SliTaz Packages

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Packages with "GPL3" license

GreenMahjong icon GreenMahjong
A simple sliding blocks puzzle game using JavaScript and HTML5
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Qt4-dev icon Qt4-dev
qt x11 toolkit
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Qt5Designer icon Qt5Designer
Qt5 Designer.
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QtDesigner icon QtDesigner
Qt Designer
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SkypeFreak icon SkypeFreak
A cross platform forensic tool for Skype
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a2ps icon a2ps
Any to PostScript filter.
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aaphoto icon aaphoto
Automatic photo adjusting.
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acct icon acct
Utilities that report data about users logged on GNU/Linux.
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adeskbar icon adeskbar
ADesk Bar - application launcher for Openbox
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adwaita-icon-theme icon adwaita-icon-theme
A collection of icons used at the basis for GNOME themes.
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alarm-clock icon alarm-clock
Simple GTK alarm clock.
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aldo icon aldo
Morse code learning tool.
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alsaplayer icon alsaplayer
Alsa GTK+ PCM audio player.
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alsaplayer-dev icon alsaplayer-dev
Alsa GTK+ PCM player devel files.
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alsaplayer-scopes icon alsaplayer-scopes
Alsa GTK+ PCM player scopes.
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ansible icon ansible
A radically simple configuration-management engine.
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antimicro icon antimicro
Map keyboard keys and mouse buttons to gamepad buttons.
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appdata-tools icon appdata-tools
AppData is a subset of AppStream.
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arandr icon arandr
GTK+ interface for Xrandr.
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arp-scan icon arp-scan
The ARP Scanner.
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ascii-patrol icon ascii-patrol
ASCII clone of Moon Patrol
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asxxxx icon asxxxx
Collection of cross assemblers for many microprocessors.
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at-spi2 icon at-spi2
Bridges ATK to At-Spi2 D-Bus service.
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at-spi2-atk icon at-spi2-atk
Bridges ATK to At-Spi2 D-Bus service.
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atril icon atril
A document viewer for MATE. Based on evince
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atril-dev icon atril-dev
A document viewer for MATE.
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aurorials-theme icon aurorials-theme
Aurorials theme for GTK2, Openbox, SLiM, and wallparer
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azdrawing icon azdrawing
A painting software for line drawings and monochrome cartoons.
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azpainter icon azpainter
Full color painting software for illustration drawing.
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azpainter1 icon azpainter1
Full color painting software for illustration drawing.
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babl icon babl
Pixel format translation library.
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babl-dev icon babl-dev
Pixel format translation library - development files.
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bash icon bash
The GNU bourne SHell.
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bastet icon bastet
Bastard tetris clone.
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bison icon bison
GNU parser generator.
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bison-lang icon bison-lang
GNU parser generator - localised messages.
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bleachbit icon bleachbit
Deletes unneeded files to free disk space and maintain privacy.
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blender icon blender
3D content creation suite.
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bluefish icon bluefish
A powerful editor.
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bluefish-lang icon bluefish-lang
A powerful editor - localised messages.
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blueman icon blueman
Easy to use GTK+ Bluetooth Manager.
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bogofilter icon bogofilter
Mail filter that classifies mail as spam or ham.
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boinc icon boinc
Open-source software for volunteer computing and grid computing.
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boinc-dev icon boinc-dev
BOINC development files.
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bsc icon bsc
High performance block-sorting data compression.
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btfs icon btfs
A bittorrent filesystem based on FUSE.
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burp icon burp
KISS BackUp and Restore Program
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bzip3 icon bzip3
High-quality data compressor.
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bzip3-dev icon bzip3-dev
High-quality data compressor, development files.
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cabextract icon cabextract
Extracting Microsoft cabinet files.
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cairo-dock icon cairo-dock
A light and eye-candy dock to launch.
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cairo-dock-dev icon cairo-dock-dev
Cairo dock - development files.
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cairo-dock-plugins icon cairo-dock-plugins
Set of plugins for Cairo-Dock.
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caja icon caja
MATE file manager.
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caja-dev icon caja-dev
Library to develop caja extensions.
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cbrpager icon cbrpager
Viewer for CBR, CBZ and CB7 (comic book archive) files
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ccache icon ccache
Compiler cache.
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cgal icon cgal
Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
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cgal-dev icon cgal-dev
Computational Geometry Algorithms Library, development files.
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childsplay icon childsplay
Python educational game.
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cifs-utils icon cifs-utils
CIFS userland tools.
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cifs-utils-dev icon cifs-utils-dev
CIFS userland tools, development files.
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cifs-utils-quota icon cifs-utils-quota
CIFS quota tools.
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claws-mail icon claws-mail
The user-friendly, lightweight and fast email client.
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claws-mail-acpinotifier icon claws-mail-acpinotifier
Enables mail notification via LEDs on some laptops (Acer, ASUS, Fujitsu, IBM).
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claws-mail-addresskeeper icon claws-mail-addresskeeper
Keeps all recipient addresses in an addressbook directory.
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claws-mail-archive icon claws-mail-archive
claws-mail archiving features.
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claws-mail-attachwarner icon claws-mail-attachwarner
Claws-mail plugin - Warn about missing attachment.
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claws-mail-attremover icon claws-mail-attremover
Claws-mail plugin - Remove attachments from emails.
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claws-mail-bsfilter icon claws-mail-bsfilter
Claws-mail plugin - Check all received messages with BSFilter.
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claws-mail-clamd icon claws-mail-clamd
Claws-mail plugin - Scans received messages with Clam AV.
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claws-mail-dev icon claws-mail-dev
The user-friendly, lightweight and fast email client - development files.
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claws-mail-extras icon claws-mail-extras
All extra plugins for Claws-mail.
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claws-mail-fancy icon claws-mail-fancy
Claws-mail plugin - Renders HTML e-mail using the WebKit library.
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claws-mail-fetchinfo icon claws-mail-fetchinfo
Claws-mail plugin - Inserts headers containing some download information.
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claws-mail-mailmbox icon claws-mail-mailmbox
Claws-mail plugin - Handles mailboxes in mbox format.
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claws-mail-newmail icon claws-mail-newmail
Claws-mail plugin - Writes a message header summary to a log file.
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claws-mail-notification icon claws-mail-notification
Claws-mail plugin - mail notification.
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claws-mail-pdfviewer icon claws-mail-pdfviewer
Claws-mail plugin - PDF viewer.
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claws-mail-perl icon claws-mail-perl
Perl interface to Claws Mail's filtering mechanism.
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claws-mail-plugins icon claws-mail-plugins
Standard plugins for claws-mail.
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claws-mail-python icon claws-mail-python
Python interface to Claws Mail's filtering mechanism.
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claws-mail-spam_report icon claws-mail-spam_report
Claws-mail plugin - Reports spam to various places.
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claws-mail-tnefparse icon claws-mail-tnefparse
Claws-mail plugin: enables reading application/ms-tnef attachments.
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claws-mail-vcalendar icon claws-mail-vcalendar
Claws-mail plugin - vcalendar messages support.
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clementine icon clementine
A multiplatform music player.
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clipit icon clipit
Lightweight, fully featured GTK+ clipboard manager
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cloudvpn icon cloudvpn
Mesh-networked Virtual Private Network.
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cmix icon cmix
lossless data compression with high ratio but high CPU/memory usage
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coccinella icon coccinella
Cross-platform communication tool with a built-in whiteboard.
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cocoalib icon cocoalib
C++ library for computations in commutative algebra
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codeblocks icon codeblocks
An open source, cross platform, free C++ IDE.
