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Name dcfldd
Version 1.7.1
Category misc
Description Enhanced dd with features useful for forensics and security.
Maintainer pascal.bellard​@​
License GPL2
Sizes 40K / 92K
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Dcfldd is a modified version of GNU dd. The major features added are:

  • Hashing on-the-fly: dcfldd can hash the input data as it is being transferred, helping to ensure data integrity.
  • Status output: dcfldd can update the user of its progress in terms of the amount of data transferred and how much longer operation will take.
  • Flexible disk wipes: dcfldd can be used to wipe disks quickly and with a known pattern if desired.
  • Image/wipe verify: dcfldd can verify that a target drive is a bit-for-bit match of the specified input file or pattern.
  • Multiple outputs: dcfldd can output to multiple files or disks at the same time.
  • Split output: dcfldd can split output to multiple files with more configurability than the split command.
  • Piped output and logs: dcfldd can send all its log data and output to commands as well as files natively.
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