Receipt for package "cyrus-imapd"
# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="cyrus-imapd" VERSION="3.4.3" CATEGORY="network" SHORT_DESC="IMAP server." MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org" LICENSE="BSD" WEB_SITE="https://cyrusimap.org/" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz" WGET_URL="https://github.com/cyrusimap/$PACKAGE/releases/download/$PACKAGE-$VERSION/$TARBALL" DEPENDS="cyrus-sasl db gcc83-lib-base jansson libcomerr libwrap net-snmp openssl perl slitaz-base-files" BUILD_DEPENDS="cyrus-sasl-dev db-dev gcc83 icu-dev jansson-dev libcomerr-dev openssl-dev perl util-linux-uuid-dev" CONFIG_FILES="/etc/imapd.conf /etc/cyrus.conf" # What is the latest version available today? current_version() { wget -O - https://github.com/cyrusimap/cyrus-imapd/releases 2>/dev/null | \ sed '/archive.*tar/!d;s|.*/[a-z-]*\(.*\).tar.*|\1|;q' } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lpthread" # 3.4.3 unrecognised # --with-service-path=/usr/lib/cyrus # --with-cyrus-prefix=/usr/lib/cyrus ./configure \ CC=gcc-83 \ CXX=g++-83 \ --prefix=/usr \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec/cyrus \ --with-com_err=yes \ --enable-murder \ --enable-replication \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ $CONFIGURE_ARGS && make && make install DESTDIR=$DESTDIR } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/lib/cyrus mkdir -p $fs/usr/libexec mkdir -p $fs/var/imap mkdir -p $fs/var/spool/imap/stage. cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr cp -a $install/usr/lib/libcyrus*.so* $fs/usr/lib cp -a $install/usr/lib/perl5 $fs/usr/lib strip -s $fs/usr/lib/lib* cp -a $install/usr/libexec/cyrus $fs/usr/libexec cp -a $install/usr/sbin $fs/usr cp $src/tools/mkimap $fs/usr/lib/cyrus cp -a $stuff/etc $fs cp $src/doc/examples/cyrus_conf/small.conf \ $fs/etc/cyrus.conf for i in proc db socket log msg ptclient do mkdir -m 755 $fs/var/imap/$i done } # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg. post_install() { # adduser cyrus if needed if ! grep -q cyrus "$1/etc/passwd" then echo echo -n "Adding user cyrus..." chroot "$1/" adduser cyrus -D -H -S -h /tmp chroot "$1/" sh -c 'echo "cyrus:cyrus" | chpasswd -m > /dev/null' status fi # addgroup mail if needed if ! grep -q mail "$1/etc/group" then echo echo -n "Adding group mail..." chroot "$1/" sh -c 'addgroup mail && addgroup cyrus mail' status fi chroot "$1/" chown -R cyrus.mail /var/spool/imap /var/imap while read name port end do grep -q $port "$1/etc/services" || \ echo "$name $port $end" >> "$1/etc/services" done <<EOF pop3 110/tcp pop-3 nntp 119/tcp readnews untp imap 143/tcp imap2 imap4 imsp 406/tcp nntps 563/tcp snntp acap 674/tcp imaps 993/tcp pop3s 995/tcp kpop 1109/tcp sieve 2000/tcp lmtp 2003/tcp fud 4201/udp EOF [ "$1" ] || /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE start if [ -f "$1/etc/init.d/postfix" ] then if ! grep -v ^# "$1/etc/postfix/main.cf" | grep -q lmtp:unix then echo echo "Append to /etc/postfix/main.cf:" echo -n " " echo "mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/imap/socket/lmtp" | \ tee -a "$1/etc/postfix/main.cf" if [ -z "$1" ] then /etc/init.d/postfix start || /etc/init.d/postfix reload fi fi fi msg="\\nCreating mailbox for" for i in root $(awk -F: '{ if ($3 >= 1000) print $1 }' < "$1/etc/passwd") do echo -en "$msg $i" msg="," done echo "" for i in root $(awk -F: '{ if ($3 >= 1000) print $1 }' < "$1/etc/passwd") do echo "createmailbox user.$i" done | chroot "$1/" cyradm -u cyrus -w cyrus >/dev/null 2>&1 chroot "$1/" su -c "/usr/sbin/reconstruct" cyrus >/dev/null 2>&1 cat <<EOF ---- Users must have a password to access the mailbox. To start $PACKAGE server you can run : /etc/init.d/$PACKAGE start Or add $PACKAGE to RUN_DAEMONS in /etc/rcS.conf ---- EOF # A security hole with ssh... [ -f "$1/etc/ssh/sshd_config" ] && ! grep -q cyrus "$1/etc/ssh/sshd_config" && echo "DenyUsers cyrus" >> "$1/etc/ssh/sshd_config" } post_remove() { deluser cyrus delgroup mail }
6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)