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conky icon conky
Simple and very light system monitor.
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consonance icon consonance
A lightwight music manager.
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cookutils icon cookutils
SliTaz packages builder new generation.
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cookutils-daemon icon cookutils-daemon
SliTaz Cooker daemon script for build host.
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coova-chilli icon coova-chilli
Captive portal or wireless LAN access point controller.
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coova-chilli-dev icon coova-chilli-dev
Captive portal or wireless LAN access point controller, development files.
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copyq icon copyq
Clipboard Manager with Advanced Features
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coreutils icon coreutils
Utilities for using and setting the basic system.
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coreutils-character icon coreutils-character
GNU utilities that operate on characters.
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coreutils-command icon coreutils-command
GNU command utilities.
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coreutils-conditions icon coreutils-conditions
GNU utilities for conditions.
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coreutils-context-system icon coreutils-context-system
GNU utilities related to the system context.
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coreutils-context-user icon coreutils-context-user
GNU utilities related to the user context.
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coreutils-context-working icon coreutils-context-working
GNU utilities related to the working context.
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coreutils-directory icon coreutils-directory
GNU utilities that list directories.
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coreutils-disk icon coreutils-disk
GNU utilities that work with disks.
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coreutils-file-attributes icon coreutils-file-attributes
GNU utilities that change file attributes.
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coreutils-file-format icon coreutils-file-format
GNU utilities that format file contents.
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coreutils-file-output-full icon coreutils-file-output-full
GNU utilities that output entire files.
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coreutils-file-output-part icon coreutils-file-output-part
GNU utilities that output file parts.
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coreutils-file-sort icon coreutils-file-sort
GNU utilities that operate on sorted files.
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coreutils-file-special icon coreutils-file-special
GNU utilities that work with special file types.
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coreutils-file-summarize icon coreutils-file-summarize
GNU utilities that summarize files.
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coreutils-lang icon coreutils-lang
Utilities for using and setting the basic system - localised messages.
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coreutils-line icon coreutils-line
GNU utilities that operate on fields within a line.
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coreutils-multicall icon coreutils-multicall
Utilities for using and setting the basic system.
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coreutils-numeric icon coreutils-numeric
GNU numeric utilities.
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coreutils-operations icon coreutils-operations
GNU utilities that perform basic operations.
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coreutils-path icon coreutils-path
GNU utilities that perform path manipulation.
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coreutils-print icon coreutils-print
GNU utilities that print text.
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coreutils-redirection icon coreutils-redirection
GNU utility for output redirection.
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cpio icon cpio
GNU cpio archiver.
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cpu-g icon cpu-g
Shows useful information about your hardware
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cream icon cream
Light web browser based on WebKit and using GTK+.
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cromfs icon cromfs
Compressed read only filesystem implemented with FUSE.
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cryptkeeper icon cryptkeeper
Linux system tray applet that manages EncFS encrypted folders
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cssc icon cssc
GNU compatibly stupid source control : SCCS.
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cv icon cv
Linux tool to show progress for cp, rm, dd, ...
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davfs2 icon davfs2
Remote collaborative authoring of Web resources.
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ddd icon ddd
GNU Data Display Debugger, a graphical front-end for command-line debuggers.
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ddrescue icon ddrescue
Data recovery tool.
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defragfs icon defragfs
Measurement and Report and Defrag fs/file fragmentation.
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deluge icon deluge
A bittorrent client written with python and pygtk
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devede icon devede
A program to create VideoDVDs and CDs
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dfm icon dfm
Dino - Simple Qt based File Manager for GNU/Linux
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diffutils icon diffutils
Show differences between two files.
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diffutils-lang icon diffutils-lang
Show differences between two files - localised messages.
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dillo icon dillo
Light and fast web browser using FLTK.
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dirmngr icon dirmngr
DirMngr - X.509 directory manager
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dool icon dool
Versatile resource statistics tool.
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dosfstools icon dosfstools
Tools to create and check DOS filesystems.
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duc icon duc
Tools for inspecting and visualizing disk usage
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duviz icon duviz
Disk space usage visualization utility.
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e4rat icon e4rat
Ext4 - Reducing Access Times: Improve Startup Times.
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ecm icon ecm
Converts CD image files into a lossless format optimized for compression tools.
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ecm-extras icon ecm-extras
Extra tools from ecm.
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econnman icon econnman
ConnMan user interface for Enlightenment.
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ed icon ed
A line-oriented text editor.
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eggwm icon eggwm
EggWM is a light QT Window Manager.
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elementaryicons icon elementaryicons
Smooth modern theme designed to be intuitive
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emacs icon emacs
The GNU Emacs editor.
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emacs-help icon emacs-help
The GNU Emacs editor - Help files.
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emacs-lisp-sources icon emacs-lisp-sources
The GNU Emacs editor - Lisp source files.
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emacs-pkg-go-mode icon emacs-pkg-go-mode
An Emacs major mode for editing Go code.
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emacs-pkg-lua-mode icon emacs-pkg-lua-mode
An Emacs major mode for editing Lua code.
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emacs-pkg-po-mode icon emacs-pkg-po-mode
An Emacs major mode for editing or modifying PO files.
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emacs-pkg-text-translator icon emacs-pkg-text-translator
Translates strings by using translation services on the web.
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emacs-pkg-vala-mode icon emacs-pkg-vala-mode
An Emacs major mode for editing Vala code.
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emelfm2 icon emelfm2
GTK powerfull file manager.
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encfs icon encfs
Encryption filesystem for FUSE.
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engrampa icon engrampa
MATE archive manipulator.
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espeak icon espeak
Speech synthesizer.
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espeak-dev icon espeak-dev
Speech synthesizer development files.
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exempi icon exempi
An implementation of XMP (Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform).
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exempi-dev icon exempi-dev
An implementation of XMP (Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform) - development files.
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exfat-utils icon exfat-utils
exFAT file system tools.
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extended-actions icon extended-actions
Service for generating extended actions on files
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f3 icon f3
An alternative to h2testw.
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faenza-icon-theme icon faenza-icon-theme
Faenza icon theme.
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faenza-icon-theme-emblems icon faenza-icon-theme-emblems
Faenza icon theme (emblems).
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fbreader icon fbreader
E-Book Reader. Supports many e-book formats.
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findutils icon findutils
GNU utilities and tools to find and locate.
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flam3 icon flam3
Tools to create and display fractal flames: algorithmically generated images and animations.
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flam3-dev icon flam3-dev
Tools to create and display fractal flames: algorithmically generated images and animations (development files)
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fluxcomp icon fluxcomp
Interface description language used by DirectFB
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font-manager icon font-manager
A font management application for the GNOME desktop.
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fontconfig-infinality-yad icon fontconfig-infinality-yad
Frontend for fontconfig-infinality written in Yad
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fontforge icon fontforge
An outline font editor.
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freetuxtv icon freetuxtv
FreetuxTV is a free GTK+ WebTV and Web Radio player for Linux.
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fritzing icon fritzing
Electronic Design Automation software; from prototype to product.
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frogatto icon frogatto
An old-school 2d platform game, starring a certain quixotic frog.
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frogatto-data icon frogatto-data
An old-school 2d platform game, starring a certain quixotic frog (data files).
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fstransform icon fstransform
In-place filesystem conversion (for example from jfs/xfs/reiser to ext2/ext3/ext4) without backup
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gadmin-antivirus icon gadmin-antivirus
GTK+ configuration tool for ClamAV.
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gadmin-bind icon gadmin-bind
GTK+ configuration tool for bind9.
