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The list of packages tagged "python"

buildbot icon buildbot
Tool to automate the compile/test cycle of code source.
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buildbot-slave icon buildbot-slave
Tool to automate the compile/test cycle of code source (slave part).
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notify-python icon notify-python
Python binding to libnotify
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python-beaker icon python-beaker
Cache and Session Library
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python-cheetah icon python-cheetah
Cheetah is a template engine and code generation tool written in Python.
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python-cherrypy icon python-cherrypy
CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework.
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python-decoratortools icon python-decoratortools
Class, function, and metaclass decorators
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python-extremes icon python-extremes
Production-quality 'Min' and 'Max' objects (adapted from PEP 326).
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python-formencode icon python-formencode
FormEncode is a validation and form generation package.
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python-kid icon python-kid
Pythonic, XML-based Templating.
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python-mako icon python-mako
Fast template library
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python-nose icon python-nose
Unittest extension
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python-paste icon python-paste
Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack.
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python-pastedeploy icon python-pastedeploy
Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers.
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python-pastescript icon python-pastescript
A pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts.
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python-pyalsaaudio icon python-pyalsaaudio
ALSA wrapper for Python.
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python-pylons icon python-pylons
Lightweight web framework
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python-pyprotocols icon python-pyprotocols
PEP 246 and a whole lot more.
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python-pyrex icon python-pyrex
Language for Writing Python Extension Modules.
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python-routes icon python-routes
Routing Recognition and Generation Tools
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python-tempita icon python-tempita
Small text templating language
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python-weberror icon python-weberror
Web Error handling and exception catching
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python-webhelpers icon python-webhelpers
Web Helpers
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python-webob icon python-webob
WSGI request and response object
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python-webtest icon python-webtest
Helper to test WSGI applications
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quodlibet icon quodlibet
An audio player written in pygtk
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tinypy icon tinypy
A minimalist implementation of Python.
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virtualenv icon virtualenv
Virtual Python Environment Builder.
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3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)