Receipt for package "lzma"
# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="lzma" VERSION="4.57" CATEGORY="base-system" SHORT_DESC="Compressor with a high compression ratio." MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org" TARBALL="lzma$(echo $VERSION | sed 's/\.//').tar.bz2" WEB_SITE="http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/" WGET_URL="$SF_MIRROR/sevenzip/$TARBALL" DEPENDS="lzlib zlib gcc-lib-base" TAGS="compression archive" # Rules to compile & install the temporary toolchain. cook_tmp_toolchain() { # Put & configure the home-script as needed for tmp toolchain. rm /tools/usr/bin/lzma /tools/usr/bin/unlzma /tools/usr/bin/lzcat cp stuff/lzma /tools/usr/bin chmod 755 /tools/usr/bin/lzma ln -s /tools/usr/bin/lzma /tools/usr/bin/unlzma ln -s /tools/usr/bin/lzma /tools/usr/bin/lzcat sed 's~/usr~/tools/usr~' -i /tools/usr/bin/lzma cd $src if [ ! -f done.lzlib.u ]; then patch -p0 < $stuff/lzlib.u || return 1 touch done.lzlib.u fi cd CPP/7zip/Compress/LZMA_Alone # Remove copyright message. sed '/MY_VERSION_COPYRIGHT_DATE/d' -i LzmaAlone.cpp make -f makefile.gcc lzma { make -f makefile.gcc liblz.so.1.0.0 && make -f makefile.gcc lzma } || return 1 cp -a lzma-shared /tools/usr/bin/lzma-alone cp -a liblz.so.1.0.0 /tools/lib ln -s /tools/lib/liblz.so.1.0.0 /tools/lib/liblz.so ln -s /tools/lib/liblz.so.1.0.0 /tools/lib/liblz.so.1 } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { cd $src if [ ! -f done.lzlib.u ]; then patch -p0 < $stuff/lzlib.u || return 1 touch done.lzlib.u fi cd CPP/7zip/Compress/LZMA_Alone # Remove copyright message. sed '/MY_VERSION_COPYRIGHT_DATE/d' -i LzmaAlone.cpp make -f makefile.gcc lzma make -f makefile.gcc liblz.so.1.0.0 && make -f makefile.gcc lzma } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin cp -a $src/CPP/7zip/Compress/LZMA_Alone/lzma-shared $fs/usr/bin/lzma-alone cp $stuff/lzma $fs/usr/bin chmod 755 $fs/usr/bin/lzma ln -s lzma $fs/usr/bin/unlzma ln -s lzma $fs/usr/bin/lzcat } # Pre and post install commands for Tazpkg. # We must remove all Busybox symlink before installing. # pre_install() { local root root=$1 echo "Processing pre-install commands..." echo -n "Removing all Busybox replaced utils... " rm -f $root/usr/bin/unlzma rm -f $root/usr/bin/lzcat status } post_remove() { ln -s /bin/busybox $1/usr/bin/unlzma ln -s /bin/busybox $1/usr/bin/lzcat }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)