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Name extended-actions
Version 0
Category system-tools
Description Service for generating extended actions on files
Maintainer al.bobylev​@​
License GPL3
Sizes 36K / 152K
Depends onlibgee iconlibgee  libgio iconlibgio 
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A service that allows applications to request some extended actions for a list of files depending on their mimetypes and some other constraints. Any user can extend their applications by adding custom actions.

Similar to thunar-actions but distributed via dbus, any application can take advantage of this service. extended-actions use traditional desktop files and extend its format to configure special action(s) on files. Unity already extended the desktop file application format with its quicklist.

Maybe one day this same application format will be extended at the glib level within GAppInfo or in a new class or maybe a super daemon would arise providing all the informations about applications and their new uses case. And this service would be obsolete.

This project is the continuation of the work i already started in contractor.

extended-actions already provide a list of actions in /usr/share/extended-actions. Any user can define some custom actions in ~/.local/share/extended-actions

And if u have some good actions files don't hesitate to contact me i may include them by default.

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