SliTaz Packages

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The list of packages tagged "java"

ecj icon ecj
The Eclipse standalone batch Java compiler and Ant compiler adapter.
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fastjar icon fastjar
A fast C implementation of the JDK jar utility.
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get-java6-jdk icon get-java6-jdk
SUN Java Development Kit
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get-java6-jre icon get-java6-jre
SUN Java Runtime
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java-jdk icon java-jdk
Symlinks for the default Java Development Kit (icedtea6).
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jclic icon jclic
A platform for multimedia educational activities
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jikes icon jikes
An Open Source compiler for Java.
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json-glib icon json-glib
JSON-GLib is a library providing serialization and deserialization support for the JavaScript Object Notation
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rhino icon rhino
JavaScript for Java.
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spidermonkey icon spidermonkey
Mozilla C implementation of Javascript
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3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)