SliTaz Packages

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Packages with "MIT" license

2048 icon 2048
A 2048 game clone with undo support
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8086tiny icon 8086tiny
PC XT-compatible emulator/virtual machine.
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Arkanoid icon Arkanoid
The classic atari arcade game arkanoid
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BootProg icon BootProg
FAT12/16/32 and exFAT Bootsector for .COMs/.EXEs
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Geomyidae icon Geomyidae
Geomyidae is a daemon for serving the Gopher protocol.
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actionmailer icon actionmailer
Simple, battle-tested conventions for building and testing MVC web applications.
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actionpack icon actionpack
Simple, battle-tested conventions for building and testing MVC web applications.
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activerecord icon activerecord
Rich support for multibyte strings.
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activeresource icon activeresource
REST on Rails.
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activesupport icon activesupport
Database tables mapping to Ruby classes.
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alieninvasion icon alieninvasion
Invader game in html5
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apulse icon apulse
PulseAudio emulator for Alsa.
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audacious-plugins icon audacious-plugins
Plugins for audacious music player.
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automoc4 icon automoc4
CMake automatic MOC Generation.
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bacon icon bacon
Basic to C converter.
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beautifulsoup icon beautifulsoup
Python HTML-XML parser.
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blackbox icon blackbox
A small, fast, full-featured window manager for X.
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blackbox-lang icon blackbox-lang
A small, fast, full-featured window manager for X - localised messages.
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blogotext icon blogotext
Simple blog engine.
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bluez-alsa icon bluez-alsa
Bluetooth Audio ALSA Backend.
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bmon icon bmon
bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
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bmpanel2 icon bmpanel2
Nice NETWM-compatible panel for X11
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bmpanel2cfg icon bmpanel2cfg
bmpanel2 configurator
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boulderdash icon boulderdash
C64 classic Boulderdash in HTML5 and JavaScript
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brotli icon brotli
A generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm.
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c-ares icon c-ares
A C library for asynchronous DNS requests.
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c-ares-dev icon c-ares-dev
A C library for asynchronous DNS requests, development files.
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cinepaint icon cinepaint
For painting and retouching bitmap frames of films.
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ckermit icon ckermit
Portable Scriptable Network and Serial Communication Software.
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codiad icon codiad
Web-based IDE framework with a small footprint.
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compface icon compface
Utils & libs to convert from/to X-Face format
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compface-dev icon compface-dev
Development files for compface
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compiz icon compiz
Compiz 3D effect support on SliTaz.
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compiz-core icon compiz-core
An OpenGL compositing manager for 3D effect.
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compiz-core-dev icon compiz-core-dev
Compiz - development files.
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compton icon compton
Light X Compositor new generation
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cortex icon cortex
An ncurses reddit browser and monitor.
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cpulimit icon cpulimit
Limits the cpu usage of a process
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crypthook icon crypthook
TCP/UDP symmetric encryption tunnel wrapper.
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cryptopp icon cryptopp
C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
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Foreign function interface for bash.
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curl icon curl
Tool and libraries for transfering files with URL syntax.
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curl-dev icon curl-dev
Tool and libraries for transfering files with URL syntax - development files.
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daemon_controller icon daemon_controller
Daemon management for Ruby.
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debootstrap icon debootstrap
Bootstrap a basic Debian system.
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directfb-examples icon directfb-examples
DirectFB examples.
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disktype icon disktype
Detects the content format of a disk or disk image (file systems, partition tables, and boot codes)
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dmenu icon dmenu
Dynamic menu launch bar.
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docbook-xml icon docbook-xml
A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.5)
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docbook-xml-412 icon docbook-xml-412
A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.1.2)
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docbook-xml-42 icon docbook-xml-42
A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.2)
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docbook-xml-43 icon docbook-xml-43
A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.3)
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docbook-xml-44 icon docbook-xml-44
A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help. (version 4.4)
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docbook-xsl icon docbook-xsl
DocBook XSL stylesheets.
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docbook-xsl-ns icon docbook-xsl-ns
DocBook XSL (namespaced) stylesheets.
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dropbear icon dropbear
Lightweight SSH2 server and client
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dropbear-pam icon dropbear-pam
Light SSH client and server using PAM.
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dvtm icon dvtm
A tiling window management for the console
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dwm icon dwm
Very light dynamic window manager for X.
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dzen2 icon dzen2
A general purpose messaging and notification program.
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echinus icon echinus
A window manager for X in the spirit of dwm
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enet icon enet
A relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP.
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expat icon expat
XML parsing C library.
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expat-dev icon expat-dev
XML parsing library development files.
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f2c icon f2c
A Fortran 77 to C translator.
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fatcat icon fatcat
FAT filesystems explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
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fbpanel icon fbpanel
Fbpanel is a lightweight GTK2-based panel for UNIX desktop.
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fcgi icon fcgi
Fast CGI binary and library.
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fcgi-dev icon fcgi-dev
Fast CGI development files.
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fdupes icon fdupes
Identify or delete duplicate files in specified directories.
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feedparser icon feedparser
Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python.
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feh icon feh
Lightweight and powerful image viewer and composer.
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firmware-mod-kit icon firmware-mod-kit
Scripts and utilities to rebuild openwrt based images.
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flag-icons icon flag-icons
2600 Flag Icon Set from GoSquared
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flake8 icon flake8
The modular source code checker for python.
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fluxbox icon fluxbox
Fluxbox is a light and fast window manager for X.
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fluxbox-themes icon fluxbox-themes
Fluxbox additionnal themes.
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fluxbox-tools icon fluxbox-tools
Fluxbox additionnal tools (fbsetroot).
