Receipt for package "libboost-dev"
# SliTaz package receipt. # Boost is a set of two types of libraries. Most of them are just # headers with inline functions, these are included in this package # named libboost-dev. Some few set of libraries require build and # installation steps. These will be relocated and have their own two # packages : libboost-name and libboost-name-dev. # We have to do it this way because of the underscores # to get a package with the slitaz version numbering PACKAGE="libboost-dev" SOURCE="boost" VERSION="1.45.0" WGET_SOURCE="boost_1_45_0" CATEGORY="development" SHORT_DESC="Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries." MAINTAINER="chadi.elahmad@gmail.com" TARBALL="$WGET_SOURCE.tar.bz2" WEB_SITE="http://www.boost.org/" WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/$SOURCE/$TARBALL" DEPENDS="gcc-lib-base" BUILD_DEPENDS="python python-dev expat-dev expat zlib-dev bzip2-dev" RELOCATE_LIBS="{ date_time filesystem graph iostreams \ math program_options python regex serialization \ signal system test thread tr1 wave }" # Rules to configure and make the package. # Uses boost:build building tool for the compilation: # Doesn't use DESTDIR. # Doesn't recognize the $CONFIGURE_ARGS, gives an error back # Have to add some params to get static libs compiled too compile_rules() { # Determine if TOOLPREFIX has been defined in tazwok.conf as it should if [ -z "$TOOLPREFIX" ] ; then # Provide a default TOOLPREFIX value TOOLPREFIX=i486-pc-linux-gnu- fi cd $src ./bootstrap.sh \ --prefix=$DESTDIR/usr \ --exec-prefix=$DESTDIR/usr \ --libdir=$DESTDIR/usr/lib \ --includedir=$DESTDIR/usr/include \ --without-icu && EXPAT_INCLUDE=/usr/include \ EXPAT_LIBPATH=/usr/lib \ ./bjam \ --prefix=$DESTDIR/usr \ --exec-prefix=$DESTDIR/usr \ --libdir=$DESTDIR/usr/lib \ --includedir=$DESTDIR/usr/include \ --build-type=minimal \ install # create the missing links to the shared libs cd $DESTDIR/usr/lib for i in `ls *-mt.so`; do boost_tmp=`echo $i | sed s/-gcc.*-mt//g` boost_tmp_mt=`echo $i | sed s/-gcc.*-mt/-mt/g` ln -s $i $boost_tmp ln -s $i $boost_tmp_mt done for i in `ls *-mt.a`; do boost_tmp=`echo $i | sed s/-gcc.*-mt//g` boost_tmp_mt=`echo $i | sed s/-gcc.*-mt/-mt/g` ln -s $i $boost_tmp ln -s $i $boost_tmp_mt done } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr cp -a $_pkg/usr/lib $fs/usr cp -a $_pkg/usr/include $fs/usr for i in $RELOCATE_LIBS; do rm -f $fs/usr/lib/*$i* rm -r -f $fs/usr/include/boost/*$i* done }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)