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gadmin-dhcpd icon gadmin-dhcpd
GTK+ configuration tool for DHCPD.
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gadmin-httpd icon gadmin-httpd
GTK+ configuration tool for Apache.
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gadmin-openvpn-client icon gadmin-openvpn-client
GTK+ configuration tool for OpenVPN (client).
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gadmin-openvpn-server icon gadmin-openvpn-server
GTK+ configuration tool for OpenVPN (server).
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gadmin-proftpd icon gadmin-proftpd
GTK+ configuration tool for ProFTPd.
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gadmin-rsync icon gadmin-rsync
GTK+ configuration tool for rsync.
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gadmin-samba icon gadmin-samba
GTK+ configuration tool for SAMBA.
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gadmin-sendmail icon gadmin-sendmail
GTK+ configuration tool for sendmail.
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gadmin-squid icon gadmin-squid
GTK+ configuration tool for SQUID.
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gadmin-sshd icon gadmin-sshd
GTK+ configuration tool for SSH.
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gadmintools icon gadmintools
GTK+ configuration tools.
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gajim icon gajim
Gtk Jabber client.
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gaupol icon gaupol
An editor for text-based subtitle files.
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gavl icon gavl
A low level library, upon which multimedia APIs can be built.
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gavl-dev icon gavl-dev
gavl devel files
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gawk icon gawk
GNU awk to handle simple data-reformatting.
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gawk-lang icon gawk-lang
GNU awk to handle simple data-reformatting - localised messages.
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gdb icon gdb
The GNU Project Debugger.
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gdb-dev icon gdb-dev
The GNU Project Debugger - development files.
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gdb-lang icon gdb-lang
The GNU Project Debugger - localised messages.
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gdb-python icon gdb-python
The GNU Project Debugger with Python support.
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gdbm icon gdbm
GNU database indexing library.
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gdbm-dev icon gdbm-dev
GNU database indexing library - development files.
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gegl icon gegl
Generic Graphics Library
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gegl-dev icon gegl-dev
Generic Graphics Library dev files
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gengetopt icon gengetopt
A tool to write command line option parsing code for C programs
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gentorrent icon gentorrent
Creates BitTorrent metainfo files with any BitTorrent extension.
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get-LibreOffice icon get-LibreOffice
Productivity suite.
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get-OpenOffice icon get-OpenOffice
Productivity suite.
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get-OpenOffice3 icon get-OpenOffice3
Productivity suite.
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get-OpenOffice4 icon get-OpenOffice4
Productivity suite.
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get-eclipse-pdt icon get-eclipse-pdt
Eclipse PHP Development Tools
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get-java6-jdk icon get-java6-jdk
SUN Java Development Kit
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get-java6-jre icon get-java6-jre
SUN Java Runtime
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get-java8-jre icon get-java8-jre
Oracle Java Runtime Environment
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gettext icon gettext
Utilities for the GNU Translation Project.
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gettext-base icon gettext-base
Base tools from the GNU Translation Project.
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gettext-tools icon gettext-tools
GNU gettext tools to manage translations.
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ghostscript-dev icon ghostscript-dev
Ghostscript development files.
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giac icon giac
A free computer algebra system.
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gimp icon gimp
Gnu Image Manipulation Program or GIMP!
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gimp-brushes icon gimp-brushes
Gimp brushes set.
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gimp-console icon gimp-console
The GIMP console.
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gimp-dev icon gimp-dev
Gnu Image Manipulation Program or GIMP devel files.
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gimp-plug-ins icon gimp-plug-ins
The GIMP image editor plug-ins suite for advanced users.
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gitso icon gitso
Frontend to reverse VNC connections.
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glances icon glances
A CLI curses based monitoring tool for GNU/Linux and BSD OS.
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glusterfs icon glusterfs
Distributed file system.
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gmerlin icon gmerlin
Gmerlin is a multimedia architecture for linux.
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gmp icon gmp
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.
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gmp-dev icon gmp-dev
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic - development files.
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gnome-calculator icon gnome-calculator
GNOME Calculator is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes.
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gnome-hearts icon gnome-hearts
GNOME hearts card game.
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gnome-icon-theme icon gnome-icon-theme
Default GNOME icon theme.
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gnome-js-common icon gnome-js-common
Gnome JS common files.
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gnubik icon gnubik
An interactive, graphical, single player rubik cube puzzle
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gnuchess icon gnuchess
GNU Chess lets most modern computers play a full game of chess.
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gnuchess-lang icon gnuchess-lang
GNU Chess lets most modern computers play a full game of chess - localised messages.
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gnugo icon gnugo
A free program that plays the game of Go.
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gnupg icon gnupg
Free implementation of the OpenPGP.
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gnuradio icon gnuradio
Signal processing blocks to implement software radios.
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gnustep-back icon gnustep-back
GNUstep Generic back-end.
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gnustep-gui icon gnustep-gui
GNUstep GUI class library.
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gnustep-gui-dev icon gnustep-gui-dev
GNUstep GUI - development files.
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gnustep-make icon gnustep-make
GNUstep make package.
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gnutls icon gnutls
GNU Transport Layer Security Library.
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gnutls-dev icon gnutls-dev
GNU Transport Layer Security Library headers
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gogglesmm icon gogglesmm
Goggles Music Manager is nice a music collection manager and player.
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goldendict icon goldendict
A feature-rich dictionary lookup program.
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gource icon gource
Software version control visualization.
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gpa icon gpa
Gnu Privacy Assistant.
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gpa-langpack icon gpa-langpack
Gnu Privacy Assistant, locale files.
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gperf icon gperf
GNU gperf is a perfect hash function generator.
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gpodder icon gpodder
A simple and usable podcast consumption.
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granite icon granite
A development library for elementary development
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granite-demo icon granite-demo
Demo for granite
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granite-dev icon granite-dev
Development files for granite
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grep icon grep
GNU Global Regular Expression Print.
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grep-lang icon grep-lang
GNU Global Regular Expression Print - localised messages.
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groff icon groff
The GNU troff text-formatting system.
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grub-btrfs icon grub-btrfs
Include btrfs snapshots at boot options. (Grub menu).
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grub2 icon grub2
GRUB2 boot loader.
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grub2-efi icon grub2-efi
GRUB2 boot loader.
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grub2-efi-modules icon grub2-efi-modules
GRUB2 EFI boot loader modules.
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grub2-efi-x64 icon grub2-efi-x64
GRUB2 boot loader.
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grub2-efi-x64-modules icon grub2-efi-x64-modules
GRUB2 EFI boot loader modules.
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gsasl icon gsasl
Simple Authentication and Security Layer.
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gsasl-dev icon gsasl-dev
Simple Authentication and Security Layer, development files.
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gsasl-lang icon gsasl-lang
Simple Authentication and Security Layer - localised messages.
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gsl icon gsl
Numerical library for C and C++ programmers.
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gsl-dev icon gsl-dev
Gsl development files (libraries and headers).
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gsmartcontrol icon gsmartcontrol
Hard disk drive health inspection tool (GUI for smartctl).
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gtick icon gtick
GTick is a metronome application.
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gtick-lang icon gtick-lang
GTick is a metronome application - localised messages.
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gtk-doc icon gtk-doc
Generate API documentation from comments added to C code.
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gtk-theme-arc icon gtk-theme-arc
A flat theme with transparent elements.
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gtk-theme-vertex icon gtk-theme-vertex
Aa theme for GTK 3, GTK 2, Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon.
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gtk2-engine-murrine icon gtk2-engine-murrine
GTK2 engine to make your desktop look like a murrina
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gtkhotkey icon gtkhotkey
Platform independent hotkey handling for GTK+ applications.