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flxine icon flxine
FLTK Xine frontend
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fontconfig icon fontconfig
Font configuration utilities and library
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fontconfig-dev icon fontconfig-dev
Font configuration utilities and library devel files
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fontconfig-infinality icon fontconfig-infinality
Infinality addition for fontconfig
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fzy icon fzy
A fast, simple fuzzy finder.
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gc icon gc
A garbage collector for C and C++.
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gc-dev icon gc-dev
A garbage collector for C and C++ devel files (with libatomic_ops).
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gdal icon gdal
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
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gdal-bin icon gdal-bin
GDAL Tools.
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gdal-datas icon gdal-datas
GDAL datas.
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gdal-dev icon gdal-dev
GDAL development headers.
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giblib icon giblib
Giblib graphics library.
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giblib-dev icon giblib-dev
Giblib graphics library development files.
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giflib icon giflib
A library for processing GIFs.
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giflib-dev icon giflib-dev
giflib devel files.
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glew icon glew
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library.
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glew-dev icon glew-dev
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library. (development files)
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gobject-introspection icon gobject-introspection
Introspection system for GObject-based libraries
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gobject-introspection-dev icon gobject-introspection-dev
Gobject-introspection devel files
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graphicsmagick icon graphicsmagick
The swiss army knife of image processing.
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graphicsmagick-dev icon graphicsmagick-dev
The swiss army knife of image processing, development files.
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guacamole-dev icon guacamole-dev
Clientless remote desktop gateway for VNC or RDP, development files.
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gummi icon gummi
LaTeX editor designed with simplicity in mind.
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hashcat icon hashcat
Advanced password recovery
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hatenarunner icon hatenarunner
Loderunner game in javascript
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hubbub icon hubbub
Hubbub is a flexible HTML parser.
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hubbub-dev icon hubbub-dev
Hubbub HTML parser devel files.
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hubicfuse icon hubicfuse
Support for mounting Hubic drive.
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icu icon icu
C, C++ and Java libraries providing Unicode and Globalization.
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icu-dev icon icu-dev
Development files for ICU lib.
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ii icon ii
Minimalist IRC client.
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imap-upload icon imap-upload
Tool for uploading a local mbox file to IMAP4 server.
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imapbackup icon imapbackup
Incremental backups of IMAP mailboxes
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imapbox icon imapbox
Dump imap inbox in a backupable format: html, json and attachements
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iniparser icon iniparser
Free stand-alone ini file parsing library.
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iniparser-dev icon iniparser-dev
Iniparser development files
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ipmitool icon ipmitool
IPMIv1.5 or IPMIv2.0 LAN interface.
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iptables-template icon iptables-template
Template for iptables setup.
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iw icon iw
Wireless configuration tool.
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jasper icon jasper
Implementation of JPEG-2000 codec.
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jasper-dev icon jasper-dev
Jasper development files.
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javascript-boulderdash icon javascript-boulderdash
An HTML5 implementation of the c64 classic Boulderdash game
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javascript-racer icon javascript-racer
A tux racer in html5
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jpeg icon jpeg
JPEG image programs.
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jpeg-dev icon jpeg-dev
JPEG images libraries - development files.
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jpeg-turbo icon jpeg-turbo
JPEG image programs.
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jpegtran icon jpegtran
Convert jpeg files to progressive jpeg files.
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jq icon jq
A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
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jsoncpp icon jsoncpp
A C++ library for interacting with JSON.
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karmen icon karmen
Very light and minimalistic window manager for X.
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kivy icon kivy
Cross platform library for rapid development of applications.
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krb5 icon krb5
Network authentication protocol with strong authentication.
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krb5-clients icon krb5-clients
Miscellaneous clients using MIT Kerberos.
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krb5-dev icon krb5-dev
Network authentication protocol - development files.
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krb5-plugins icon krb5-plugins
Plugins for MIT Kerberos.
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krb5-user icon krb5-user
Basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos.
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lcms icon lcms
A free color management engine in 100K (library).
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lcms-apps icon lcms-apps
Tiny appsa and tools from the LCMS project.
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lcms-dev icon lcms-dev
LCMS devel files.
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lcms2 icon lcms2
Open source color management engine (library).
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lcms2-apps icon lcms2-apps
Open source color management engine (applications).
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lcms2-dev icon lcms2-dev
Open source color management engine (development files).
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ldm icon ldm
l(ightweight) d(evice) m(ounter).
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leptonica icon leptonica
Software for image processing and image analysis applications.
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leptonica-dev icon leptonica-dev
Software for image processing and image analysis applications, development files.
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lfs-book icon lfs-book
Linux From Scratch book.
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lgi icon lgi
Dynamic Lua binding to GObject libraries using GObject-Introspection.
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libXaw3dXft icon libXaw3dXft
Xpaint module.
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libXaw3dXft-dev icon libXaw3dXft-dev
Xpaint module development files.
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libacpi icon libacpi
General purpose library for ACPI.
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libacpi-dev icon libacpi-dev
General purpose library for ACPI, development files.
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libavif icon libavif
Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
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libavif-dev icon libavif-dev
Library for encoding and decoding .avif files, development files
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libboost icon libboost
Libboost meta-package to install base modules.
