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Name thunar
Version 1.6.6
Category x-window
Description Thunar File Manager
Maintainer erjo​@​
License GPL2
Sizes 288K / 1.2M
Depends onlibpng iconlibpng  jpeg iconjpeg  gtk+ icongtk+  libxfce4util iconlibxfce4util  dbus-glib icondbus-glib  libexo iconlibexo  pcre iconpcre  libexif iconlibexif  libgudev iconlibgudev  gamin icongamin  libxfce4ui iconlibxfce4ui  startup-notification iconstartup-notification  util-linux-uuid iconutil-linux-uuid  libnotify iconlibnotify  libxfconf iconlibxfconf 
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Thunar is a new modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment. Thunar has been designed from the ground up to be fast and easy-to-use. Its user interface is clean and intuitive, and does not include any confusing or useless options. Thunar is fast and responsive with a good start up time and directory load time. Thunar is accessible using Assistive Technologies and is fully standards compliant.

5935 packages and 845883 files in cooking database (Thu Jun 27 00:01:54 2024)