Receipt for package "qt5"
# SliTaz package receipt. PACKAGE="qt5" VERSION="5.14.2" CATEGORY="meta" TAGS="qt" SHORT_DESC="qt x11 toolkit" MAINTAINER="maintainer@slitaz.org" LICENSE="GPL3 LGPL3" WEB_SITE="https://www.qt.io/" SOURCE="qt-everywhere-src" TARBALL="$SOURCE-$VERSION.tar.xz" #WGET_URL="https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/${VERSION%.*}/$VERSION/single/$TARBALL" WGET_URL="https://web.archive.org/web/20211201212948/http://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/qt/archive/qt/${VERSION%.*}/$VERSION/single/$TARBALL" SUGGESTED="libQt5Plugins libQt5ScriptTools" PROVIDE="qt-x11-opensource-src Qt5" DEPENDS="glibc-locale icu libQt5Core libQt5DBus libQt5Designer libQt5Gui libQt5Help libQt5Network libQt5OpenGL libQt5Script libQt5Sql libQt5Svg libQt5Xml" BUILD_DEPENDS="alsa-lib-dev cups-dev dbus-dev eudev-dev gcc glib-dev gst-plugins-base-1.0-dev gtk+3-dev icu-dev fontconfig-dev freetype-dev harfbuzz-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev libpng-dev libxcb-dev libxkbcommon-dev mesa-dev openssl-dev pcre-dev sqlite-dev tslib-dev xorg-libX11-dev xorg-libXcomposite-dev xorg-libXrender-dev zlib-dev" HOST_ARCH="i486 x86_64" # What is the latest version available today? current_version() { wget -O - https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/ 2>/dev/null | \ sed '/>5\./!d;s|.*/">|https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/|;s|/<.*||' | \ sort -Vr | sed q | xargs wget -O - 2>/dev/null | \ sed '/>5\./!d;s|.*/">||;s|/<.*||' | sort -Vr | sed q } # Rules to configure and make the package. compile_rules() { export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${src}/lib" ./configure \ -prefix /usr \ -confirm-license \ -opensource \ -sysconfdir /etc/xdg \ -plugindir /usr/lib/qt5/plugins \ -headerdir /usr/include/qt5 \ -importdir /usr/lib/qt5/imports \ -archdatadir /usr/lib/qt5 \ -bindir /usr/bin \ -datadir /usr/share/qt5 \ -docdir /usr/share/doc/qt5 \ -examplesdir /usr/share/doc/qt5/examples \ -translationdir /usr/share/qt5/translations \ -release \ -nomake examples \ -system-harfbuzz \ -system-sqlite \ -glib \ -optimized-qmake \ -opengl \ -opensource \ -no-openvg \ -no-reduce-relocations \ -continue && make $MAKEFLAGS && make install INSTALL_ROOT=$DESTDIR } # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { # dummy tree to avoid 'tazwok cmp --cook' building loop mkdir $fs/etc }
6088 packages and 256128 files in current database (Wed Mar 5 09:18:31 2025)