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libboost-chrono icon libboost-chrono
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-chrono-dev icon libboost-chrono-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-date-time icon libboost-date-time
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-date-time-dev icon libboost-date-time-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-dev icon libboost-dev
Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
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libboost-doc icon libboost-doc
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-filesystem icon libboost-filesystem
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-filesystem-dev icon libboost-filesystem-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-graph icon libboost-graph
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-graph-dev icon libboost-graph-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-iostreams icon libboost-iostreams
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-iostreams-dev icon libboost-iostreams-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-locale icon libboost-locale
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-locale-dev icon libboost-locale-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-math icon libboost-math
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-math-dev icon libboost-math-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-program-options icon libboost-program-options
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-program-options-dev icon libboost-program-options-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-python icon libboost-python
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-python-dev icon libboost-python-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-regex icon libboost-regex
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-regex-dev icon libboost-regex-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-serialization icon libboost-serialization
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-serialization-dev icon libboost-serialization-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-signals icon libboost-signals
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-signals-dev icon libboost-signals-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-system icon libboost-system
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-system-dev icon libboost-system-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-test icon libboost-test
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-test-dev icon libboost-test-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-thread icon libboost-thread
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-thread-dev icon libboost-thread-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-tr1 icon libboost-tr1
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-tr1-dev icon libboost-tr1-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-wave icon libboost-wave
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libboost-wave-dev icon libboost-wave-dev
Part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
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libbsd icon libbsd
Provides useful functions commonly found on BSD systems.
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libbsd-dev icon libbsd-dev
Development files for libbsd.
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libcomerr3 icon libcomerr3
The libcomerr v3 library files.
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libcss icon libcss
CSS Parser
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libcss-dev icon libcss-dev
CSS Parser
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libcurl icon libcurl
Curl library files.
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libdes icon libdes
library for DES encryption
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libdes-dev icon libdes-dev
devel files for libdes
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libdrm icon libdrm
Freedesktop DRM Library.
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libdrm-dev icon libdrm-dev
Lib DRM - development files.
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libdrm-intel icon libdrm-intel
Freedesktop DRM Library (intel library).
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libdrm-mach64 icon libdrm-mach64
DRM Library for mach64 (deprecated but no alternative).
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libdrm-nouveau icon libdrm-nouveau
Freedesktop DRM Library (nouveau library).
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libdrm-radeon icon libdrm-radeon
Freedesktop DRM Library (radeon library).
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libegl-mesa icon libegl-mesa
OpenGL utility library.
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libffi icon libffi
A portable foreign function interface library.
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libffi-dev icon libffi-dev
Libffi, development files.
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libform icon libform
Curses extension for programming forms.
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libgdal icon libgdal
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
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libgdiplus icon libgdiplus
Mono library providing a GDI+ compatible API on non-Windows operating systems.
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libgdiplus-dev icon libgdiplus-dev
Libgdiplus development files.
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libglu-mesa icon libglu-mesa
OpenGL utility library.
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libglu-mesa-dev icon libglu-mesa-dev
OpenGL utility library, development files.
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libglw-mesa icon libglw-mesa
OpenGL widget library
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libglw-mesa-dev icon libglw-mesa-dev
OpenGL widget library, development files.
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libjpeg icon libjpeg
JPEG image libraries.
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libjpeg-turbo icon libjpeg-turbo
JPEG image libraries.
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libjpeg-turbo-dev icon libjpeg-turbo-dev
JPEG image libraries - development files.
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libjpeg62 icon libjpeg62
JPEG shared libs (from Independent JPEG Group)
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libjson-c icon libjson-c
A JSON implementation in C.
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libjson-c-dev icon libjson-c-dev
A JSON implementation in C, development files.
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libkrb5 icon libkrb5
Kerberos network authentication protocol libraries.
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libkrb5support icon libkrb5support
Kerberos network authentication protocol support libraries.
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libmenu icon libmenu
Curses extension for programming menus.
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libmpack icon libmpack
Simple implementation of msgpack in C.
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libmpack-dev icon libmpack-dev
Simple implementation of msgpack in C - development files.
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libnsgif icon libnsgif
Libnsgif is a decoding library for the GIF image file format.
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libnsgif-dev icon libnsgif-dev
The libnsgif devel files.
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libpanel icon libpanel
Panel stack extension for curses.
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libparserutils icon libparserutils
Various pieces of functionality that are useful for parsers.
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libparserutils-dev icon libparserutils-dev
The libparserutils devel files.
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libpfm icon libpfm
Improve performance monitoring on Linux.
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libpfm-dev icon libpfm-dev
Improve performance monitoring on Linux, development files.
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libpthread-stubs icon libpthread-stubs
Weak aliases for pthread functions.
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libpthread-stubs-dev icon libpthread-stubs-dev
Weak aliases for pthread functions development files
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libsixel icon libsixel
A SIXEL encoder and decoder implementation derived from kmiya's sixel.
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libsixel-dev icon libsixel-dev
A SIXEL encoder and decoder implementation derived from kmiya's sixel, development files
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libtermkey icon libtermkey
Library for easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs.
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libtermkey-dev icon libtermkey-dev
Library for easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs - development files.
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libtic icon libtic
Low-level terminfo library.
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libtinfo icon libtinfo
Low-level terminfo library.
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libunwind icon libunwind
C programming interface (API) to determine the call-chain of a program.
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libunwind-dev icon libunwind-dev
Libunwind development files.
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libuv icon libuv
Cross-platform asychronous I/O.
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libuv-dev icon libuv-dev
Cross-platform asychronous I/O - development files.
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libvterm icon libvterm
Abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator.
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libvterm-dev icon libvterm-dev
Abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator - development files.
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libwapcaplet icon libwapcaplet
String internment library
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libwapcaplet-dev icon libwapcaplet-dev
String internment library dev files
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libxdg-basedir icon libxdg-basedir
Implements functions for the XDG Base Directory specification.
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libxdg-basedir-dev icon libxdg-basedir-dev
Libxdg-basedir development files.
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libxkbcommon icon libxkbcommon
Keyboard handling library using XKB data.
