SliTaz Packages

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The list of packages tagged "util"

binutils icon binutils
GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities.
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bridge-utils icon bridge-utils
IEEE 802.1d ethernet bridging
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cookutils icon cookutils
SliTaz packages builder new generation.
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cookutils-daemon icon cookutils-daemon
SliTaz Cooker daemon script for build host.
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get-msttcorefonts icon get-msttcorefonts
An easy way to install Microsoft's TrueType core fonts on linux.
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get-prince icon get-prince
formatter for converting XML and HTML into PDF.
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hal-cups-utils icon hal-cups-utils
Cups backend/utils to browse and configure using HAL UDIs
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input-utils icon input-utils
Small collection of linux input layer tools
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jfsutils icon jfsutils
Utilities for manipulating jfs file-system.
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nfs-utils icon nfs-utils
Network FileSystem tools.
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pm-utils icon pm-utils
Collection of scripts that handle suspend and resume.
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usbutils icon usbutils
Displaying information about USB.
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xorg-bdftopcf icon xorg-bdftopcf
Font compiler for the X server and font server.
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xorg-fonttosfnt icon xorg-fonttosfnt
Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper.
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xorg-mkfontdir icon xorg-mkfontdir
Create an index of X font files in a directory.
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xorg-mkfontscale icon xorg-mkfontscale
Create an index of scalable font files for X.
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xorg-xbacklight icon xorg-xbacklight
utility for x-server to set the backlight level using the RandR
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xorg-xdpyinfo icon xorg-xdpyinfo
display information utility for X-server
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xorg-xev icon xorg-xev
print contents of x-server events
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xorg-xfontsel icon xorg-xfontsel
point and click selection utility of X11 font names
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xorg-xinit icon xorg-xinit initialization program
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xorg-xwininfo icon xorg-xwininfo
window information utility to query x-server
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3382 packages and 430813 files in stable database (Mon Mar 4 17:53:49 2019)