Receipt for package "slitaz-i18n"
# SliTaz package receipt PACKAGE="slitaz-i18n" VERSION="4.0" CATEGORY="meta" SHORT_DESC="SliTaz internationalization meta package to build locale pack." MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org" WEB_SITE="http://www.slitaz.org/" # Bdeps ensure packages are built so we can get generated po files. BUILD_DEPENDS="asunder alsaplayer epdfview galculator viewnior gparted nano \ glib gtk+ leafpad lxpanel lxtask obconf openbox pcmanfm midori mtpaint \ mhwaveedit lostirc" # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg. genpkg_rules() { mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/doc/slitaz . $stuff/locale-pack.conf for p in $CORE_PKGS do if [ ! -d "$WOK/$p/install" ]; then if [ -x /usr/bin/cook ]; then cook $p else tazwok cook $p fi fi done # Cook all locale pack. for i in $LOCALE_PACK do if [ -x /usr/bin/cook ]; then cook locale-$i elif [ -x /usr/bin/tazwok ]; then tazwok cook locale-$i fi done cat > $fs/usr/share/doc/slitaz/i18n.txt << EOT SliTaz i18n information ================================================================================ This package provides the necessary functions and configs for the SliTaz locale pack. SliTaz uses UTF-8 by default and tazlocale (from SliTaz tools) to configure the system language. Translated packages files included in the core languages pack (from upstream): ---- $CORE_PKGS ---- SliTaz i18n project coordination is done on the SCN and doc is on the website: http://www.slitaz.org/i18n.php ================================================================================ EOT }
3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)