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libxkbcommon-dev icon libxkbcommon-dev
libxkbcommon development files.
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libxml2 icon libxml2
XML C parser and toolkit.
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libxml2-dev icon libxml2-dev
XML C parser and toolkit - development files.
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libxml2-python icon libxml2-python
Libxml2 adapter for the Python.
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libxml2-tools icon libxml2-tools
The xmllint tester and xmlcatalog parser utility.
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libxslt icon libxslt
XSLT support for libxml2.
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libxslt-dev icon libxslt-dev
XSLT support for libxml2 - development files.
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libxslt-python icon libxslt-python
Python module for libxslt.
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lilv icon lilv
Make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications.
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littlefs-fuse icon littlefs-fuse
A FUSE wrapper that puts the littlefs in user-space.
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llvm icon llvm
Modular compiler toolchain collection.
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locustio icon locustio
Scalable user load testing tool
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logfence icon logfence
An overlay that prevents log tampering.
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lua icon lua
Powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language.
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lua-dev icon lua-dev
Lua development files.
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lua-ffi icon lua-ffi
Standalone ffi library for Lua.
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lua-posix icon lua-posix
POSIX Library for the Lua Programming Language.
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lua-readline icon lua-readline
GNU readline binding for Lua.
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lua5.1 icon lua5.1
Powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language.
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lua5.1-dev icon lua5.1-dev
Lua 5.1 development files.
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lua5.1-lpeg icon lua5.1-lpeg
Pattern-matching library for Lua.
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lua5.1-mpack icon lua5.1-mpack
Libmpack bindings for Lua.
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luafilesystem icon luafilesystem
File System Library for the Lua Programming Language (5.2).
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luajit icon luajit
Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua.
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luajit-dev icon luajit-dev
The luajit development files.
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luasocket icon luasocket
Network support for the Lua language.
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luufs icon luufs
Lazy man's, user-mode union file system.
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lv2 icon lv2
Portable plugin standard for audio systems.
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lzham_codec icon lzham_codec
Lossless data compression codec with LZMA-like ratios but 1.5x-8x faster decompression speed.
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mapserver icon mapserver
Open Source platform for publishing spatial data.
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mesa icon mesa
3D Graphics Library that is an open-source implementaton of OpenGL.
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mesa-demos icon mesa-demos
Mesa GLX demos progs.
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mesa-dev icon mesa-dev
3D Graphics Library - development files.
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mesa-dri icon mesa-dri
Mesa DRI drivers.
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mesa-dri-ati icon mesa-dri-ati
Mesa DRI + Gallium3D r300 drivers for AMD/ATI Radeon.
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mesa-dri-intel icon mesa-dri-intel
Mesa DRI drivers for Intel.
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mesa-dri-mach64 icon mesa-dri-mach64
Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Mach64.
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mesa-dri-mga icon mesa-dri-mga
Mesa DRI drivers for Matrox.
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mesa-dri-nouveau icon mesa-dri-nouveau
Mesa classic DRI + Gallium3D drivers for Nouveau.
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mesa-dri-r128 icon mesa-dri-r128
Mesa DRI drivers for ATI Rage128.
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mesa-dri-savage icon mesa-dri-savage
Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Sraphics/VIA Savage.
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mesa-dri-sis icon mesa-dri-sis
Mesa DRI drivers for SiS.
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mesa-dri-tdfx icon mesa-dri-tdfx
Mesa DRI drivers for 3dfx.
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mesa-dri-unichrome icon mesa-dri-unichrome
Mesa DRI drivers for S3 Graphics/VIA Unichrome.
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mesa-dri-vmwgfx icon mesa-dri-vmwgfx
Mesa DRI driver for OpenGL rendering in Slitaz as VmWare guest OS.
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mesa-wayland icon mesa-wayland
3D Graphics Library that is an open-source implementaton of OpenGL.
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mesa-wayland-dev icon mesa-wayland-dev
Wayland X server - development files.
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mesa7 icon mesa7
3D Graphics Library that is an open-source implementaton of OpenGL.
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micropython icon micropython
The Micro Python project
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minetest icon minetest
An open source voxel game engine and game.
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minetest-common icon minetest-common
Common files for Minetest client and server.
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minetest-server icon minetest-server
Minetest server (Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox).
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mitter icon mitter
Mitter is a client for Twitter.
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msgpack icon msgpack
MessagePack implementation for C and C++.
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msgpack-dev icon msgpack-dev
MessagePack implementation for C and C++, development files.
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mtdev icon mtdev
Multitouch Protocol Translation Library.
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mtdev-dev icon mtdev-dev
mtdev development files.
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muparser icon muparser
A fast mathematical expression parser library.
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muparser-dev icon muparser-dev
A fast mathematical expression parser library - development files.
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musl-libc icon musl-libc
A lightweight, fast, simple, free libc.
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musl-libc-dev icon musl-libc-dev
A lightweight, fast, simple, free libc - development files.
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nbwmon icon nbwmon
Ncurses bandwidth monitor.
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ncdc icon ncdc
NCurses Direct Connect.
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ncdu icon ncdu
NCurses Disk Usage.
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ncurses icon ncurses
Library of functions to manage display on terminals.
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ncurses-common icon ncurses-common
Common files for the ncurses and ncursesw library.
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ncurses-dev icon ncurses-dev
Development files for the ncurses library.
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ncurses-examples icon ncurses-examples
Ncurses test functions.
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ncurses-extra icon ncurses-extra
Extra files for the ncurses library.
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ncurses-man icon ncurses-man
Manual pages for the ncurses library.
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ncursesw icon ncursesw
Library of functions to manage display on terminals.
