Receipt for package "checkers"
# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="checkers" VERSION="1.0" CATEGORY="games" SHORT_DESC="Checkers game in javascript" MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.lzma" WEB_SITE="http://thierry.franquin.free.fr/jeudame/Dames.htm" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { if [ -f $SOURCES_REPOSITORY/$TARBALL ]; then unlzma -c $SOURCES_REPOSITORY/$TARBALL | tar xf - else mkdir -p $src/$PACKAGE-$VERSION for i in Dames.htm black.gif gray.gif \ me1k.gif me2k.gif you1k.gif you2k.gif \ me1.gif me2.gif you1.gif you2.gif ; do [ -s $i ] || wget -O $src/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/$i $(dirname $WEB_SITE)/$i done cd $src tar -c * | lzma e $SOURCES_REPOSITORY/$TARBALL -si mv $PACKAGE-$VERSION/* . rm -rf $PACKAGE-$VERSION fi cd $src grep -qs Dames_htm_smartbutton1 Dames.htm || return 0 sed -i -e 's|TITLE>.*</TITLE|TITLE>Checkers</TITLE|' \ -e 's|background="nth_brown_bg.gif" ||' \ -e 's|cellpadding=0|& align=center|' \ -e '/Vous devez commencer/d' \ -e '/version = 1.0;/,/Checkers Game/d' \ -e '/wrap=virtual/d' \ -e '/marrer le jeu/d' \ -e '/Dames_htm_smartbutton1/d' \ -e 's|table><br>"|&);|' \ Dames.htm } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/var/www/checkers $fs/usr/share/applications cp $src/* $fs/var/www/checkers mv $fs/var/www/checkers/Dames.htm $fs/var/www/checkers/index.html chown -R 80.80 $fs/var/www/checkers cat > $fs/usr/share/applications/checkers.desktop <<EOT [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Checkers Exec=browser file:///var/www/checkers/index.html Icon=checkers Terminal=false Categories=Game; Comment=Checkers game EOT }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)