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gtkhotkey-dev icon gtkhotkey-dev
GTK Hotkey devel files.
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gucharmap icon gucharmap
GNOME Character Map (GTK+2)
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gucharmap-dev icon gucharmap-dev
GNOME Character Map (GTK+2), development files
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gucharmap-i18n icon gucharmap-i18n
Language files for GNOME Character Map (GTK+2)
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gucharmap3 icon gucharmap3
GNOME Character Map (GTK+3)
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gucharmap3-dev icon gucharmap3-dev
GNOME Character Map (GTK+3), development files
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gucharmap3-i18n icon gucharmap3-i18n
Language files for GNOME Character Map (GTK+3)
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guvcview icon guvcview
A simple GTK interface for capturing and viewing video from webcams.
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gv icon gv
X11 user interface for Ghostscript.
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gvfb icon gvfb
A virtual frame buffer program running on GTK.
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gvolwheel icon gvolwheel
Lightweight application to control the audio volume
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gvpe icon gvpe
Creates a virtual ethernet network with multiple nodes.
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gzip icon gzip
GNU compression utilities (gzip and gunzip)
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gzip-full icon gzip-full
GNU compression utilities
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help2man icon help2man
Produces simple manual pages.
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hp15c icon hp15c
HP-15C emulator.
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httrack icon httrack
An easy-to-use offline browser utility.
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hydra icon hydra
THC password cracker for FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, etc.
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icmptx icon icmptx
Tunnel IP connections using ICMP echo request.
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icoutils icon icoutils
Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files convertion tools.
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ijs icon ijs
IJS API function
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ijs-dev icon ijs-dev
IJS developement files
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indent icon indent
A tool for formatting C code.
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inxi icon inxi
Full featured CLI system information tool.
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itstool icon itstool
ITS-based XML translation tool.
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japanes-theme icon japanes-theme
Japanes Openbox and GTK2 Theme
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jbig2dec icon jbig2dec
Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format.
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jbig2dec-dev icon jbig2dec-dev
Development files for jbig2dec.
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jfsutils icon jfsutils
Utilities for manipulating jfs file-system.
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kegs icon kegs
An Apple IIgs emulator.
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kkedit icon kkedit
Source code text editor.
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klavaro icon klavaro
Free touch typing tutor program.
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knot icon knot
High-performance authoritative-only DNS server.
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knot-dev icon knot-dev
High-performance authoritative-only DNS server, development files.
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knot-dns icon knot-dns
High-performance authoritative DNS server
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knot-dns-dev icon knot-dns-dev
High-performance authoritative DNS server, development files
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lbzip2 icon lbzip2
Parallel implementation of bzip2.
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lcdnurse icon lcdnurse
'heal' dead pixels on your LCD screen.
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ldapfuse icon ldapfuse
Provides a filesystem virtual view into an LDAP tree.
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lensfun icon lensfun
Database of photographic lenses and a library that allows advanced access to the database.
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lensfun-dev icon lensfun-dev
Development files for lensfun.
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less icon less
A terminal based program for viewing text files.
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lessfs icon lessfs
A high performance inline data deduplicating filesystem.
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lftp icon lftp
Small but powerful ftp client.
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libQt3Support icon libQt3Support
Qt3 support Library
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libQt5Core icon libQt5Core
Qt5 Core files.
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libQt5DBus icon libQt5DBus
Qt5 Dbus Library.
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libQt5Designer icon libQt5Designer
Qt5 Designer.
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libQt5Gui icon libQt5Gui
Qt5 Gui Library.
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libQt5Help icon libQt5Help
Qt5 help library.
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libQt5Multimedia icon libQt5Multimedia
Qt5 multimedia library.
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libQt5Network icon libQt5Network
Qt5 network library.
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libQt5OpenGL icon libQt5OpenGL
Qt5 OpenGL library.
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libQt5Plugins icon libQt5Plugins
Qt5 x11 toolkit plugins.
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libQt5Script icon libQt5Script
Qt5 script library.
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libQt5ScriptTools icon libQt5ScriptTools
Qt5 ScriptTools library.
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libQt5Sql icon libQt5Sql
Qt5 SQL library.
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libQt5Svg icon libQt5Svg
Qt5 Svg library.
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libQt5Test icon libQt5Test
Qt5 test library.
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libQt5Xml icon libQt5Xml
Qt5 XML library.
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libQtClucene icon libQtClucene
Qt clucene Library
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libQtCore icon libQtCore
Qt Core files
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libQtDBus icon libQtDBus
Qt Dbus Library
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libQtDeclarative icon libQtDeclarative
Qt Declarative Library
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libQtDesigner icon libQtDesigner
Qt Designer
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libQtGui icon libQtGui
Qt Gui Library
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libQtHelp icon libQtHelp
Qt help Library
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libQtMultimedia icon libQtMultimedia
Qt Multimedia Library
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libQtNetwork icon libQtNetwork
Qt Network Library
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libQtOpenGL icon libQtOpenGL
Qt OpenGL Library
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libQtPlugins icon libQtPlugins
qt x11 toolkit plugins
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libQtScript icon libQtScript
Qt Script Lib
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libQtScriptTools icon libQtScriptTools
Qt ScriptTools Lib
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libQtSql icon libQtSql
Qt sql Library
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libQtSvg icon libQtSvg
Qt Svg Library
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libQtTest icon libQtTest
Qt Test library
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libQtWebkit icon libQtWebkit
Web browser engine for Qt
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libQtWebkit-video icon libQtWebkit-video
Web browser engine for Qt (with gstreamer HTML5 audio video support)
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libQtXml icon libQtXml
Qt Xml library
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libassuan icon libassuan
IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages.
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libassuan-dev icon libassuan-dev
IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages - development files.
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libav icon libav
Audio and video conversion library.
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libav-dev icon libav-dev
Development files for libav.
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libbcm2835 icon libbcm2835
C library for Broadcom BCM 2835 as used in Raspberry Pi.
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libcdio icon libcdio
GNU Compact Disk Input and Control Library.
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libcdio-dev icon libcdio-dev
GNU Compact Disk Input and Control Library - development files.
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libcdio-paranoia icon libcdio-paranoia
Port of's cdda paranoia to use libcdio for CDROM access.
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libcdio-paranoia-dev icon libcdio-paranoia-dev
Port of's cdda paranoia to use libcdio for CDROM access - development files.
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libcdio-utils icon libcdio-utils
Utilities supplied with libcdio.
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libgnutls icon libgnutls
GNU Transport Layer Security Library headers
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libguess icon libguess
User input ambiguity resolver for user inputs written in C++
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libhx icon libhx
Data structures and functions for scripting languages.
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libhx-dev icon libhx-dev
Data structures and functions for scripting languages, development files.
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libidn icon libidn
Encode and decode internationalized domain names.
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libidn-dev icon libidn-dev
Encode and decode internationalized domain names, development files.
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libidn-lang icon libidn-lang
Encode and decode internationalised domain names - localised messages.
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libksba icon libksba
Library to work with X.509 certificates, CMS data and related objects.
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libksba-dev icon libksba-dev
The libksba development files.
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liblouis icon liblouis
Open-source braille translator and back-translator.
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liblouis-dev icon liblouis-dev
Open-source braille translator and back-translator, development files.
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liblzma icon liblzma
Compressor library with a high compression ratio.
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liblzma-dev icon liblzma-dev
Compressor with a high compression ratio, development files.
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libmatekbd icon libmatekbd
Keyboard library for MATE Desktop.