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ncursesw-dev icon ncursesw-dev
Development files for the ncursesw library.
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ncursesw-extra icon ncursesw-extra
Extra files for the ncursesw library.
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newsbeuter icon newsbeuter
RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals.
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nim icon nim
The Nim programming language.
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node icon node
Node.js is a platform for easily building network applications.
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numlockx icon numlockx
Turns on the numlock key in X11
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opensp icon opensp
An implementation of DSSSL, a style language to format SGML or XML documents
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opensp-dev icon opensp-dev
OpenSP dev files.
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ori icon ori
A Secure Distributed File System.
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ossp-uuid icon ossp-uuid
Universally Unique Identifier tools
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ossp-uuid-dev icon ossp-uuid-dev
Universally Unique Identifier tools, development files.
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othello icon othello
Othello game in javascript
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passenger icon passenger
Rails and Rack support for Apache2.
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pavucontrol icon pavucontrol
A GTK volume control for PulseAudio
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pi-blaster icon pi-blaster
Enables PWM on the GPIO pins you request of a Raspberry Pi.
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picoblog icon picoblog
Tiny blog engine.
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pinta icon pinta
Free, open source program for drawing and image editing
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pixman icon pixman
Pixel-manipulation library for X and Cairo.
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pixman-dev icon pixman-dev
Pixman library - development files.
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pkcs icon pkcs
Public-key cryptography devel files
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poedit icon poedit
A cross-platform gettext catalogs editing tool
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poedit-i18n icon poedit-i18n
Translations for Poedit
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polipo icon polipo
Small and fast caching web proxy.
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poppler-data icon poppler-data
Poppler encoding data.
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popt icon popt
Library for parsing command line options.
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popt-dev icon popt-dev
Library for parsing command line options - development files.
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popt-lang icon popt-lang
Library for parsing command line options - localised messages.
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portaudio icon portaudio
A portable cross-platform audio API.
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portaudio-dev icon portaudio-dev
Portaudio - development files.
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portmidi icon portmidi
Platform Independent Library for MIDI I/O
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proj icon proj
Cartographic Projections Library.
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proj-dev icon proj-dev
Proj - development files.
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prosody icon prosody
Xmpp-jabber server in lua.
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psyco icon psyco
Module which can massively speed up the execution of any Python code.
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pugixml icon pugixml
Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support.
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pulseaudio icon pulseaudio
A sound system for POSIX OSes.
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pulseaudio-dev icon pulseaudio-dev
A sound system for POSIX OSes - development files.
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pulseaudio-locale icon pulseaudio-locale
A sound system for POSIX OSes - locales.
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pulseaudio-man icon pulseaudio-man
A sound system for POSIX OSes - manual pages.
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pulseaudio-vala icon pulseaudio-vala
A sound system for POSIX OSes - Vala files.
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putty icon putty
A free telnet and SSH client.
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puzzles icon puzzles
Misc puzzles games.
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py3k-asn1crypto icon py3k-asn1crypto
Python ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API.
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py3k-cffi icon py3k-cffi
C Foreign Function Interface for Python.
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py3k-dbus icon py3k-dbus
Python3 bindings for dbus.
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py3k-pillow icon py3k-pillow
Python3 Imaging Library.
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py3k-setuptools_scm icon py3k-setuptools_scm
The blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
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py3k-six icon py3k-six
Six is a Python 2 and 3 compatibility library.
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pyhn icon pyhn
Hacker news command line client.
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pyradio icon pyradio
Ncurses internet radio player.
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python-asn1crypto icon python-asn1crypto
Python ASN.1 library with a focus on performance and a pythonic API
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python-asterisk icon python-asterisk
Python bindings for the Asterisk Manager API.
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python-attr icon python-attr
Simple decorator to set attributes of target function or class in a DRY way
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python-attrs icon python-attrs
Classes Without Boilerplate
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python-backports_abc icon python-backports_abc
A backport of recent additions to the '' module
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python-barcode icon python-barcode
Create standard barcodes.
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python-bpython icon python-bpython
A fancy interface to the Python interpreter.
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python-cffi icon python-cffi
C Foreign Function Interface for Python.
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python-cheetah icon python-cheetah
A template engine and code generation tool written in Python.
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python-constantly icon python-constantly
Symbolic Constants in Python
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python-couchdbkit icon python-couchdbkit
A framework for python applications to access and manage CouchDB.
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python-docopt icon python-docopt
Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile.
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python-foolscap icon python-foolscap
Foolscap contains an RPC protocol for Twisted..
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python-formalchemy icon python-formalchemy
Auto-generated, customizable HTML output form fields from SQLAlchemy mapped classes.
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python-formencode icon python-formencode
FormEncode is a validation and form generation package.
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python-future icon python-future
The missing compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3.
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python-futures icon python-futures
A backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.
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python-gevent icon python-gevent
A coroutine-based Python networking library.
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python-html5lib icon python-html5lib
Standards-compliant library for parsing HTML documents in Python.
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python-http-parser icon python-http-parser
HTTP request and response parser for python in C.
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python-httplib2 icon python-httplib2
A comprehensive HTTP client library for python.
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python-humanize icon python-humanize
python humanize functions
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python-invoice2data icon python-invoice2data
Extract structured data from PDF invoices.
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python-jcconv icon python-jcconv
Python Japanese Characters CONVerter.
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python-jedi icon python-jedi
An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.
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python-kid icon python-kid
Pythonic, XML-based Templating.
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python-mako icon python-mako
Fast template library.
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python-netifaces icon python-netifaces
Portable access to network interfaces from Python.
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python-oauth2 icon python-oauth2
Library for OAuth version 1.0.
