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Descriptions matching "apache"

apache icon apache
Secure, efficient and extensible HTTP server.
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apache-ant icon apache-ant
A Java-based build tool.
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apache-dev icon apache-dev
HTTP server development files.
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apache-doc icon apache-doc
HTTP server documentation files.
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apache-mod-perl icon apache-mod-perl
PERL module for Apache
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apache-mod-wsgi icon apache-mod-wsgi
Python WSGI adapter module for Apache.
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apr icon apr
Apache Portable Runtime Library
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apr-dbd-mysql icon apr-dbd-mysql
APR Library Utilities MySQL DBD driver
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apr-dbd-odbc icon apr-dbd-odbc
APR Library Utilities ODBC DBD driver
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apr-dbd-pgsql icon apr-dbd-pgsql
APR Library Utilities PostgreSQL DBD driver
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apr-dbd-sqlite icon apr-dbd-sqlite
Apache Portable Runtime Library Utilities SQLite DBD driver
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apr-dev icon apr-dev
Apache Portable Runtime Library dev files
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apr-util icon apr-util
APR Library Utilities
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apr-util-dev icon apr-util-dev
APR Library Utilities
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collectd-apache icon collectd-apache
Apache plugin for Collectd
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collectd-bind icon collectd-bind
Apache plugin for Collectd
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couchdb icon couchdb
Apache CouchDB is document-oriented database.
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fop icon fop
Open source XSL-FO implementation.
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jtoolkit icon jtoolkit
Python web application framework built on modpython and Apache.
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passenger icon passenger
Rails and Rack support for Apache2.
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perl-apache-dbi icon perl-apache-dbi
Apache::DBI module is a Perl extension.
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php-apache icon php-apache
PHP module for apache.
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xalan-c icon xalan-c
An XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types.
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xalan-c-dev icon xalan-c-dev
xalan-c devel files.
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xalan-xerces-j icon xalan-xerces-j
A validating XML parser and an XSLT processor written in Java.
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xerces-c icon xerces-c
A validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++.
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xerces-c-dev icon xerces-c-dev
xerces-c devel files.
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3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)