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libmatekbd-dev icon libmatekbd-dev
Keyboard library for MATE Desktop, devel files.
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libmatemixer icon libmatemixer
Mixer library for MATE Desktop.
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libmatemixer-dev icon libmatemixer-dev
Mixer library for MATE Desktop, devel files.
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libmateweather icon libmateweather
Provides access to weather information from the Internet.
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libmateweather-dev icon libmateweather-dev
Provides access to weather information from the Internet.
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libmcp23s17 icon libmcp23s17
A simple C library for accessing an MCP23S17 port expander.
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libnfc icon libnfc
Near Field Communication (NFC) library.
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libpifacedigital icon libpifacedigital
A simple library for controlling PiFace Digital.
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libqcow icon libqcow
Tools for reading QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image files.
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libqcow-dev icon libqcow-dev
Tools for reading QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) images, development files.
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libsearpc icon libsearpc
A simple and easy-to-use C language RPC framework.
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libsearpc-dev icon libsearpc-dev
Development files for libsearpc.
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libspiro icon libspiro
Spiro simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves.
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libspiro-dev icon libspiro-dev
Development files for libspiro.
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libt4k_common icon libt4k_common
Common libraries for tux4kids games.
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libt4k_common-dev icon libt4k_common-dev
Common libraries for tux4kids games.
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libtasn1 icon libtasn1
ASN.1 library.
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libtasn1-dev icon libtasn1-dev
The libtasn1 development files.
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libtdb icon libtdb
A Trivia Database similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits.
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libtdb-dev icon libtdb-dev
Development files for libtdb.
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libunistring icon libunistring
Unicode string library.
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libunistring-dev icon libunistring-dev
Unicode string library, development files.
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licenses icon licenses
Various licenses
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lightdm icon lightdm
A lightweight display manager
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lightdm-dev icon lightdm-dev
Development files for lightdm
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lightdm-gtk2-greeter icon lightdm-gtk2-greeter
Reference GTK+ greeter for LightDM
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lightdm-gtk3-greeter icon lightdm-gtk3-greeter
Reference GTK+3 greeter for LightDM
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lightdm-qt icon lightdm-qt
A lightweight display manager for Qt
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lightdm-qt-dev icon lightdm-qt-dev
Development files for lightdm-qt
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littleutils icon littleutils
Image optimizers, archive recompressors, file property tools ...
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lives icon lives
Simple to use, yet powerful video editor and VJ tool.
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locale-ar icon locale-ar
Arabic locale pack
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locale-ar-extra icon locale-ar-extra
Extra Arabic locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-ca icon locale-ca
Catalan locale pack
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locale-ca-extra icon locale-ca-extra
Extra Catalan locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-cs icon locale-cs
Czech locale pack
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locale-cs-extra icon locale-cs-extra
Extra Czech locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-da icon locale-da
Danish locale pack
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locale-da-extra icon locale-da-extra
Extra Danish locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-de icon locale-de
German locale pack
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locale-de-extra icon locale-de-extra
German extra locale pack.
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locale-el icon locale-el
Greek locale pack
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locale-el-extra icon locale-el-extra
Extra Greek locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-en icon locale-en
English locale pack
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locale-es icon locale-es
Spanish locale pack
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locale-es-extra icon locale-es-extra
Spanish extra locale pack.
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locale-fi icon locale-fi
Finnish locale pack
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locale-fr icon locale-fr
French locale pack
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locale-fr-extra icon locale-fr-extra
Extra French locale pack (with Gimp, Mplayer, Xine)
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locale-hr icon locale-hr
Croatian locale pack
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locale-hu icon locale-hu
Hungarian locale pack
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locale-hu-extra icon locale-hu-extra
Extra Hungarian locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-id icon locale-id
Indonesian locale pack
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locale-id-extra icon locale-id-extra
Extra Indonesian locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-is icon locale-is
Icelandic locale pack
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locale-it icon locale-it
Italian locale pack
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locale-it-extra icon locale-it-extra
Italian extra locale pack.
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locale-ja icon locale-ja
Japanese locale pack
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locale-nb icon locale-nb
Norwegian locale pack (Bokmål)
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locale-nl icon locale-nl
Dutch locale pack
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locale-nn icon locale-nn
Norwegian locale pack (Nynorsk)
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locale-pl icon locale-pl
Polish locale pack
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locale-pl-extra icon locale-pl-extra
Extra Polish locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-pt icon locale-pt
Portuguese locale pack
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locale-pt-extra icon locale-pt-extra
Extra Portuguese locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-pt_BR icon locale-pt_BR
Portuguese/Brazilian locale pack
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locale-pt_BR-extra icon locale-pt_BR-extra
Portuguese/Brazilian extra locale pack.
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locale-ro icon locale-ro
Romanian locale pack
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locale-ru icon locale-ru
Russian locale pack
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locale-ru-extra icon locale-ru-extra
Russian extra locale pack.
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locale-sl icon locale-sl
Slovenian locale pack
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locale-sl-extra icon locale-sl-extra
Extra Slovenian locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-sv icon locale-sv
Swedish locale pack
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locale-sv-extra icon locale-sv-extra
Extra Swedish locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-tr icon locale-tr
Turkish locale pack
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locale-uk icon locale-uk
Ukrainian locale pack
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locale-zh_CN icon locale-zh_CN
Chinese Simplified locale pack.
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locale-zh_CN-extra icon locale-zh_CN-extra
Extra Chinese Simplified locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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locale-zh_TW icon locale-zh_TW
Chinese Traditional locale pack.
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locale-zh_TW-extra icon locale-zh_TW-extra
Extra Chinese Traditional locale pack (with GIMP, MPlayer, Xine)
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lockdis icon lockdis
Simple screen locker.
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lstm-compress icon lstm-compress
lossless data compression with high ratio but high CPU/memory usage
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luckybackup icon luckybackup
A powerful, fast and reliable backup and synchronisation tool.
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lutris icon lutris
An open gaming platform for Linux.
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lvmts icon lvmts
Hierarchical Storage Manager utilizing LVM.
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lxde-icon-theme icon lxde-icon-theme
LXDE standard icon theme
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lxdm icon lxdm
GUI login manager for LXDE
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lxinput icon lxinput
LXDE keyboard and mouse configuration.
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lxlauncher icon lxlauncher
LXDE launcher for netbooks.
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lxnetdaemon icon lxnetdaemon
Network manager for LXpanel.
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lxpolkit icon lxpolkit
LXDE PolicyKit authentication agent
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lxshortcut icon lxshortcut
LXDE application shortcut editor
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lynis icon lynis
Security and system auditing tool.
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m4 icon m4
GNU traditional Unix macro processor.
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m4-lang icon m4-lang
GNU traditional Unix macro processor - localised messages.
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madeirado-theme icon madeirado-theme
Madeirado theme for GTK2, Openbox, SLiM, and wallparer
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make icon make
GNU Make to generate executables and other files from source.
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make-slitaz-icons icon make-slitaz-icons
Make SliTaz icon theme
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marble icon marble
A virtual globe and world atlas.
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marco icon marco
A window manager for MATE Desktop.
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marco-dev icon marco-dev
A window manager for MATE Desktop, devel files.
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marlin icon marlin
A sleek and fast GTK3 file manager
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marlin-dev icon marlin-dev
Development files for marlin
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matchbox-window-manager-2 icon matchbox-window-manager-2
Matchbox Window Manager v2.
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mate icon mate
MATE X11 Desktop Environement
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mate-common icon mate-common
Common package for MATE applications.