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python-ofxparse icon python-ofxparse
Tools for working with the OFX (Open Financial Exchange) file format.
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python-paste icon python-paste
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack.
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python-pastedeploy icon python-pastedeploy
Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers.
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python-pastescript icon python-pastescript
A pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts.
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python-pdfkit icon python-pdfkit
Wkhtmltopdf python wrapper to convert html to pdf.
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python-pil icon python-pil
Python Imaging Library.
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python-pip icon python-pip
The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.
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python-py icon python-py
Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities.
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python-pydot icon python-pydot
Python interface to Graphviz's dot language.
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python-pyflakes icon python-pyflakes
A simple program which checks Python source files for errors.
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python-pyparsing icon python-pyparsing
Python parsing module.
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python-pytest icon python-pytest
A simple powerful testing with Python.
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python-pytz icon python-pytz
World Timezone Definitions for Python.
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python-pyyaml icon python-pyyaml
YAML parser and emitter for the Python programming language.
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python-restclient icon python-restclient
A simple REST client for python.
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python-restkit icon python-restkit
An HTTP resource kit for Python.
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python-setuptools icon python-setuptools
Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages.
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python-simplejson icon python-simplejson
Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder and decoder for python.
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python-singledispatch icon python-singledispatch
Brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3.
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python-six icon python-six
A Python 2 and 3 compatibility library.
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python-socketpool icon python-socketpool
A simple python socket pool.
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python-sqlalchemy icon python-sqlalchemy
The Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
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python-tempita icon python-tempita
Small text templating language.
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python-turbogears icon python-turbogears
Python web application framework.
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python-tweepy icon python-tweepy
Twitter library for python.
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python-unicodecsv icon python-unicodecsv
A drop-in replacement of csv module which *does* support unicode.
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python-wcwidth icon python-wcwidth
Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes.
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python-webdav icon python-webdav
A WebDAV client library for Python.
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python-weberror icon python-weberror
Web Error handling and exception catching.
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python-webob icon python-webob
WSGI request and response object.
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python-webtest icon python-webtest
Helper to test WSGI applications.
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python-xmlutils icon python-xmlutils
Convert XML documents to SQL, CSV or JSON.
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racer10k icon racer10k
A tiny tux racer in html5
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rack icon rack
Webserver Interface for Ruby
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rails icon rails
REST on Rails.
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rake icon rake
Make-like program implemented in Ruby.
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reptyr icon reptyr
Reparent a running program to a new terminal.
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rfkill icon rfkill
Utility to query the state of the rfkill switches.
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roundup icon roundup
Simple-to-use issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces.
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rtaudio icon rtaudio
Common API for realtime audio input and output (C++ classes).
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rtaudio-dev icon rtaudio-dev
Rtaudio C++ classes - development files.
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rubygems icon rubygems
Ruby packages Manager.
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rust icon rust
The Rust programming language.
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rust-cargo icon rust-cargo
The Rust package manager.
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schroedinger icon schroedinger
Dirac video compression library
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schroedinger-dev icon schroedinger-dev
Dirac video compression library - dev files
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scikit-build icon scikit-build
Improved build system generator for CPython C, C++, Cython and Fortran extensions.
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scons icon scons
SCons is an Open Source software construction tool.
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secure-delete icon secure-delete
Secure file, disk, swap, memory erasure utilities.
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sharedance icon sharedance
High-performance server to centralize ephemeral key/data.
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shell-detector icon shell-detector
Web shell detection tool.
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sic icon sic
Simple IRC client.
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slock icon slock
Simple X display locker.
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spaceinvaders icon spaceinvaders
Invader game in html5
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spruz icon spruz
All the stuff that isn't good or big enough for a real library.
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squeak-vm icon squeak-vm
Create and share interactive stories, games, music and art.
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sshrc icon sshrc
bring your .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. with you when you ssh
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suplemon icon suplemon
Console text editor with multi cursor support.
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surf icon surf
Surf is a simple web browser based on WebKit/GTK+
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symlinks icon symlinks
Symbolic link maintenance utility
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systemd icon systemd
System and service manager for Linux.
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tacacs+ icon tacacs+
Authentication server for cisco devices.
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task icon task
An open source, command line, TODO list manager.
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tcc icon tcc
Fast Tiny C Compiler.
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tcc-arm icon tcc-arm
fast Tiny C cross Compiler to ARM target.
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tcc-arm64 icon tcc-arm64
fast Tiny C cross Compiler to ARM64 target.
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tcc-c67 icon tcc-c67
fast Tiny C cross Compiler to C67 target.
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tcc-common icon tcc-common
fast Tiny C Compiler, common files.
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tcc-win32 icon tcc-win32
fast Tiny C cross Compiler to win32 target.
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tcc-x86_64 icon tcc-x86_64
fast Tiny C cross Compiler to x86_64 target.
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tidy icon tidy
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tidy-dev icon tidy-dev
Development files for HTML Tidy
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tiff icon tiff
A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files.
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tiff-apps icon tiff-apps
A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files - cli applications.
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tiff-dev icon tiff-dev
A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files - development files.
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tinyemu icon tinyemu
A system emulator for the RISC-V and x86 architectures
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tinypy icon tinypy
A minimalist implementation of Python.
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tls icon tls
OpenSSL Tcl extension.
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tmux icon tmux
Terminal multiplexer.
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transset-df icon transset-df
Tool to set windows opacity.
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tree-sitter icon tree-sitter
An incremental parsing system for programming tools.
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tree-sitter-dev icon tree-sitter-dev
An incremental parsing system for programming tools - development files.
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unshield icon unshield
Extract files from InstallShield CAB archive.
