORVERSION/plugins/$TARBALL" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { cd $src patch -u <<EOP --- qca-ossl.cpp +++ qca-ossl.cpp @@ -330,1 +330,1 @@ - X509_EXTENSION *ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, &ctx, NID_subject_key_identifier, "hash"); + X509_EXTENSION *ex = X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(NULL, &ctx, NID_subject_key_identifier, (char *)"hash"); EOP status patch -u <<EOP --- qca-ossl.cpp +++ qca-ossl.cpp @@ -6597,9 +6597,11 @@ #ifdef SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH list += "sha512"; #endif + /* #ifdef OBJ_whirlpool list += "whirlpool"; #endif + */ return list; } EOP status patch -u <<EOP --- qca-ossl.cpp +++ qca-ossl.cpp @@ -6812,10 +6812,12 @@ else if ( type == "sha512" ) return new opensslHashContext( EVP_sha512(), this, type); #endif +/* #ifdef OBJ_whirlpool else if ( type == "whirlpool" ) return new opensslHashContext( EVP_whirlpool(), this, type); #endif +*/ else if ( type == "pbkdf1(sha1)" ) return new opensslPbkdf1Context( EVP_sha1(), this, type ); else if ( type == "pbkdf1(md2)" ) EOP status chmod +x configure ./configure \ --qtdir=/usr/lib/qt && \ make $MAKEFLAGS && make DESTDIR=$_pkg install } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib/qt/plugins/crypto cp -a $src/lib/* $fs/usr/lib/qt/plugins/crypto/ # Copy .desktop file: # cp -a $stuff/* $fs/usr }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)