Receipt for package "lxpanel"
# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="lxpanel" VERSION="0.5.8" CATEGORY="x-window" SHORT_DESC="Standard compliant desktop panel." MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org" TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz" WEB_SITE="http://www.lxde.org/" WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/lxde/$TARBALL" CONFIG_FILES="/etc/lxpanel/default" DEPENDS="glibc-base glib libgio expat zlib menu-cache slitaz-icon \ gtk+ alsa-lib wireless_tools" BUILD_DEPENDS="gtk+-dev gettext expat-dev intltool menu-cache-dev \ lxmenu-data alsa-lib-dev wireless_tools-dev" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { cd $src patch -p1 -i $stuff/batt.chg.level.patch patch -p1 -i $stuff/configure_desktop_number.patch patch -p1 -i $stuff/fix_position.patch patch -p0 -i $stuff/cpu-size-color.patch || exit 1 ./configure --with-plugins=all $CONFIGURE_ARGS && make && make install } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/share $fs/usr/lib cp -a $install/usr/bin $fs/usr cp -a $install/usr/lib/lxpanel $fs/usr/lib cp -a $install/usr/share/lxpanel $fs/usr/share # Remove a few "heavy" and unuseful images (ns* goes in extra) for i in file-manager* stock_volume* gnome-[a-m]*.png \ gnome-netstatus-[d-t]*.png my-* ns-*.png *lock-*.png do rm $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images/$i done # Custom images to match SliTaz theme. cp -a stuff/images/* $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images # Remove plugins --> lxpanel-extra rm $fs/usr/lib/lxpanel/plugins/kbled.so rm -rf $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/images/xkb-flags # Move profile to /etc/lxpanel (/usr maybe read-only) and default config mkdir $fs/etc mv -f $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/profile $fs/etc/lxpanel ln -s /etc/lxpanel $fs/usr/share/lxpanel/profile mv $fs/etc/lxpanel/default $fs/etc/lxpanel/original cp -a stuff/default $fs/etc/lxpanel # lxsession-logout fake cat > $fs/usr/bin/lxsession-logout << "EOT" #!/bin/sh # lxsession-logout fake. # tazbox logout & exit 0 EOT chmod +x $fs/usr/bin/lxsession-logout }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)