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utf8proc icon utf8proc
A clean C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
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vfsync icon vfsync
A secure file synchronization system.
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virtualenv icon virtualenv
Virtual Python Environment Builder.
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vnc2flv icon vnc2flv
VNC recorder
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w3m icon w3m
Text Mode Web Browser
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wayland icon wayland
Wayland simpler X display server protocol.
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wayland-dev icon wayland-dev
Wayland X server development files.
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webgames icon webgames
Set of online games
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weston icon weston
Reference implementation of a Wayland compositor.
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weston-dev icon weston-dev
Weston compositor devel files.
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wordgrinder icon wordgrinder
A simple Unicode-aware word processor that runs on the console.
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xbm2xface icon xbm2xface
Compface utility xbm2xface
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xcb-util icon xcb-util
XCB Utilites
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xcb-util-cursor icon xcb-util-cursor
XCB cursor library.
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xcb-util-cursor-dev icon xcb-util-cursor-dev
Development files for xcb-util-cursor.
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xcb-util-dev icon xcb-util-dev
xcb-util - development files.
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xcb-util-renderutil icon xcb-util-renderutil
Convenience functions for the Render extension.
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xcb-util-renderutil-dev icon xcb-util-renderutil-dev
Development files for xcb-util-renderutil.
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xcb-util-xrm icon xcb-util-xrm
XCB utility functions for the X resource manager
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xcb-util-xrm-dev icon xcb-util-xrm-dev
Development files for xcb-util-xrm.
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xdg-utils icon xdg-utils
Assists desktop integration tasks.
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xfig icon xfig
Vector graphics editor for X.
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xflux icon xflux
f.lux for X.
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xget icon xget
Scalable file-transfer agent.
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xmlstarlet icon xmlstarlet
Command Line XML Toolkit
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xorg icon xorg
Xorg server meta-package to install all Xorg modules.
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xorg-base-fonts icon xorg-base-fonts
X window base/minimal fonts from the Xorg project.
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xorg-bdftopcf icon xorg-bdftopcf
Font compiler for the X server and font server.
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xorg-cf-files icon xorg-cf-files
Configuration files used by xorg and imake.
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xorg-dev icon xorg-dev
Meta-package to install all Xorg development packages.
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xorg-dev-proto icon xorg-dev-proto
Meta-package to install all Xorg protocols.
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xorg-fonttosfnt icon xorg-fonttosfnt
Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper.
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xorg-gccmakedep icon xorg-gccmakedep
X gccmakedep utility.
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xorg-iceauth icon xorg-iceauth
ICE authority file utility.
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xorg-imake icon xorg-imake
X imake utility.
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xorg-libXau-dev icon xorg-libXau-dev
Development files for libXau.
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xorg-libXaw3d icon xorg-libXaw3d
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXaw3d-dev icon xorg-libXaw3d-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXdmcp-dev icon xorg-libXdmcp-dev
Development files for libXdmcp.
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xorg-libXinerama icon xorg-libXinerama
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXinerama-dev icon xorg-libXinerama-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXp icon xorg-libXp
Provides public APIs to allow client applications to render to non-display devices.
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xorg-libXp-dev icon xorg-libXp-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXrandr icon xorg-libXrandr
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXrandr-dev icon xorg-libXrandr-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXres icon xorg-libXres
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXres-dev icon xorg-libXres-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXss icon xorg-libXss
Xorg screen saver module.
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xorg-libXss-dev icon xorg-libXss-dev
Xorg screen saver module - development files.
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xorg-libXtst icon xorg-libXtst
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXtst-dev icon xorg-libXtst-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXv icon xorg-libXv
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXv-dev icon xorg-libXv-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXvMC icon xorg-libXvMC
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXvMC-dev icon xorg-libXvMC-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXxf86dga icon xorg-libXxf86dga
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXxf86dga-dev icon xorg-libXxf86dga-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libXxf86vm icon xorg-libXxf86vm
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libXxf86vm-dev icon xorg-libXxf86vm-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libdmx icon xorg-libdmx
Xorg DMX library.
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xorg-libdmx-dev icon xorg-libdmx-dev
Xorg DMX module - development files.
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xorg-libpciaccess icon xorg-libpciaccess
Xorg server module.
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xorg-libpciaccess-dev icon xorg-libpciaccess-dev
Xorg module - development files.
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xorg-libxkbfile icon xorg-libxkbfile
Xorg server keyboard library.
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xorg-libxkbfile-dev icon xorg-libxkbfile-dev
Xorg server keyboard library - development files.
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xorg-libxshmfence icon xorg-libxshmfence
X11 shared memory fences.
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xorg-mkfontdir icon xorg-mkfontdir
Create an index of X font files in a directory.
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xorg-mkfontscale icon xorg-mkfontscale
Create an index of scaleable font files for X.
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xorg-rgb icon xorg-rgb
X11 RGB colors definitions.
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xorg-server icon xorg-server
Xorg core server.
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xorg-server-Xephyr icon xorg-server-Xephyr
The Xephyr Xorg server.
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xorg-server-Xfbdev icon xorg-server-Xfbdev
Xfbdev framebuffer Xorg server.
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xorg-server-Xnest icon xorg-server-Xnest
Xorg Xnest server.
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xorg-server-Xvfb icon xorg-server-Xvfb
Xvfb Xorg server.
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xorg-server-dev icon xorg-server-dev
Xorg server devel files needed to build drivers.
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xorg-server-light icon xorg-server-light
Xorg core server light version (no dri, gl, and friends).
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xorg-setxkbmap icon xorg-setxkbmap
Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension.
