Receipt for package "nanochess"
# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="nanochess" VERSION="1.0" CATEGORY="games" SHORT_DESC="Chess game in javascript (need an unicode aware browser)" MAINTAINER="pascal.bellard@slitaz.org" WEB_SITE="http://nanochess.110mb.com/chess4.html" # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { # define colors white="#f0f0b0" # was #f0f0f0 black="#f05030" # was #c0c0f0 gray="#843" # was #dde background="$white" # was white red="blue" mkdir -p $src 2> /dev/null cp $stuff/index.html $src cd $src sed -i -e 's/<select/<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"\♚ \⇔ \♔\\" onclick=\\"yy^=8;Z()\\">&/' \ -e 's/><option.*$/>";/' -e "s/ style='font-size:20px'//" \ -e 's/50px/"+P+"px/g' -e 's/=60/="+H+"/g' \ -e 's|for(a=|H=innerHeight/9;P=H*5/6;|' -e 's/^"<table/for(a=&/' \ -e "s/c0c\":\"f0f\")+\"0f0/$white\":\"$black\")+\"/" \ -e "s/#dde/$gray/" -e "s/red/$red/" -e 's/bgcolor=#/bgcolor=/' \ -e 's|^doc.*|yy=/\\?b/i.test(document.URL)?8:0;for(p=18;++p<23;)a+="<option>\♟ \→ \b"+p+";</option>";document.write(a);|' \ -e "s|<script>|<style>body {background: $background; overflow: hidden;} input,select {background: transparent; -webkit-appearance: none;}</style>\n<title>Toledo chess</title>&|" \ -e 's|function Y|function Z(){if(y!=yy)setTimeout("X(0,0,0,21,u,2),X(0,0,0,21,u,1)",250);}\n&|' \ -e 's|if(y)set.*|Z();}}Z()|' \ index.html } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/var/www/chess $fs/usr/share/applications cp $src/* $fs/var/www/chess chown -R 80.80 $fs/var/www/chess cat > $fs/usr/share/applications/chess.desktop <<EOT [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Chess Name[zh_CN]=国际象棋 Exec=sh -c "url=file:///var/www/chess/index.html ; tazweb --notoolbar \$url || browser \$url" Icon=other Terminal=false Categories=Game; Comment=Chess game EOT }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)