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mate-common-dev icon mate-common-dev
Common package for MATE applications.
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mate-control-center icon mate-control-center
The control center for MATE Desktop.
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mate-control-center-dev icon mate-control-center-dev
The control center for MATE Desktop, devel files.
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mate-desktop icon mate-desktop
Common package for MATE Desktop applications.
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mate-desktop-dev icon mate-desktop-dev
Common package for MATE Desktop applications.
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mate-icon-theme icon mate-icon-theme
MATE's default icon set.
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mate-menus icon mate-menus
Common package for MATE Desktop applications.
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mate-menus-dev icon mate-menus-dev
Common package for MATE Desktop applications.
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mate-panel icon mate-panel
Panel where you can run applications and applets using MATE.
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mate-panel-dev icon mate-panel-dev
Panel where you can run applications and applets using MATE.
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mate-polkit icon mate-polkit
PolicyKit integration for the MATE desktop.
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mate-polkit-dev icon mate-polkit-dev
PolicyKit integration for the MATE desktop.
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mate-screensaver icon mate-screensaver
Screensaver for MATE desktop.
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mate-screensaver-dev icon mate-screensaver-dev
Screensaver for MATE desktop, devel files.
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mate-session-manager icon mate-session-manager
Session Handler for MATE desktop.
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mate-settings-daemon icon mate-settings-daemon
Settings daemon for MATE desktop.
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mate-settings-daemon-dev icon mate-settings-daemon-dev
Settings daemon for MATE desktop, devel files.
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mate-system-monitor icon mate-system-monitor
MATE's system monitor.
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mate-terminal icon mate-terminal
MATE Terminal is a terminal emulator for the MATE desktop.
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mc icon mc
Midnight Commander - ncurses based file manager.
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mc-lang icon mc-lang
Midnight Commander, ncurses based file manager - localised messages.
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mcrypt icon mcrypt
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mdp icon mdp
A command-line based markdown presentation tool.
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memo icon memo
Memo is a command line, Unix-style note-taking software.
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menu-railroad icon menu-railroad
Freedesktop menu for railroading applications.
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minitube icon minitube
Minitube is a native YouTube client
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mirage icon mirage
A fast and simple image viewer.
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mitter icon mitter
Mitter is a client for Twitter.
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mmv icon mmv
Move, copy, append, or link multiple files in one command.
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mongodb icon mongodb
High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database .
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moonshiner icon moonshiner
GUI for Ghostscript's PostScript-to-PDF converter.
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moosefs icon moosefs
Fault tolerant, network distributed file system.
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moserial icon moserial
A gtk-based serial console.
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mosh icon mosh
An Openbsd Secure Shell replacement.
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mozo icon mozo
MATE menu editing tool
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mpfr icon mpfr
C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations.
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mpfr-dev icon mpfr-dev
GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic - development files.
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mps-youtube icon mps-youtube
Terminal based YouTube player and downloader.
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msmtp icon msmtp
An SMTP client that transmits a mail to an SMTP server.
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msmtp-lang icon msmtp-lang
An SMTP client that transmits a mail to an SMTP server - localised messages.
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mtools icon mtools
Access MS-DOS disk from *nix.
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mtpaint icon mtpaint
Painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos.
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mtpaint-lang icon mtpaint-lang
Painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos - localised messages.
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mtpfs icon mtpfs
FUSE filesystem that supports reading and writing from any MTP device.
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mudraw icon mudraw
A lightweight PDF and XPS viewer (mudraw)
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mupdf icon mupdf
A lightweight PDF and XPS viewer
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mupdf-dev icon mupdf-dev
Development files for mupdf
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murrine-svn-themes icon murrine-svn-themes
Some murrine themes
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musique icon musique
Musique music player
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mysqlsniffer icon mysqlsniffer
Watch MySQL traffic on a TCP/IP network
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n2n icon n2n
A Layer Two Peer-to-Peer VPN.
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nagios-plugins icon nagios-plugins
Plugins for host, service and network monitoring program nagios.
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nagios-plugins-lang icon nagios-plugins-lang
Nagios plugins - localised messages.
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nagios-plugins-mysql icon nagios-plugins-mysql
Dependencies for Nagios MySQL plugin.
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nagisk icon nagisk
Simple tool to monitor Asterisk from a Nagios server.
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nano icon nano
Nano Text Editor.
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nano-doc icon nano-doc
Nano Text Editor, documentation and man pages.
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nano-lang icon nano-lang
Nano Text Editor - localised messages.
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nat-tester icon nat-tester
Network Address Translator tester.
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nathive icon nathive
lightweight image editor
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ndppd icon ndppd
NDP Proxy Daemon.
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netdata icon netdata
Real-time performance monitoring, done right
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nicotine+ icon nicotine+
A client for the SoulSeek filesharing network.
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nmon icon nmon
Nigel's performance Monitor.
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nms icon nms
Decrypting effects for text.
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nomacs icon nomacs
Pictures browser
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nomad icon nomad
user friendly wifi configure for nomads.
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non-studio icon non-studio
Complete studio, powerful, fast and light
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npth icon npth
The new GNU portable threads library.
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npth-dev icon npth-dev
The new GNU portable threads library, development files
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ntop icon ntop
Network traffic probe.
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ntop-dev icon ntop-dev
Network traffic probe development files.
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ntop-man icon ntop-man
Network traffic probe man page.
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obexfs icon obexfs
OBEX File System for FUSE.
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octave icon octave
Language for numerical computations.
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openerp-client icon openerp-client
Open source ERP client files.
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openerp-server icon openerp-server
Open source ERP server files.
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openshot icon openshot
an open-source, non-linear video editor for Linux based on MLT framework
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openspades icon openspades
Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75.
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os-prober icon os-prober
Utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives.
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oxygen-icons icon oxygen-icons
Oxygen icon theme.
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paper-gtk-theme icon paper-gtk-theme
Modern desktop theme suite.
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parallel icon parallel
A tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers.
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parcellite icon parcellite
Lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager.
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parted icon parted
GNU parted partition editor.
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parted-dev icon parted-dev
GNU parted editor devel files.
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patch icon patch
Utility to patch file with diff file.
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patchelf icon patchelf
Modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables.
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pdnsd icon pdnsd
A proxy DNS server with permanent caching.
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pem icon pem
GNU Personal Expenses Manager.
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perl-maketext-gettext icon perl-maketext-gettext
Perl gettext and Maketext frameworks
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phpeasyvcs icon phpeasyvcs
A simple version control system (VCS) and WebDAV server.
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phpfm icon phpfm
PHP Filesystem Management Tool in a single file.
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phpqrcode icon phpqrcode
Library for generating QR Code, 2-dimensional barcode.
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phpvirtualbox icon phpvirtualbox
Virtualbox AJAX interface.
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pidgin-libnotify icon pidgin-libnotify
Notification interface for Pidgin.
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pifmrds icon pifmrds
FM-RDS transmitter using the Raspberry Pi's PWM.
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pixiewps icon pixiewps
An offline WPS brute-force utility.
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pmount icon pmount
Mount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as normal user.
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pngquant icon pngquant
Command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images.
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pnmixer icon pnmixer
System tray sound mixer.
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potamus icon potamus
Unbloated and easy to use GTK+ Audio player.
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psycopg2 icon psycopg2
PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python.
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puddletag icon puddletag
A simple, powerful audio tag editor.
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purple-facebook icon purple-facebook
Facebook chat plugin for Pidgin and libpurple messengers.
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pwnat icon pwnat
NAT Traversal utility.