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xorg-x11perf icon xorg-x11perf
Utility that runs one or more performance tests and reports.
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xorg-xauth icon xorg-xauth
X authority file utility.
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xorg-xbacklight icon xorg-xbacklight
Utility for x-server to set the backlight level using the RandR.
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xorg-xbitmaps icon xorg-xbitmaps
Development files for X (bitmaps).
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xorg-xclock icon xorg-xclock
Simple clock for X.
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xorg-xcompmgr icon xorg-xcompmgr
X composite manager.
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xorg-xcursorgen icon xorg-xcursorgen
X cursor generator.
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xorg-xdpyinfo icon xorg-xdpyinfo
Display information utility for X-server.
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xorg-xdriinfo icon xorg-xdriinfo
Query configuration information of DRI drivers.
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xorg-xedit icon xorg-xedit
Simple text editor for X.
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xorg-xev icon xorg-xev
Print contents of x-server events.
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xorg-xeyes icon xorg-xeyes
A follow the mouse X demo.
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xorg-xf86-input-elographics icon xorg-xf86-input-elographics
Xorg elographics driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-evdev icon xorg-xf86-input-evdev
Xorg input evdev driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-keyboard icon xorg-xf86-input-keyboard
Xorg server keyboard driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-mouse icon xorg-xf86-input-mouse
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-input-mutouch icon xorg-xf86-input-mutouch
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-input-synaptics icon xorg-xf86-input-synaptics
Xorg synaptics driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse icon xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse VMWare Mouse Input driver.
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xorg-xf86-input-void icon xorg-xf86-input-void
Xorg server protocol.
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xorg-xf86-video-ast icon xorg-xf86-video-ast
Xorg server ASpeed Technologies graphics driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-ati icon xorg-xf86-video-ati
Xorg server ATI driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-cirrus icon xorg-xf86-video-cirrus
Xorg driver for Cirrus cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-fbdev icon xorg-xf86-video-fbdev
Xorg video driver for framebuffer device.
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xorg-xf86-video-fbturbo icon xorg-xf86-video-fbturbo
Xorg DDX driver for ARM devices (Allwinner, RPi and others).
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xorg-xf86-video-geode icon xorg-xf86-video-geode
Xorg AMD Geode video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-i740 icon xorg-xf86-video-i740
Xorg Intel i740 video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-intel icon xorg-xf86-video-intel
Xorg server Intel driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-mach64 icon xorg-xf86-video-mach64
Xorg driver for ATI MACH 64 cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-mga icon xorg-xf86-video-mga
Xorg driver for Matrox cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-modesetting icon xorg-xf86-video-modesetting
Xorg generic modesetting video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-neomagic icon xorg-xf86-video-neomagic
Xorg driver for neomagic cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-nv icon xorg-xf86-video-nv
Xorg NVIDIA video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-openchrome icon xorg-xf86-video-openchrome
Xorg server openchrome driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-r128 icon xorg-xf86-video-r128
Xorg server Rage128 driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-radeonhd icon xorg-xf86-video-radeonhd
Xorg server ATI Radeon HD driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-s3 icon xorg-xf86-video-s3
Xorg driver for Trident S3 cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-s3virge icon xorg-xf86-video-s3virge
Xorg driver for Trident S3 virge cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-savage icon xorg-xf86-video-savage
Xorg driver for Trident savage cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-sis icon xorg-xf86-video-sis
Xorg driver for SIS cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-trident icon xorg-xf86-video-trident
Xorg driver for trident cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-tseng icon xorg-xf86-video-tseng
Xorg driver for Tseng cards.
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xorg-xf86-video-v4l icon xorg-xf86-video-v4l v4l video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-vesa icon xorg-xf86-video-vesa
Xorg Vesa video driver.
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xorg-xf86-video-vmware icon xorg-xf86-video-vmware vmware video driver.
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xorg-xfontsel icon xorg-xfontsel
Point and click selection utility of X11 font names.
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xorg-xhost icon xorg-xhost
Server access control program for X.
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xorg-xinit icon xorg-xinit initialization program.
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xorg-xinput icon xorg-xinput
X input utility (MPX support).
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xorg-xkbcomp icon xorg-xkbcomp
Xorg keyboard composite.
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xorg-xkbutils icon xorg-xkbutils
Xorg keyboard utility.
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xorg-xkeyboard-config icon xorg-xkeyboard-config
Xorg server keyboard definition files.
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xorg-xkeyboard-config-dev icon xorg-xkeyboard-config-dev
Xorg server keyboard - development files.
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xorg-xkill icon xorg-xkill
X application killer
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xorg-xload icon xorg-xload
X application to show system resources usage.
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xorg-xmessage icon xorg-xmessage
Display a message or query in a window.
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xorg-xmodmap icon xorg-xmodmap
X keyboard and mouse configuration utility.
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xorg-xprop icon xorg-xprop
X xprop application.
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xorg-xrandr icon xorg-xrandr
X application to show system resources usage.
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xorg-xrdb icon xorg-xrdb
A program used for accessing the X resources of a server.
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xorg-xset icon xorg-xset
Xorg user preference utility.
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xorg-xsetroot icon xorg-xsetroot
A tool to configure X root background color.
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xorg-xwininfo icon xorg-xwininfo
Window information utility to query x-server.
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xorgxrdp icon xorgxrdp
Xorg drivers for xrdp.
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xsuspend icon xsuspend
Auto-suspend inactive X11 applications
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xterm icon xterm
X terminal emulator.
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youtube-dl icon youtube-dl
Downloads videos from various streaming websites.
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5935 packages and 845883 files in cooking database (Sun Jun 30 00:45:24 2024)