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pybootchartgui icon pybootchartgui
bootchart GUI in python
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pyneighborhood icon pyneighborhood
GUI frontend for samba tools (smbclient, smbmount, etc).
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pypar2 icon pypar2
A graphical frontend for the par2 utility
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pyrit icon pyrit
The famous WPA precomputed cracker
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pyroom icon pyroom
Full screen editor.
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pysolfc icon pysolfc
PySolFC is an extended version of PySol (a solitaire card game)
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python-aeroolib icon python-aeroolib
A report creation library for Python.
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python-cssutils icon python-cssutils
A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets.
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python-docutils icon python-docutils
Text processing system.
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python-elementary icon python-elementary
Python bindings for Elementary
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python-html2text icon python-html2text
Convert HTML into clean, easy-to-read markdown-formatted text.
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python-mpd icon python-mpd
Python MPD client library
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python-mygpoclient icon python-mygpoclient
Python interface to the web services.
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python-odoorpc icon python-odoorpc
Provides an easy way to pilot your Odoo servers through RPC.
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python-ooop icon python-ooop
OpenObject on Python, a library to connect with Open ERP.
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python-pyajam icon python-pyajam
Pythonic interface of Asterisk AJAM protocol.
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python-pyliblzma icon python-pyliblzma
A Python wrapper for the liblzma library.
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python-pyte icon python-pyte
Simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator.
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python-stfl icon python-stfl
Python bindings for tne Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library.
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python-vatnumber icon python-vatnumber
Validate VAT numbers for Python.
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qarte icon qarte
ARTE public programms manager
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qasmixer icon qasmixer
Qt based ALSA mixer
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qastools icon qastools
QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the ALSA
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qcad icon qcad
The Open Source CAD System For Everyone.
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qdirstat icon qdirstat
Tools for inspecting and visualizing disk usage.
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qmake icon qmake
Qt make
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qoauth icon qoauth
OAuth support for Qt applications.
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qt-locale-cs icon qt-locale-cs
Czech locale for Qt
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qt-locale-da icon qt-locale-da
Danish locale for Qt
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qt-locale-de icon qt-locale-de
German locale for Qt
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qt-locale-es icon qt-locale-es
Spanish locale for Qt
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qt-locale-fr icon qt-locale-fr
French locale for Qt
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qt-locale-hu icon qt-locale-hu
Hungarian locale for Qt
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qt-locale-pl icon qt-locale-pl
Polish locale for Qt
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qt-locale-pt icon qt-locale-pt
Portuguese locale for Qt
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qt-locale-ru icon qt-locale-ru
Russian locale for Qt
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qt-locale-sl icon qt-locale-sl
Slovenian locale for Qt
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qt-locale-sv icon qt-locale-sv
Swedish locale for Qt
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qt-locale-uk icon qt-locale-uk
Ukrainian locale for Qt
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qt-locale-zh_CN icon qt-locale-zh_CN
Chinese Simplified locale for Qt
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qt-locale-zh_TW icon qt-locale-zh_TW
Chinese Traditional locale for Qt
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qt4 icon qt4
qt x11 toolkit
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qt4-examples icon qt4-examples
Screenshot, FindFiles, CharacterMap
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qt5 icon qt5
qt x11 toolkit
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qt5-locale-cs icon qt5-locale-cs
Czech locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-da icon qt5-locale-da
Danish locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-de icon qt5-locale-de
German locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-es icon qt5-locale-es
Spanish locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-fr icon qt5-locale-fr
French locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-hu icon qt5-locale-hu
Hungarian locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-pl icon qt5-locale-pl
Polish locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-pt icon qt5-locale-pt
Portuguese locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-ru icon qt5-locale-ru
Russian locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-sl icon qt5-locale-sl
Slovenian locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-sv icon qt5-locale-sv
Swedish locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-uk icon qt5-locale-uk
Ukrainian locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-zh_CN icon qt5-locale-zh_CN
Simplified Chinese locale for Qt5.
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qt5-locale-zh_TW icon qt5-locale-zh_TW
Traditional Chinese (Taiwanese) locale for Qt5.
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qt5-qmake icon qt5-qmake
Qt5 make
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qtconfig icon qtconfig
Qtconfig is a tool that allows users to customize the default settings for Qt applications
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qtwitter icon qtwitter
A Qt-based, cross-network microblogging client.
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qupzilla icon qupzilla
QupZilla - QtWebKit browser
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qupzilla-locales icon qupzilla-locales
Translations for the QupZilla browser
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qxkb icon qxkb
The keypad switch written on Qt4
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radare2 icon radare2
The reverse engineering framework.
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ranger icon ranger
File manager.
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rapidsvn icon rapidsvn
A cross-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system.
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rdesktop icon rdesktop
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client for Windows terminal server.
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rdpdesk icon rdpdesk
RDP, VNC & ICA client.
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readline icon readline
GNU readline.
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readline-dev icon readline-dev
GNU readline - development files.
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recorder icon recorder
A simple GTK+ disc burner
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redshift icon redshift
Screen color temperature adjustement.
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rgzip icon rgzip
Rsync friendly gzip.
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rhythmcat2 icon rhythmcat2
RhythmCat2 music player
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rsync icon rsync
Utility that provides fast incremental file transfer.
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ruby-native-package-installer icon ruby-native-package-installer
Helper to install native packages on 'gem install'.
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rubyripper icon rubyripper
A secure audio disc ripper
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s3ql icon s3ql
A file system for Google Storage, Amazon S3 or OpenStack.
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samba icon samba
File and print services with SMB/CIFS.
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samba-common icon samba-common
File and print services with SMB/CIFS, client side.
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samba-dev icon samba-dev
File and print services with SMB/CIFS, development files.
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samba-pam icon samba-pam
File and print services with SMB/CIFS using PAM.
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sbackup icon sbackup
Simple backup.
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sbxkb icon sbxkb
Simple tray XKB indicator
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screenfetch icon screenfetch
Bash screenshot information tool.
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sdft icon sdft
SliTaz Desktop Files Tools
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sed icon sed
GNU stream editor.
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shake icon shake
A defragmentation tool.
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sharutils icon sharutils
The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives.
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sip icon sip
C/C++ Bindings Generator for Python v2 and v3.
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sip-dev icon sip-dev
Development files for sip.
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slitaz-arm-configs icon slitaz-arm-configs
SliTaz ARM config files and artwork.
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slitaz-base-files icon slitaz-base-files
Linux tree and the necessary files for the base system.
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slitaz-boot-scripts icon slitaz-boot-scripts
Provide all the initialisation scripts used at boot time.
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slitaz-configs icon slitaz-configs
SliTaz config files and artwork.
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slitaz-configs-base icon slitaz-configs-base
SliTaz config files for text based systems.
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slitaz-doc icon slitaz-doc
SliTaz system documentation.
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slitaz-eeepc icon slitaz-eeepc
SliTaz EeePC scripts and configuration files.
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slitaz-i18n icon slitaz-i18n
SliTaz internationalization meta package to build locale pack.
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slitaz-i18n-extra icon slitaz-i18n-extra
SliTaz internationalization meta package to build extra locale pack.
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slitaz-icon icon slitaz-icon
SliTaz icons in size 22x22 and 32x32 (minimum).
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slitaz-icons-elementary icon slitaz-icons-elementary
SliTaz icon set based on the elementary icons
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slitaz-icons-faenza icon slitaz-icons-faenza
SliTaz icon set based on the Faenza icons
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slitaz-icons-faenza-dark icon slitaz-icons-faenza-dark
SliTaz icon set based on the Faenza-Dark icons
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slitaz-icons-nuovext icon slitaz-icons-nuovext
SliTaz icon set based on the nuoveXT2 icons
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slitaz-menus icon slitaz-menus
SliTaz i18n Freedesktop menus
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slitaz-mercurial-style icon slitaz-mercurial-style
SliTaz CSS style and images for Mercurial Web repos.
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slitaz-polar-cursors icon slitaz-polar-cursors
SliTaz cursor theme based on Polar Cursor Theme
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slitaz-tango-icon icon slitaz-tango-icon
Tango icons unofficial in size 16x16 and 32x32 (minimum).
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slitaz-tools icon slitaz-tools
SliTaz tools provide installer and utils usable on terminal.
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slitaz-tools-boxes icon slitaz-tools-boxes
All SliTaz GTK/Yad boxes to command line tools.
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slitaz-violet-theme icon slitaz-violet-theme
fresh violet theme for gtk+-2.0 (clearlooks) and openbox.
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smbclient icon smbclient
File and print services with SMB/CIFS, client side.
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sngrep icon sngrep
Ncurses SIP Messages flow viewer.
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sonata icon sonata
Elegant GTK+ music client for MPD
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songwrite icon songwrite
music score and songbook editor.
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sozi icon sozi
A small program that can play animated presentations.
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spacefm icon spacefm
Light, fast and easy to use file manager.
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spacefm-lang icon spacefm-lang
Light, fast and easy to use file manager - localised messages.
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squid-custom-errors icon squid-custom-errors
squid error messages customized for SliTaz
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squidanalyzer icon squidanalyzer
Squid proxy native log analyser and reports generator
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squidclamav icon squidclamav
Antivirus redirector for Squid proxy.
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squidguardmgr icon squidguardmgr
Web GUI for squidGuard and SquidClamav administration.
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sslscan icon sslscan
Tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites.
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stardict icon stardict
A powerful international dictionary written in Gtk2.
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steadyflow icon steadyflow
Simple download manager for GNOME
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stfl icon stfl
Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library.
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stfl-dev icon stfl-dev
Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library, development files.
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sudoku-savant icon sudoku-savant
Sudoku games/generator using GTK.
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suggested-applications icon suggested-applications
Set of desktop files for default applications.
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supertux icon supertux
SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original SuperMario games.
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supertux-data icon supertux-data
SuperTux data files
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swat icon swat
Samba Web Administration Tool.
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swig icon swig
A compiler that makes it easy to integrate C and C++ code with scripting languages.
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system-tools-backends icon system-tools-backends
GNOME System Tools backends
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tar icon tar
GNU tar archiving tools.
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tar-lang icon tar-lang
GNU tar archiving tools - localised messages.
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tazdrop icon tazdrop
SliTaz desktop Drag N' Drop tool
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tazinst icon tazinst
SliTaz installer
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tazinst-gui icon tazinst-gui
SliTaz installer (GUI frontend)
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tazlito icon tazlito
SliTaz Live Tool.
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tazpkg icon tazpkg
SliTaz packages manager
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tazpkg-desc-ru icon tazpkg-desc-ru
Russian descriptions for SliTaz packages
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tazusb icon tazusb
SliTaz LiveUSB utility
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tea icon tea
A QT-based text editor.
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texinfo icon texinfo
GNU documentation tools.
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threaded-samba-scanner icon threaded-samba-scanner
A very fast samba scanner.
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tinyssh-keyconvert icon tinyssh-keyconvert
Convert ed25519 hostkeys from openssh format
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tlp icon tlp
Advanced Power Management for Linux.
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tor-arm icon tor-arm
Terminal status monitor for Tor.
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tupi icon tupi
2D vector animation studio
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turnserver icon turnserver
open-source TURN server implementation.
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turses icon turses
A Twitter client for the console.
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tuxmath icon tuxmath
Arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts.
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udevil icon udevil
Fast and light devices manager.
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udpxy icon udpxy
An UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon.
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ufw icon ufw
Uncomplicated Firewall, a cli for managing netfilter.
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ufw-lang icon ufw-lang
Uncomplicated Firewall, a cli for managing netfilter - localised messages.
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umplayer-svn icon umplayer-svn
Ultimate Multimedia Player (QT MPlayer frontend)
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unhide icon unhide
Forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports.
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unison icon unison
File-synchronization tool.
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units icon units
Units converter.
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urbackup-client icon urbackup-client
An easy to setup Open Source client-server backup system.
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urbackup-server icon urbackup-server
An easy to setup Open Source client-server backup system.
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usbmanager icon usbmanager
An USB storage management interface written in Python
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usbmuxd icon usbmuxd
USB Multiplex Daemon
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usbmuxd-dev icon usbmuxd-dev
devel files for usbmuxd-dev
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v4l4j icon v4l4j
v4l4j is a java JNI wrapper to access the Video4Linux API.
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varka icon varka
A library on top of gtk to build applications
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varka-dev icon varka-dev
Development files for varka
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ventoy icon ventoy
A tool to create bootable USB drive for ISO/WIM/IMG/VHD(x)/EFI files.
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viewnior icon viewnior
Fast and elegant image viewer.
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volumeicon icon volumeicon
A lightweight volume control for the system tray.
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wavemon icon wavemon
An ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices.
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wbar2 icon wbar2
Quick launch bar.
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wbarconf icon wbarconf
Configuration GUI for wbar written in Python and GTK
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weechat icon weechat
A fast, light and extensible chat client.
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wget icon wget
An utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS or FTP.
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wget-lang icon wget-lang
An utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS or FTP - localised messages.
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whdd icon whdd
HDD diagnostic and data recovery tool
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which icon which
A utility to show the full path of commands.
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wimlib icon wimlib
Library to create, extract, and modify Windows Imaging (WIM) files.
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wkhtmltopdf icon wkhtmltopdf
Tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats.
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wqy-microhei icon wqy-microhei
文泉驿微米黑,版本v0.2.0-beta (开发代号:远古大爆炸,Codename: BigBang)
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xfce4-volumed icon xfce4-volumed
Volume keys daemon
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xfsprogs icon xfsprogs
Utilities for making, mounting, and manipulating XFS file-systems.
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xpad icon xpad
Sticky note application for X
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xpaint icon xpaint
Simple paint program for X.
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xz icon xz
General-purpose data compressor with a high compression ratio.
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xz-dev icon xz-dev
xz and liblzma development files.
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yad-gtk2 icon yad-gtk2
Yet Another Dialog (GTK+2).
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yad-gtk2-html icon yad-gtk2-html
Yet Another Dialog (GTK+2, with HTML widget).
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yad-gtk3 icon yad-gtk3
Yet Another Dialog (GTK+3).
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yagf icon yagf
A graphical front-end for cuneiform and tesseract OCR tools.
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yarock icon yarock
Yarock is a music player in c++/Qt
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yuyo-gtk-theme icon yuyo-gtk-theme
Yuyo is a GTK theme belonging to the Ubuntu MATE project.
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zbackup icon zbackup
A versatile deduplicating backup tool.
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zeromq icon zeromq
The ZeroMQ messaging library
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zeromq-dev icon zeromq-dev
The ZeroMQ messaging library, development files.
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zile icon zile
A lightweight Emacs clone.
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znotes icon znotes
zNotes is lightweigh crossplatform application for notes management
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zonecheck icon zonecheck
Check that a zone or domain name is correctly configured in the DNS.
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zpaq icon zpaq
incremental journaling backup utility and archiver
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5935 packages and 845883 files in cooking database (Sun Jun 30 00:45:24 2024)